WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported. This will impact performance. 2021-01-17 18:13:33.553  INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.f.ClientConfigurationFactory : Successful validation of Client configuration. Configuration data: REQUEST_URL: https://oom-cert-service:8443/v1/certificate/, REQUEST_TIMEOUT: 30000, OUTPUT_PATH: /var/custom-certs, CA_NAME: RA, OUTPUT_TYPE: P12 2021-01-17 18:13:33.565  INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.f.CsrConfigurationFactory  : Successful validation of CSR configuration. Configuration data: COMMON_NAME: sdnc.simpledemo.onap.org, COUNTRY: US, STATE: California, ORGANIZATION: Linux-Foundation, ORGANIZATION_UNIT: ONAP, LOCATION: San-Francisco, SANS: null 2021-01-17 18:13:33.565  INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.KeyPairFactory  : KeyPair generation started with algorithm: RSA and key size: 2048 2021-01-17 18:13:34.744  INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.CsrFactory  : Creation of CSR has been started with following parameters: COMMON_NAME: sdnc.simpledemo.onap.org, COUNTRY: US, STATE: California, ORGANIZATION: Linux-Foundation, ORGANIZATION_UNIT: ONAP, LOCATION: San-Francisco, SANS: null 2021-01-17 18:13:34.806  INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.CsrFactory  : Creation of CSR has been completed successfully 2021-01-17 18:13:34.807  INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.CsrFactory  : Conversion of CSR to PEM has been started 2021-01-17 18:13:34.814  INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.c.PrivateKeyToPemEncoder  : Attempt to encode private key to PEM 2021-01-17 18:13:34.926  INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.h.HttpClient  : Attempt to send request to API, on url: https://oom-cert-service:8443/v1/certificate/RA 2021-01-17 18:13:35.336  INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.h.HttpClient  : Received response from API 2021-01-17 18:13:35.337 ERROR 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.h.HttpClient  : Error on API response. Response Code: 404 2021-01-17 18:13:35.356 ERROR 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.CertServiceClient  : Cert Service Client fails in execution: org.onap.oom.certservice.client.httpclient.exception.CertServiceApiResponseException: CertService HTTP unsuccessful response. Response code: 404 . Message from Service: Certification authority not found for given CAName at org.onap.oom.certservice.client.httpclient.HttpClient.generateApiResponseException(HttpClient.java:96) at org.onap.oom.certservice.client.httpclient.HttpClient.extractCertServiceResponse(HttpClient.java:84) at org.onap.oom.certservice.client.httpclient.HttpClient.retrieveCertServiceData(HttpClient.java:62) at org.onap.oom.certservice.client.CertServiceClient.run(CertServiceClient.java:75) at org.onap.oom.certservice.client.MainApp.main(MainApp.java:26) 2021-01-17 18:13:35.362  INFO 1 [ main] o.o.o.c.c.AppExitHandler  : Application exits with following exit code: 5 and message: CertService HTTP unsuccessful response