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This document provides an overview of how to write JJB definition files into the ci-management repo.  The repo contains a global-job submodule that has a large body of existing templates and scripts that O-RAN SC jobs can reference.  Documentation from Linux Foundation for global-job can be found at:

Table of Contents

Directory Structure

Below is the directory structure of the ci-management repo, where the most interesting potion is the jjb directory where the per-repo job definitions reside.  This is where we want to make changes for defining new or modifying existing Jenkins jobs.  The global-jjb directory is initially empty when the repo is cloned.  It is a submodule that can be populated by running:  "git submodule update --init".  Once initialized, this directory contains the global-jjb templates managed by the Linux Foundation Release Engineering team.

Code Block
|-- docker
|   |--
|   |-- bldr-alpine3
|   |-- bldr-debian-python
|   |-- bldr-ubuntu16-c-go
|   `-- bldr-ubuntu18-c-go
|-- global-jjb
|-- jenkins-config
|   |-- clouds
|   |--
|   `--
|-- jjb
|   |-- ci-management
|   |-- com-asn1
|   |-- com-golog
|   |-- com-log
|   |-- com-pylog
|   |-- common-views.yaml
|   |-- defaults.yaml
|   |-- doc
|   |-- global-jjb
|   |-- it-dep
|   |-- it-otf
|   |-- it-test
|   |-- oam
|   |-- oran-jjb
|   |-- portal-ric-dashboard
|   |-- pti-rtp
|   |-- read-the-docs
|   |-- ric-app-admin
|   |-- ric-app-mc
|   |-- ric-plt-a1
|   |-- ric-plt-appmgr
|   |-- ric-plt-dbaas
|   |-- ric-plt-e2
|   |-- ric-plt-e2mgr
|   |-- ric-plt-lib-rmr
|   |-- ric-plt-resource-status-manager
|   |-- ric-plt-rtmgr
|   |-- ric-plt-sdl
|   |-- ric-plt-sdlgo
|   |-- ric-plt-submgr
|   |-- ric-plt-tracelibcpp
|   |-- ric-plt-tracelibgo
|   |-- ric-plt-vespamgr
|   `-- shell
|-- packer
|   |-- common-packer
|   |-- provision
|   `-- templates
`-- tox.ini

Docker based Building

Many O-RAN SC repos have adopted the docker based building process.  In this process, repo dev team provides a Dockerfile that completes all the steps of installing building artifacts, including installing additional tools, configuring the build, executing the building, and generating the result artifacts.  The JJB build job will simply invoke docker build and if applicable publishes result artifact to relevant repository.  This is the process we focus here in this document.  For more "conventional" approach of defining JJB jobs, there are other documents such as this page for the ONAP project:


The following subsections explain what needs to be done at each location using existing O-RAN-SC repos as examples.


This is where the actual building happens.  Depends on the type of artifact to be built, docker container image or Linux software package (rpm/deb), the process differs.

Building for Docker Container Image

Here we use the ric-plt/e2mgr repo as example because it builds into a docker container image for deployment.


Code Block
FROM as ubuntu

WORKDIR /opt/E2Manager
COPY . . 
ENV PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:/usr/lib/go-1.12/bin
# Install RMr library and dev files
RUN wget --content-disposition
RUN dpkg -i rmr_1.10.0_amd64.deb
RUN wget --content-disposition
RUN dpkg -i rmr-dev_1.10.0_amd64.deb

RUN cd asn1codec && make  
RUN go build app/main.go

# Execute UT
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

ENV GODEBUG=cgocheck=2,clobberfree=1,gcstoptheworld=2,allocfreetrace=0
ENV RIC_ID="bbbccc-abcd0e/20"
RUN go test ./...

FROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
  net-tools \
  iputils-ping \
  curl \
COPY --from=ubuntu /opt/E2Manager/router.txt /opt/E2Manager/router.txt
COPY --from=ubuntu /opt/E2Manager/main /opt/E2Manager/main
COPY --from=ubuntu /opt/E2Manager/resources /opt/E2Manager/resources
COPY --from=ubuntu /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/
COPY --from=ubuntu /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/
WORKDIR /opt/E2Manager
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib \
ENV RMR_SEED_RT=router.txt
CMD ["sh", "-c", "./main  -port=$port"]

Building for Linux Software Package

Below is the Dockerfile for the ric-plt/lib/rmr repo, which builds into a deb and a rpm package, as an example for how to build Linux Software package in the docker based building process.


Code Block
FROM buildpack-deps:stretch
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -q -y install cmake ksh alien
ADD . /tmp

# build RMr, run unit tests, and generate packages and package lists
RUN ksh ci/ci_build.ksh

# Executing the container "as a binary" will cause the CI publish
# script to execute.  This will take the simple package list generated
# by the ci_build script and copy the list of packages to the target
# directory.  The target directory is /export by default, but can be
# overridden from the docker run command line. In either case, the 
# assumption is that the target directory is mounted as a volume.
ENTRYPOINT [ "ci/" ]

JJB Definition 

Building for Docker Container Image

Again, the JJB definition file for the E2 manager is used as example for illustrating how to define docker image building jobs.  The JJB definition for the E2 Manager can be found at the jjb/ric-plt-e2mgr directory of the ci-management repo. 


Obviously, when copying such a block into a JJB definition file for a new repo, all the references to e2mgr need to be modified.  In addition, line 19 is another important line.  It specifies where the Dockerfile and container-tag.yaml files are provided.  In this example, they are under the E2Manager subdirectory from the repo root.  It must be customized to point where in the new repo the Dockerfile and container-tag.yaml files are stored.

Building for Linux Software Package

Again, the the JJB definition file for RMR library is used as example for illustrating how to define Linux software package building jobs.  The JJB definition for the RMR library can be found under jjb/ric-plt-lib-rmr of the ci-management repo. 


line 25-27: two different job templates are referenced here.  In particular, the oran-gerrit-docker-ci-pc-merge job template has the steps for executing the docker build, and publishing result files placed in "/export" directory of the docker container by the building process to PackageCloud.

How to Add CI for My Repo

With an understanding of how CI is defined, new Jenkins jobs can be added by following what the examples above are doing:
