This article helps you to deploy the nonrtric components using docker compose.



Clone nonrtric and go to nonrtric/docker-compose/

You can see 3 folder, sdnc & nosdnc & withDmaap_nosdnc. You have the option to install the nonrtric with/without A1 controller/dmapp-mr based on your requirement.

Nonrtric without A1 Controller, with dmaap-mr

This file is to create nonrtric system without sdnc a1-controller, with dmapp-mr

docker-compose up -d

You can see the docker containers with docker ps,

you should be able to see containers running as above.

Init Script

You can create sample policy types/policy instances of both Standard & OSC Version.

Run the script under directory /data to create some dummy data in the running system.

Command to load the data,

cd nonrtric/docker-compose/data

./ [dmaap-mr-port] [a1-sim-OSC-port] [a1-sim-STD-port] [http/https]

This will create,

Open the GUI to view all the policies & policy types created by the above script.


Manual test

cd nonrtric/docker-compose/data
curl -X POST "http://localhost:3904/events/A1-POLICY-AGENT-READ/" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-inary @testdata/dmaap-msg-policy-get.json

curl -X GET "http://localhost:3904/events/A1-POLICY-AGENT-WRITE/users/policy-agent?timeout=15000&limit=100" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

You can see the messages from dmaap-mr topic A1-POLICY-AGENT-WRITE, with consumer group "user", consumer id "policy-agent"