Versions Compared


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PlantUML Macro
Skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
Skinparam sequenceArrowColor Black
skinparam ParticipantPadding 5
skinparam BoxPadding 10
skinparam roundcorner 15

Box “User Space” #lightblue
   Actor FT as “Tester”
   Actor OTF as “OTF” <<INT>>
End box

Box "SMO/Non-RT RIC Framework" #gold
   participant MR as "Message-Router" <<OAM>>
   participant VES as "VES-Collector" <<SMO>>
   participant OAM as "OAM-Controller" <<OAM>>
   Participant rAPP as “Link Monitor” <<NonrtRIC>>
   Participant DHCP as “DHCP” <<SMO>>
   Participant CA as “CA” <<INT>>
end box

Box “O-CU” #lightpink
   Participant OCUCP as “O-CU-CP” 
end box

Box “O-DU” #lightpink
   Participant ODUH as “O-DU-High” 
   Participant ODUL as “O-DU-Low” 
end box

Box “O-RU” #lightpink
   Participant ORU as “O-RU” 
end box

=== OTF Initialization ==

FT -> OTF : Start Test
Note Right OTF
The OTF subscriptions to SMO functions needs
To be done before the ORU or ODU is started
End note
OTF –[#red]> MR : Subscribe Fault Events
OTF -[#red]> MR : Subscribe PNP Events
OAM -> MR : Subscribe PNP Events

OTF –[#red]> ORU : Startup
Note over OTF, ORU
The ODU does not yet have a FHMP capability to the ORU. Therefore either the SMO will use the ODU role for carrier settings or OTF will provide the ORU simulator with the base carrier settings that will be compatible with the ODU.
The latter is preferred as special logic would not need to be added to the OAM-Controller.
End note
OTF –[#red]> ODUH : Startup
Note over OTF, ODUH
The ODU does not yet support DHCP/CA logic, therefore OTF will need to provide a basic config with the OAM IP and VES IP values for the ODU at startup.
End note
OTF –[#red]> rAPP : Startup
rAPP –[#blue]> MR : Subscribe Fault Events
loop start main event notify loop
Note left rAPP: After establishing the subscription the Link Monitor will begin long time out message get polling
rAPP –[#blue]> MR : Get Event(Fault)

