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to be tested

Call flow diagram 

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PlantUML Macro
titleRIC Self-Check
Skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
skinparam ParticipantPadding 5
skinparam BoxPadding 10

Box SMO #gold
    Participant SMO_O1 as “O1” <<OAM>>
    Participant RPGE as “Non-RT RIC” <<NONRTRIC>>
End box

Box “O-RAN RIC” #lightpink
    Participant A1TERM as “A1 MED” <<RIC>>
    Participant O1TERM as “O1 TERM” <<RIC>>
    Participant HC as "HealthCk Function" <<RIC>>
    Participant MOD as "Platform Modules" <<RIC>>
    Participant xAPP as “xAPPs” <<RICAPP>>
    Participant E2TERM as “E2 TERM” <<RIC>>
End box

Box “O-RAN Managed Function (MF)” #lightpink
    Participant MF as “Managed Function” <<MF>>
End box
Note over MF : MF = O-CU, O-DU

=== Alarms from individual RIC Platform Modules and xAPPs ==
Note over RPGE,HC
Note: Apart from Health-Checks, a platform module or xAPP may generate an alarm (or
its clearing) when it encounters a failure/error (e.g., failure to reach another module)
End Note

MOD -> O1TERM : Platform Module Alarm/Clear
O1TERM -> SMO_O1 : <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear
xAPP -> O1TERM : xAPP Alarm/Clear
O1TERM -> SMO_O1 : <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear

=== RIC Self-Checks @ Regular Intervals ==

Note over A1TERM,HC #lightsalmon
 Support HealthCheck Telemetry (FM, Heartbeat, PM)
End note

Note over HC 
 RIC Self-Checks Initiated
End note

Group loop for each Platform Module
HC -> MOD : Perform HealthCheck
Note Left 
 Support Platform Module HealthCheck
End Note
MOD -> HC : HealthCheck Status

HC -> O1TERM : Platform Module Alarm/Clear
O1TERM -> SMO_O1 : <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear

Group loop for each xAPP instance deployed
HC -> xAPP : Perform HealthCheck
xAPP -> HC : HealthCheck Status
Note Left #lightsalmon
 Support xAPP HealthCheck
End note

HC -> O1TERM : xAPP Alarm/Clear
O1TERM -> SMO_O1 : <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear

MF -> E2TERM : <<E2>> keep-alive
Note Left #lightsalmon : Support E2 Test Message Processing
E2TERM -> HC : <<E2>> missed heartbeat

HC -> O1TERM : E2 Alarm/Clear
O1TERM -> SMO_O1 : <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear

HC -> O1TERM : Log HC results & update \nalarm-list in yang model
Note Left #lightsalmon : Support Alarm Retrieval from SMO, Dashboard


Delivery Status

Alarms from individual RICP Modules and xApps1. Platform Module Clarm/Clear (RICP.O1 -> OAM)

2. <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear(RICP.O1 -> OAM)

3. xApp Alarm/Clear (RICAPP -> RICP.O1)

4. <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear(RICP.O1 -> OAM)

RIC Self-checks @Regular Intervals5. Perform Healthcheck (RICP.O1 -> RICP.*)

6. Healthcheck Status (RICP components -> RICP.O1)

7. Platform Module Alarm/Clear (RICP.O1 -> RICP.O1)

8. <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear(RICP.O1 -> OAM)

9. Perform Healghcheck (RICP.O1 -> RICAPP components)

10. Healthcheck Status (RICP components -> RICP.O1)

11. xApp Alarm/Clear

RICP: No alarm defined, may test manually with artificial alarm
12. <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear(RICP.O1 -> OAM)

13. <E2> Alive (O-DU High -> RICP.E2T)

Use sctp keep alive
14. <<E2>> Missing heartbeat (RICP.E2T to RICP.O1)

15. E2 Alarm/Clear (RICP.O1 -> RICP.O1)

16. <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear(RICP.O1 -> OAM)

17. Log HC results and update alarm list in yang model

RICP: Logging implemented, not alarming
