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PlantUML Macro
Skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
Skinparam sequenceArrowColor Black
skinparam ParticipantPadding 5
skinparam BoxPadding 10
skinparam roundcorner 15

Box “User Space” #lightblue
   Actor FT as “Tester”
   Actor OTF as “OTF” <<INT>>
End box

Box "SMO/Non-RT RIC Framework" #gold
   participant MR as "Message-Router" <<OAM>>
   participant VES as "VES-Collector" <<SMO>>
   participant OAM as "OAM-Controller" <<OAM>>
   Participant rAPP as “Link Monitor” <<NonrtRIC>>
   Participant DHCP as “DHCP” <<SMO>>
   Participant CA as “CA” <<INT>>
end box

Box “O-CU” #lightpink
   Participant OCUCP as “O-CU-CP” 
end box

Box “O-DU” #lightpink
   Participant ODUH as “O-DU-High” 
   Participant ODUL as “O-DU-Low” 
end box

Box “O-RU” #lightpink
   Participant ORU as “O-RU” 
end box

=== ODU Initialization ==

activate ODUH
Group Deferred from Release "D"
ODUH -> DHCP : Request IP Assigments
DHCP --> ODUH : IP Assignments, VES Server, CA Server
ODUH -> CA : Get Certificate
CA --> ODUH: Client Certificate
ODUH -> VES : <<O1>> PNP Event for O-DU
VES -> MR : Publish PNP Event
OTF –[#red]> MR : Get Event (PNP)
OAM –> MR : Get Event (PNP)

MR -[#red]-> OTF : PNP Notify Event
MR --> OAM : PNP Notify Event
Note over OAM: Element not mounted; mount and discover capabilities

OAM-> ODUH: <<O1>> SSH
note right of OAM
Using the TCP Connection,the NETCONF client initiates
an SSH session to the NETCONF Server/O-DU
end note

OAM-> ODUH: <<O1>> NETCONF Hello/Capabilities
note left of ODUH
Using the SSH connection,the NETCONF client initiates
a NETCONF session to the NETCONF Server/O-DU
end note

ODUH --> OAM: <<O1>> NETCONF Hello/Capabilities

OAM will publish some form of VES event we need to identify this event.
OTF will need to subscribecan in startup ando GET here then
OTF will know to move to the next step in the test strategy
End note

OTF -[#red]> OAM : ODU Config
OAM -> ODUH : <<O1>> edit-config (initConfig)
Group CUS Link Establishment
Note over OCUCP,ODUL
The following sequences are only representative of a much larger conversation
Between the OCUCP and the ODU-High as part of the F1 Setup and Link Establishment
End note
ODUH -> OCUCP : <<F1>> F1 Setup Request
Return F1 Setup Response
ODUH -> ODUL : <<FAPI>> link config
ODUL <-> ORU : <<FHCUS>> CUS establishment
ODUL -> ODUH : <<FAPI>> Link Status
ODUH -> OCUCP : <<F1c>> Cell Status
ODUH --> OAM : Config Complete
OAM --> OTF : 200 OK
OTF –[#red]> OAM : ORU Alarm Subscription
OAM -> ORU : <<FHMP>> Alarm Subscription
ORU --> OAM : <<FHMP>> Config Complete
OAM --> OTF : 200 OK

