

Page 3 of 113. Showing 1,122 results (0.038 seconds)

  1. 1. Use Case Startup

    , ORU The ODU does not yet have a FHMP capability to the ORU. Therefore either the SMO will use the ODU role for carrier settings or OTF will provide the ORU
  2. "D" Release - Closed Loop Use Case: Simulation of O-RU and O-DU

    train models;a=tree;f=data-model/yang/published/o-ran/ru-fh, in the case of O-RU, and the use case … -ready etc.). Artifacts Each of the simulators is released as a docker image which can be used independent from any other image. O-RU Simulator
    SIMSep 24, 2021
  3. Health Check Use Case

    Color code Not Participating Support implemented Support NOT implemented Support partially implemented
    Integration and TestingMay 05, 2020
  4. Use Cases

    Integration and TestingJan 08, 2021
  5. Healthcheck Use Case to EPIC Flow.docx

    @startuml Autonumber Skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2 skinparam ParticipantPadding 5 skinparam BoxPadding 10 Box Personnel #lightblue Participant OTF as “Test Driver” <<INT>> End box Box SMO #gold Participant O1VES as “O1” <<(C, lime) OAM>> Participant O1 as “O1” <<(A, lime) OAM>> Participant A1 as “A
  6. Traffic Steering Use Case xApps

    RIC ApplicationsMar 26, 2020
  7. "D" - Closed Loop Use Case

  8. Hello World xApp Use Case Flows

    Up-to-date information See section "Demo on how to deploy the near-RT RIC, compile and connect the E2 simulator, compile the hello-world go xapp and how use … by threshold" changing to using the new threshold value. Run... $ POLICY_ID="tsapolicy145" $ curl -X PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json"   --data
    Getting StartedAug 16, 2022
  9. Cherry - Use Cases

  10. Running A1 and O1 Use Case Flows

    (Outdated) Some old videos Outdated (last updated in 2020): O-DU HIGH - NearRTRIC E2 setup: odu-high.mp4 Outdated (last updated in 2020): A1 flow: a1.mp4 Outdated (last updated in 2020): O1 flow: o1.mp4 A1 flow This information is outdated (not updated since 2020): Prerequisites: RIC and SMO Installation com
    Getting StartedFeb 24, 2023