High level architecture


RIC alarm system implements two components: Alarm Adapter and application library interface

The AlarmAdapter is responsible for managing alarm situations in RIC cluster and interfacing with Northboubd applications such as Prometheus AlertManager to post the alarms as alerts. AlertManager takes care of deduplicating, silencing and inhibition (suppressing) of alerts, and routing them to the VESAgent, which, in turn, takes care of converting alerts to faults and sending them to ONAP as VES events.

The Alarm Library provides a simple interface for RIC applications (both platform application and xApps) to raise, clear and re-raise. The Alarm Library interacts with the AlarmAdapter via RMR interface.

Alarm Adapter


Alarm Library


A new alarm instance is created with InitAlarm()-function. ManagedObject (mo) and Application (ap) identities are given as a parameter

Alarm Context/Object

The Alarm object contains following parameters:

ManagedObjectId (mo), SpecificProblem (sp), ApplicationId (ap) and IdentifyingInfo (IdentifyingInfo) make up the identity of the alarm. All parameters must be according to the alarm definition, i.e. all mandatory parameters should be present, and parameters should have correct value type or be from some predefined range. Addressing the same alarm instance in a clear() or reraise() call is done by making sure that all four values are the same is in the original raise() / reraise() call.

Alarm APIs


package main

import (
    alarm "gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/ric-plt/alarm-go/alarm"

func main() {
    // Initialize the alarm component
    alarmer, err := alarm.InitAlarm("my-pod", "my-app")

    // Create a new Alarm object (SP=8004, etc)
    alarm := alarmer.NewAlarm(8004, alarm.SeverityMajor, "NetworkDown", "eth0")

    // Raise an alarm (SP=8004, etc)
    err := alarmer.Raise(alarm)

    // Clear an alarm (SP=8004)
    err := alarmer.Clear(alarm)

    // Re-raise an alarm (SP=8004)
    err := alarmer.Reraise(alarm)

    // Clear all alarms raised by the application
    err := alarmer.ClearAll()