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to be tested

Call flow diagram



titleClick here to expand... (copied from RSAC

PlantUML Macro
titleRIC Self-Check
Skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
skinparam ParticipantPadding 5
skinparam BoxPadding 10

Box SMO #gold
    Participant SMO_O1 as “O1” <<OAM>>
    Participant RPGE as “Non-RT RIC” <<NONRTRIC>>
End box

Box “O-RAN RIC” #lightpink
    Participant A1TERM as “A1 MED” <<RIC>>
    Participant O1TERM as “O1 TERM” <<RIC>>
    Participant HC as "HealthCk Function" <<RIC>>
    Participant MOD as "Platform Modules" <<RIC>>
    Participant xAPP as “xAPPs” <<RICAPP>>
    Participant E2TERM as “E2 TERM” <<RIC>>
End box

Box “O-RAN Managed Function (MF)” #lightpink
    Participant MF as “Managed Function” <<MF>>
End box
Note over MF : MF = O-CU, O-DU

=== Alarms from individual RIC Platform Modules and xAPPs ==
Note over RPGE,HC
Note: Apart from Health-Checks, a platform module or xAPP may generate an alarm (or
its clearing) when it encounters a failure/error (e.g., failure to reach another module)
End Note

MOD -> O1TERM : Platform Module Alarm/Clear
O1TERM -> SMO_O1 : <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear
xAPP -> O1TERM : xAPP Alarm/Clear
O1TERM -> SMO_O1 : <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear

=== RIC Self-Checks @ Regular Intervals ==

Note over A1TERM,HC #lightsalmon
 Support HealthCheck Telemetry (FM, Heartbeat, PM)
End note

Note over HC 
 RIC Self-Checks Initiated
End note

Group loop for each Platform Module
HC -> MOD : Perform HealthCheck
Note Left 
 Support Platform Module HealthCheck
End Note
MOD -> HC : HealthCheck Status

HC -> O1TERM : Platform Module Alarm/Clear
O1TERM -> SMO_O1 : <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear

Group loop for each xAPP instance deployed
HC -> xAPP : Perform HealthCheck
xAPP -> HC : HealthCheck Status
Note Left #lightsalmon
 Support xAPP HealthCheck
End note

HC -> O1TERM : xAPP Alarm/Clear
O1TERM -> SMO_O1 : <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear

MF -> E2TERM : <<E2>> keep-alive
Note Left #lightsalmon : Support E2 Test Message Processing
E2TERM -> HC : <<E2>> missed heartbeat

HC -> O1TERM : E2 Alarm/Clear
O1TERM -> SMO_O1 : <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear

HC -> O1TERM : Log HC results & update \nalarm-list in yang model
Note Left #lightsalmon : Support Alarm Retrieval from SMO, Dashboard


Delivery Status

Alarms from individual RICP Modules and xApps1. Platform Module ClarmAlarm/Clear (RICP.O1 -> OAM)

RIC implements Alarm system following: RIC Alarm System.  In this implementation, alarms injected into Prometheus AlertManger from individual modules using Alarm Adapter.  AlterManager pushes alarms to VESPA, then to VES collector entering SMO.  No RIC component implemented such alarm reporting mechanism other than AlarmAdapter, a demo/testing CLI for manually injecting alarms into the system.

2. <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear(RICP.O1 -> OAM)

3. xApp Alarm/Clear (RICAPP -> RICP.O1)

4. <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear(RICP.O1 -> OAM)

RIC Self-checks @Regular Intervals5. Perform Healthcheck (RICP.O1 -> RICP.*)

RIC healthcheck is performed by Prometheus periodically polling components healthcheck API, no O1 involvement.  Tested
6. Healthcheck Status (RICP components -> RICP.O1)

O1 polling Prometheus Alert Manager tested.
7. Platform Module Alarm/Clear (RICP.O1 -> RICP.O1)

No platform component
8. <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear(RICP.O1 -> OAM)

Problem: RIC deployment is not configured for completing this flow.
9. Perform Healghcheck Healthcheck (RICP.O1 -> RICAPP components)

10. Healthcheck Status (RICP components -> RICP.O1)

11. xApp Alarm/Clear

RICP: No alarm defined, may test manually with artificial alarm
12. <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear(RICP.O1 -> OAM)

13. <E2> Alive (O-DU High -> RICP.E2T)

Use sctp keep alive, E2 Setup/response completed
14. <<E2>> Missing heartbeat (RICP.E2T to RICP.O1)

15. E2 Alarm/Clear (RICP.O1 -> RICP.O1)

16. <<O1VES>> Alarm or Clear(RICP.O1 -> OAM)

17. Log HC results and update alarm list in yang model

RICP: Logging implemented, not alarming
