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Up-to-date information

See section "Demo on how to deploy the near-RT RIC, compile and connect the E2 simulator, compile the hello-world go xapp and how use the dms_cli to deploy it" in 2022-05-24 Release F or generally the links here: Introduction and guides#Installingthenear-RTRIC

Some old information from 2020 related to A1 (not sure if still works)

Create a Policy Type

Here we define a new policy type and call the A1 mediator to create such a policy type.

Run ...

$ cd ~/dep/
$ POLICY_TYPE_ID="20008"
$ echo '{ "name": "tsapolicy", "description": "tsa parameters", "policy_type_id": 20008, "create_schema": { "$schema": "", "title": "TS Policy", "description": "TS policy type", "type": "object", "properties": { "threshold": { "type": "integer", "default": 0 } }, "additionalProperties": false } } ' > ts-policy-type-20008.json
$ curl -v -X PUT


NOTE:  cd to your directory where installation will be, i.e. /home/user

Run ...

$ sudo -i

$ git clone

$ cd dep
$ git submodule update --init --recursive --remote


$ sudo -i
Note: After doing sudo -i you will need to return to user home directory. You will need to go /home/user.


#  The outputted script is will be used for preparing K8 cluster for RIC to deploy to file is  ""


Run ...  For SMO 

$ cd ../etc
$ vi infra.rc   # Review and edit the versions, using the combination for ONAP Frankfurt
$ cd ../bin
$ ./   # The stack install script for ONAP will be generated.


Run ...

$ ./

NOTE: Be patient as this takes some time to complete. Upon completion of this script, the VM will be rebooted.  You will then need to login once again.

$ sudo -i

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces  # There should be  9 pods running in kube-system namespace.


Run ...

$ cd /home/user/dep/bin
$ ./deploy-ric-platform -f ../RECIPE_EXAMPLE/PLATFORM/example_recipe.yaml
$ kubectl get pods -n ricplt   # There should be ~16 pods running in the ricplt namespace.  










policytypes/${POLICY_TYPE_ID}"   -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json


"   -d @./ts-policy-type-${POLICY_TYPE_ID}.json

List Policy Types

We now should see the newly created policy type when querying the A1 mediator.

Run ...

$ curl -X GET --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "accept: application/json"   







#  Verify xApp is not running...

kubectl get pods -n ricxapp

# Call xApp Manager to deploy HelloWorld xApp...

curl --location --request POST "http://$(hostname):32080/appmgr/ric/v1/xapps"  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'  --data-raw '{"xappName": "hwxapp"}'

#  Verify xApp is running...

kubectl get pods -n ricxapp

#  View logs...

$ kubectl logs -n ricxapp <name of POD retrieved from statement above>


Create a Policy Instance

Policy type is merely a declaration.  Now we create a policy instance, filling the properties with actual values.  This is also carried out by the A1 mediator. 

A1 mediator will distribute the new policy instance to the Traffic Steering xApp. 

And then we should see that the TS xApp receives this policy instancee and its behavior of "filtering RAN data by threshold" changing to using the new threshold value.


$ POLICY_ID="tsapolicy145"
$ curl -X PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json"   --data "{\"threshold\" : 5}"   http://$(hostname):32080/a1mediator/a1-p/policytypes/${POLICY_TYPE_ID}/policies/${POLICY_ID}


Kubectl commads:

kubectl get pods -n nampespace - gets a list of Pods running

kubectl get logs -n namespace name_of_running_pod

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