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Service Manager builds on CAPIF and depends on the Kong API Gateway. CAPIF stands for common API framework and it was developed by 3GPP to enable a unified Northbound API framework across 3GPP network functions, and to ensure that there is a single and harmonized approach for API development. Among CAPIF's key features are the following.


If you only need the above APIs, then Service Manager is a plugin-in replacement for CAPIF.

CAPIF core function APIs

The CAPIF Interfaces

Service Manager is a Go implementation of the CAPIF Core function, which is based on the 3GPP TS "29.222 Common API Framework for 3GPP Northbound APIs (CAPIF)" interfaces, see Technical Specification To see the APIs in Swagger format, see



APIs are generated from the OpenAPI specifications provided by 3GPP. The script downloads the specifications from 3GPP, fixes them and then generates the Go code to work with the APIs. 

The table below lists the CAPIF Core Function APIs that are currently implemented in Service Manager. The Service Names are listed in the order that they would typically be called.

Service Name

Service Operations

Operation Semantics




POST /registrations

API Management Function


PUT /registrations/{registrationId}

API Management Function


DELETE /registrations/{registrationId}

API Management Function



POST /{apfId}//service-apis

API Publishing Function, CAPIF core function


DELETE /{apfId/service-apis/{serviceApiId}

API Publishing Function, CAPIF core function


PUT /{apfId/service-apis/{serviceApiId}

API Publishing Function, CAPIF core function


GET /{apfId}/service-apis

API Publishing Function, CAPIF core function



POST /onboardedInvokers

API Invoker


DELETE /onboardedInvokers/{onboardingId}

API Invoker


PUT /onboardedInvokers/{onboardingId}

API Invoker



GET /allServiceAPIs

API Invoker, CAPIF core function

Generation of API Code


Service Manager Integration with Kong

Service Manager is a Go implementation of a service that calls CAPIF Core. When publishing a service through Service Manager, we create a Kong route and Kong service. The InterfaceDescription JSON element that we return in the response body is updated to point to the Kong Data Plane. Therefore, the API interface that we return from Service Discovery has the Kong host and port, and not the original service's host and port. In this way, we use Kong as a reverse proxy. Instead of calling the Publishing service directly, our Invoker's API request is proxied through Kong. This gives us the advantages of using a proxied service, such as providing caching and load balancing.

Service Manager Deployment 

There are 2 ways that we can deploy Service Manager on Kubernetes. We can use the stand-alone scripts in the the Service Manager repo, or we can use the it/dep repo to deploy Service Manager as part of a Non Real-time RIC deployment. The stand-alone scripts were developed first, and were used in development. The it/dep deployment is more suitable for operational use.

Stand-alone Deployment on Kubernetes

For a stand-alone development deployment, please see the deploy folder for configurations to deploy Service Manager to Kubernetes. We need the following steps.
 - Deploy a PV for Kong's Postgres database (depends on your Kubernetes cluster)
 - Deploy a PVC for Kong's Postgres database
 - Deploy Kong with Postgres
 - Deploy Capifcore
 - Deploy Service Manager


When Service Manager starts, it reads a .env file where you can configure information such as the Kong control and data planes' host and port, the CAPIF host and port, and the Service Manager port. 

Sample .env

Code Block
KONG_PROTOCOL=<http or https protocol scheme>
KONG_CONTROL_PLANE_IPV4=<host string> 
KONG_DATA_PLANE_IPV4=<host string>  
KONG_DATA_PLANE_PORT=<port number>
CAPIF_PROTOCOL=<http or https protocol scheme>
CAPIF_PORT=<port number>
LOG_LEVEL=<Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal or Panic>
TEST_SERVICE_IPV4=<host string>
TEST_SERVICE_PORT=<port number>

Deployment using It Dep

Clone the Git repo git clone "".


  installPms: true
  installA1controller: true
  installA1simulator: true
  installControlpanel: true
  installInformationservice: true
  installRappcatalogueservice: true
  installRappcatalogueenhancedservice: true
  installNonrtricgateway: true
  installKong: true
  installDmaapadapterservice: true
  installDmaapmediatorservice: true
  installHelmmanager: true
  installOrufhrecovery: true
  installRansliceassurance: true
  installCapifcore: true
  installServicemanager: true
  installRanpm: false
  # rApp Manager functionality relies on ACM for its operation
  installrAppmanager: true
  # DME Participant should only be activated when ACM installation is available for this participant to utilize
  installDmeParticipant: false

Stand-alone Deployment with it/dep

You can modify a local copy of this file to only include Kong, Capifcore and Service Manager, as in the following example.

  installPms: false
  installA1controller: false
  installA1simulator: false
  installControlpanel: false
  installInformationservice: false
  installRappcatalogueservice: false
  installRappcatalogueenhancedservice: false
  installNonrtricgateway: false
  installKong: true
  installDmaapadapterservice: false
  installDmaapmediatorservice: false
  installHelmmanager: false
  installOrufhrecovery: false
  installRansliceassurance: false
  installCapifcore: true
  installServicemanager: true
  installRanpm: false
  # rApp Manager functionality relies on ACM for its operation
  installrAppmanager: false
  # DME Participant should only be activated when ACM installation is available for this participant to utilize
  installDmeParticipant: false

Mounting .env

For both the stand-alone and it/dep deployments, the .env file is volume-mounted into the Docker container from a Kubernetes config map at container run-time.

Kong Clean Up

Please note that when doing an undeployment, we remove any Kong services and routes that are flagged with each of the following tags. 
