Sequence Diagram

Title Application LCM Step 4 - Create Instance Config
skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
skinparam ParticipantPadding 5
skinparam BoxPadding 10
skinparam ArrowColor #blue

Box Personnel #lightblue
Actor sOP as "SMO Operator" <<INT OTF>>
End box

Box "SMO" #gold
Boundary MC as "Model Catalog" <<SMO MVC State Manager>>
Boundary VI as "Virtual Inventory" <<SMO MVC State Manager>>
Boundary IC as "Instance Config" <<SMO MVC State Manager>>
end box

== Configure ==

Note over MC,IC
In this step the VI frameworks is expected to be populated.
Normally the configuration would provide back the "definition" to enable a GUI
since we don't have a GUI the sOP has a predefined configuration instance.
end note

sOP -> IC : POST ../configurations {instanceConfig}
IC -> MC : GET ../applications/<instanceConfig.applicationVersionID>
alt if application.state is NOT Available then
note left of IC : Return Error; Expected State: Available found State:<application.state>
IC -> VI : GET ../Frameworks/<FrameworkID> IC -> MC : GET ../applications/<applicationVersionID>/deployments?applicationType=<framework.apptype>
alt if deployment not found then
note left of IC : Return Error; Expected Deployment type: <framework.apptype> not found
IC -> IC :
Note left : Store instance configuration
end if
end if

alt if status is success then
IC -> IC :
note left: set state to DEPLOYABLE
end if

IC --> sOP : status
