Versioonide võrdlemine


  • See rida lisati.
  • See rida eemaldati.
  • Vorminduse muutmine.


Here is the URL for the Xapp Onboarder in your environment.  The values 'ingress_host', 'ingress_port_http' and 'xapp_onboarder_path' refer to the hostname and port for reaching Kong ingress controller, and the ingress path assigned to xapp onboarder (likely the path is set to 'onboard').




To subsequently deploy any of these xapps, use the following command:

curl --location --request POST "http://{{ingress_host}}:{{ingress_port_http}}/{{xapp_onboarder_path}}/ric/v1/xapps" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"xappName": "trafficxapp"}'

(where xappName would be later set to 'qpdriver' and 'qp' to deploy the QP Driver and QP xapps respectively)

Creation of Traffic Steering Policy Type and Policy Instance
