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Instantiate the control loop

Create Instance dialog

Image RemovedImage Added

Instantiation properties saved successfully


This should show all the namespaces in the cluster where ONAP is deployed.

Next step is


setup a https proxy from chartmuseum and push the charts

  • Create tls
Code Block
cd orufhrecovery/scriptversion/helm/sdnr-simulator/
helm package .
kubectl cp ./sdnr-simulator-0.1.0.tgz onap/<POD-NAME-k8s-ppnt>:/home/policy/local-charts/sdnr-simulator-0.1.0.tgz

cd orufhrecovery/scriptversion/helm/message-generator/
helm package .
kubectl cp ./message-generator-0.1.0.tgz onap/<POD-NAME-k8s-ppnt>:/home/policy/local-charts/message-generator-0.1.0.tgz

cd orufhrecovery/scriptversion/helm/oru-app/
helm package .
kubectl cp ./oru-app-0.1.0.tgz onap/<POD-NAME-k8s-ppnt>:/home/policy/local-charts/oru-app-0.1.0.tgz
  • Finally, create tls- certs using onap cet manager  kubectl apply -f certificate.yaml (Replace NodeIP with your control plane IP)
  • Install the nginx proxy to run in front of ONAP chartmuseum: kubectl apply -f nginx.yaml
  • Retrieve chartmuseum username and password using kubectl get secret onap-chartmuseum-registrycred -o=go-template='{{$login := .data.login| base64decode}}{{$pw := .data.password| base64decode}}{{printf "%s:%s" $login $pw }}'Push

Create the


helm charts for all 3 components and push them to chartmuseum 

Code Block
cd orufhrecovery/scriptversion/helm/sdnr-simulator/
helm package .
curl -u <username>:<password> --data-binary "@sdnr-simulator-0.1.0.tgz" http://<NodeIP>:30088/api/charts

cd orufhrecovery/scriptversion/helm/message-generator/
helm package .
curl -u <username>:<password> --data-binary "@message-generator-0.1.0.tgz" http://<NodeIP>:30088/api/charts

cd orufhrecovery/scriptversion/


helm package .
curl -u <username>:<password> --data-binary "@oru-app-0.1.0.tgz" http://<NodeIP>:30088/api/charts

Retrieve the ca.crt from the secret and copy it to the k8s-ppnt pod : 

Code Block
kubectl get secret nginx-tls -o jsonpath="{\.crt}" | base64 -d > ca.crt 
cp ~/certs/ca.crt onap/



Log into the k8s-ppnt pod using "kubectl -n onap exec -it <POD-NAME-k8s-ppnt> sh" and run the following commands:

Code Block
mkdir -p ~/.kube
mkdir ~/ssl

helm repo add nginx-proxy https://nginx-proxy:443 --ca-file /home/policy/ssl/ca.crt
helm repo update


Once the kubernetes-participant is set up, the tosca template can be commissioned. After that, the control loop can be instantiated using the steps described in the sub-section Commission/Instantiate control loop via GUI. Once the control loop is in RUNNING PASSIVE state, check that all three micro-services have been created in the nonrtric namespace.
