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The A1 Policy Management Service and , the Enrichment Information Coordinator Service and the DMaap Adapter has a default keystores and truststores that are built into the containers. The paths and passwords for these stores are located in a yaml file:


Code Block
kubectl create configmap  enrichmentservice-configmap --from-file=./config --dry-run=client -n nonrtric -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -

DMaaP Adapter Service, configuration of SSL in Kubernetes

Configuration of the SSL is done in the same was as for the A1 Policy Management Service and the ECS  (see above). There are two differences:

  1. The name of the config map is dmaapadapterservice-configmap-config.
  2. The file paths for the config directory for this component (where the config map is mounted) is /opt/app/enrichment-coordinator-service/config.

So the application.yaml paths will then be:

trust-store: /opt/app/dmaap-adaptor-service/config/truststore.jks

The command for updating the config map is:

Code Block
kubectl create configmap  dmaapadapterservice-configmap-config --from-file=./config --dry-run=client -n nonrtric -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
