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There are several steps below that need to be taken to run this successfully. Sorry it is not yet as smooth as it should be. Some of these need to be automated properly, and some have to do with platform issues. If someone could take some of these on it would be helpful.

1. Deploy RIC platform

2. kubectl rollout restart deployment --namespace ricplt deployment-ricplt-e2mgr deployment-ricplt-e2term-alpha (The e2mgr and e2term need to be restarted; this is due to some issues with health check; I don’t know whether it has been resolved by that team)

3. clone sim/e2-interface

4. In the root directory of e2sim:
4. Follow directions in README to produce the deb files

5. Since the deb files are not yet pushed to package cloud, we need to copy them

6. cp e2sim*deb ../e2sm_examples/kpm_e2sm

7. cd ../e2sm_examples/kpm_e2sm

8. Edit the Dockerfile at the bottom to have IP address of service-ricplt-e2term-sctp-alpha service

9. docker build .

10. docker tag <tag just built> e2simul:0.0.2

11. helm install –namespace ricplt helm
