Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • xapp_name: xapp_name is a string variable. properties are as follows.

    Code Block
        		"xapp_name": {
        			"$id": "#/properties/xapp_name",
        			"type": "string",
        			"title": "The xApp Name",
        			"default": "xapp",
        			"examples": [

  • version: version is a string variable that follows the semantic versioning syntax.

    Code Block
        		"version": {
        			"$id": "#/properties/version",
        			"type": "string",
        			"title": "The xApp version",
        			"default": "1.0.0",
        			"examples": [
        			"pattern": "^(0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\\.(?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$"

  • containers: containers is a list of container objects that includes name of the container, container image name, registry, tag, entry command  and container http and rmr service ports. It has a structure of

    Code Block
    "containers": [
            "name": "example_container_1",
            "image": {
                "registry": "example_image_registry_1",
                "name": "example_image_name_1",
                "tag": "example_image_tag_1"
            "command": "example_command_1",
    			"http": 8080,
    			"rmr_data": 4560,
    			"rmr_route": 4561
            "name": "example_container_2",
            "image": {
                "registry": "example_image_registry_2",
                "name": "example_image_name_2",
                "tag": "example_image_tag_2"
            "command": "example_command_2",
    			"http": 8080,
    			"rmr_data": 4560,
    			"rmr_route": 4561

    The following schema defines the above structure

    Code Block
            		"$id": "#/properties/containers",
            		"type": "array",
            		"title": "The Container Schema",
            		"items": {
                		"$id": "#/properties/containers/items",
                		"type": "object",
                		"title": "The Container Items Schema",
                		"required": [
    						"name": {
        						"$id": "#/properties/containers/items/properties/name",
        						"type": "string",
        						"title": "The xApp Container Name",
        						"default": "xapp",
        						"examples": [
        					"image": {
        						"$id": "#/properties/containers/items/properties/image",
                				"type": "object",
                				"title": "The Container Image",
                				"required": [
    								"registry": {
        								"$id": "#/properties/containers/items/properties/image/properties/registry",
        								"type": "string",
        								"title": "The xApp Image Registry",
        								"default": "",
        								"examples": [
        								"pattern": "^[A-Za-z0-9\\.-]{1,}\\.[A-Za-z]{1,}(?:\\:\\d+)?$"
        							"name": {
        								"$id": "#/properties/containers/items/properties/image/properties/name",
        								"type": "string",
        								"title": "The xApp Image Name",
        								"default": "xapp",
        								"examples": [
        							"tag": {
        								"$id": "#/properties/containers/items/properties/image/properties/tag",
        								"type": "string",
        								"title": "The xApp Image Tag",
        								"default": "latest",
        								"examples": [
        					"ports": {
        						"$id": "#/properties/containers/items/properties/ports",
                				"type": "object",
                				"title": "The Container Ports",
                				"required": [
    								"http": {
        								"$id": "#/properties/containers/items/properties/ports/properties/http",
        								"type": "integer",
        								"title": "Http Port for xApp",
        								"default": 8080,
        								"examples": [
        							"rmr_data": {
        								"$id": "#/properties/containers/items/properties/ports/properties/rmr_data",
        								"type": "integer",
        								"title": "RMR Data Port for xApp",
        								"default": 4560,
        								"examples": [
        							"rmr_route": {
        								"$id": "#/properties/containers/items/properties/ports/properties/rmr_route",
        								"type": "integer",
        								"title": "RMR Route Port for xApp",
        								"default": 4561,
        								"examples": [
        					"command": {
        						"$id": "#/properties/containers/items/properties/command",
        						"type": "string",
        						"title": "Command To Run The xApp Container",
        						"default": "command",
        						"examples": [