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This page provides instructions for configuring your component's documentation area so the O-RAN-SC Jenkins will automatically build and deploy the material to upon org/ upon change of any file within your docs/ directory.

If you have questions about this process or need help, please contact the O-RAN-SC Documentation Project Technical Lead, weichen ni (

Note: please add weichen ni as a reviewer on all Gerrit doc changesets if you have any questions.

Configuration needed for your _repo/

Please use the automated setup process that is documented at here:

If that process fails or you need to trouble-shoot problems, this page gives step by step details.

If you have questions about this process or need help, please contact the O-RAN-SC Documentation Project Technical Lead, weichen ni (

Note: please be free to add Weichen Ni to you doc patch reviewer if you have any uncertainty.

Manual Step 1: Add files to your-repo root

Step 1.1: Create or extend file .gitignore in the root of your repository with the following content:

No Format
# documentation

Step 1.2: Create RTD config file

Create a file in the root of your repository called .readthedocs.yaml (yes there's a leading dot) with the following content:

No Format
version: 2

  - htmlzip

  imageos: latest

  version    python: "3.7"

    - requirements: docs/requirements-docs.txt

  configuration: docs/

Step 1.2 3: Create file tox.ini

Create or extend a file in the root of your repostory called tox.ini with the following content.


No Format
# documentation only
minversion = 2.0
envlist =
skipsdist = true

basepython = python3
deps = 
commands =
    sphinx-build -W -b html -n -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./docs/ {toxinidir}/docs/_build/html
    echo "Generated docs available in {toxinidir}/docs/_build/html"
whitelist_externals = echo

basepython = python3
deps = sphinx
commands = sphinx-build -W -b linkcheck -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./docs/ {toxinidir}/docs/_build/linkcheck

Manual Step 2: Add files to your-repo/docs

In these steps you will create files in the "docs" subfolder of your repository. Please note that "docs" is a magic string, the directory name must be exactly that. Please use templates from the DOC area to create basic documentation files like "index.rst" and so on.

Step 2.1: Make a new directory "docs/_static"

No Format
mkdir docs/_static

Step 2.2: Create an image file logo.png in the new docs/_static/ directory.  Here's a good source for the image:;a=blob;f=docs/_static/logo.png;h=c3b6ce56468d87a3d9463ee75297b3895fc9a414;hb=refs/heads/master

Step 2.3: Create file docs/ with exactly the following content:

No Format
from docs_conf.conf import *
linkcheck_ignore = [

Step 2.4 Create file docs/conf.yaml with the following content, but be sure to use your project repo name, not "your-repo":

No Format
project_cfg: oran
project: your-repo

Step 2.5: Create a new image file docs/favicon.ico here's a good source for the icon:;a=blob;f=docs/favicon.ico;h=00b0fd0ef0b4e78fbb8cdb413ce84561dfeb404f;hb=refs/heads/master

Step 2.6: Create file docs/requirements-docs.txt with exactly the following content:


No Format
### Possible/typical error message in the output // fix by fixing the underlying RST document Warning, treated as error: /home/fedora/tmp/doci/aaa/docs/index.rst:23:toctree contains reference to document 'installation-guides' that doesn't have a title: no link will be generated ERROR: InvocationError for command '/home/fedora/tmp/doci/aaa/.tox/docs-linkcheck/bin/sphinx-build -W -b linkcheck -d /home/...(exited with code 2)


If everything correct, you will see a succeed or successful output after running 'tox -e docs,docs-linkcheck'.  

It is the time to upload your change to gerrit. When you merged your change, you project docs will show on the page : If you can scroll down, and you project name will display on the right.

Please let DOC teamweichen niknow when you complete Step 3, as the configuration work in your_repo is finished, DOC team will handle Step 4 and make your docs work.

DOC team will do the Step 4 in DOC repo! If you are not from OSC DOC project, please do not do this



Step 4: Add a link to your-repo documentation 

4.1 Clone the doc area via ssh. (best to just go here and select the ssh option ""

No Format
git clone "httpsssh://gerrit"lfid""

4.2 Add a mapping from key to URL in the file, for example:

$ grep -r portal-ric-dashboard .
./index.rst:* :doc:`RIC Dashboard <portal-ric-dashboard:index>`
./['portal-ric-dashboard'] = ('' % branch, None)

No Format
intersphinx_mapping['your-repo'] = ('https://docs.o-ran-sc-doc.readthedocs.ioorg/projects/o-ran-sc-your-repo/en/%s' % branch, None a)

4.3 Add a link to your mapping key in an appropriate file such as index.rst, for example:
