As of 2020 April 13, the RMR manual pages are maintaind as separate document files on the Read The Docs (RTD) site. It is no longer necessary to build them if they are needed just for reference. The RTD link:

The manual (man) pages for RMR are maintained as a part of the RMR source, and are available via several different avenues:

Building The Man Pages

To build the man pages, assuming that the RMR repo has been cloned/pulled and is in the current working directory, run the following commands:

mkdir -p .build
cd .build
cmake .. -DBUILD_DOC=1
make package

After running these commands, the man pages (in various output formats) will remain in the .build directory; the user is free to move/use them as desired. The man pages have file names with the following syntax so that they can be easily referenced by the man command:   <command_name>.<section>.<suffix> (e.g. rmr_tralloc_msg.3.gz).    The list below describes each of the file "types" generated and identified by the suffix:


At least one file is attached to this page.  The file rmr_manpages.tgz contains a complete set of all output formats (postscript, troff, markdown, plain ascii and rst).