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This is work in progress


The helm manager is a service for managing helm charts.  The service provides a REST API for onboarding of charts as well as installation and uninstallation of applications based on these charts.

In addition to the helm manager, a chart repository is used to store the available. charts for onboarding and installation.

The Helm manager (and chart repo) can be executed in one of the following deployments:

  • As docker container on a local machine with kubernbetes
  • As kubernetes services/pods on a local machine with kubernetes
  • As kubernetes services/pods on a kubernetes cluster


Clone the nonrtric repo from gerrit and change dir. Make sure to use the correct branch when cloning.

All needed scripts for start and run the helm manager, in docker or kubernetes are in this directory.

If the Helm Manager shall be installed in a kubernetes cluster the actions below shall be made on a node in cluster.

$ git clone "" -b <branch>

$ cd helm-manager

Build image

There is no need to build the image for the helm manager unless changes are made to the Dockerfile in the current dir.

If no changes are needed, skip this section.

Instruction to build the image:

$ mvn clean package

The  built image should be named: o-ran-sc/nonrtric-helm-manager:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

$ docker images | grep helm
o-ran-sc/nonrtric-helm-manager  1.0.0-SNAPSHOT  56e50ade8c37  3 minutes ago   498MB

Note: Note, replace the image name in the and  if this image shall be used.

Note: Locally built images are not available to a kubernetes cluster unless the image is made available in an image repo accessible from within the cluster.

Create helm chart for test

Create a helm for this test. Package the chart into an archive

$ helm create simple-app
Successfully packaged chart and saved it to: /nonrtric/helm-manager/simple-app-0.1.0.tgz

$ helm package simple-app

Run in docker with local kubernetes

The helm-manger is possible to run as a docker container. However, a local kubernetes must be running where the application can be installed.

Create a private docker network, unless it already exists,  for the containers to run in.

$ docker network create nonrtric-docker-net

Start the chartmuseum container in a separate window. This will be used as a chart repository. Make note of the port, 8222, which will be available on local host. Charts uploaded to the chartmuseum container will be availed in the mounted dir 'charts' on your host.

$ ./
docker run \
	--rm \
	-it \
    -p 8222:8080 \
    --name chartmuseum \
    --network nonrtric-docker-net \
    -e DEBUG=1 \
    -e STORAGE=local \
    -e STORAGE_LOCAL_ROOTDIR=/charts \
    -v $(pwd)/charts:/charts \

Add the chart, created in the section 'Create helm for test', to the repo

$ curl --data-binary "@simple-app-0.1.0.tgz" -X POST http://localhost:8222/api/charts

Start the helm manager in a separate window. Make note of the port, 8112, which will be available on local host. This is the port to the Helm manager REST API.

$ ./
docker run \
    --rm  \
    -it \
    -p 8112:8083  \
    --name helmmanagerservice \
    --network nonrtric-docker-net \
    -v $(pwd)/mnt/database:/var/helm-manager/database \
    -v ~/.kube:/root/.kube \
    -v ~/.helm:/root/.helm \
    -v ~/.config/helm:/root/.config/helm \
    -v ~/.cache/helm:/root/.cache/helm \
    -v $(pwd)/config/KubernetesParticipantConfig.json:/opt/app/helm-manager/src/main/resources/config/KubernetesParticipantConfig.json \
    -v $(pwd)/config/application.yaml:/opt/app/helm-manager/src/main/resources/config/application.yaml \

The chartmusem repo need to added to helm. This operation must be called with an url accessible from the helm manager container.

Go into the helm manager container and add the repo.

$ docker exec -it helmmanagerservice sh
# helm repo add cm http://chartmuseum:8080
"cm" has been added to your repositories
$ exit

The helm manager is now running and configured with a chart repo.

Run the script to execute the sequence for installing the application 'simpleapp' namespace 'ckhm':

  • Namespace 'ckhm' is created in kubernetes if not existing
  • Onboard chart
  • Install chart
  • Uninstall chart
  • Remove (the onboarded) chart

All operations should report "OK".

$ ./ docker
Start test
Get apps - empty
curl -sw %{http_code} http://localhost:8112/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[]}

Onboard app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://localhost:8112/helm/charts -X POST -F chart=@simple-app-0.1.0.tgz -F values=@simple-app-values.yaml -F info=<simple-app.json
 Curl OK
  Response: 200

Get apps - simple-app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://localhost:8112/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[{"releaseName":"simpleapp","chartName":"simple-app","version":"0.1.0","namespace":"ckhm","repository":"cm"}]}

Install app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://localhost:8112/helm/install -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -d @simple-app-installation.json
 Curl OK
  Response: 201

Get apps - simple-app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://localhost:8112/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[{"releaseName":"simpleapp","chartName":"simple-app","version":"0.1.0","namespace":"ckhm","repository":"cm"}]}

helm ls to list installed app
NAME     	NAMESPACE	REVISION	UPDATED                                	STATUS  	CHART           	APP VERSION
hm-app   	hm-app-ns	1       	2021-05-19 17:15:26.068017436 +0000 UTC	deployed	hm-app-0.1.0    	1.16.0     
kall1    	default  	2       	2021-05-16 21:32:46.710349 +0200 CEST  	deployed	app1-0.1.0      	1.16.0     
kall11   	default  	1       	2021-05-16 21:40:57.073819 +0200 CEST  	deployed	app1-0.1.0      	1.16.0     
kalle3   	app3-ns  	1       	2021-05-17 01:22:29.514917 +0200 CEST  	deployed	app3-0.1.0      	1.16.0     
kalle3   	default  	1       	2021-05-17 01:17:03.671637 +0200 CEST  	deployed	app3-0.1.0      	1.16.0     
simpleapp	ckhm     	1       	2021-06-01 16:31:30.255849815 +0000 UTC	deployed	simple-app-0.1.0	1.16.0     

sleep 30 - give the app some time to start
List svc and  pod of the app
NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
simpleapp-simple-app   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    31s
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
simpleapp-simple-app-858c798f97-vm6hd   1/1     Running   0          31s

Uninstall app simple-app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://localhost:8112/helm/uninstall/simple-app/0.1.0 -X DELETE
 Curl OK
  Response: 204

sleep 10 - give the app some time to remove
List svc and  pod of the app - should be gone
No resources found in ckhm namespace.
No resources found in ckhm namespace.

Get apps - simple-app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://localhost:8112/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[{"releaseName":"simpleapp","chartName":"simple-app","version":"0.1.0","namespace":"ckhm","repository":"cm"}]}

Delete chart
curl -sw %{http_code} http://localhost:8112/helm/charts/simple-app/0.1.0 -X DELETE
 Curl OK
  Response: 204

Get apps - empty
curl -sw %{http_code} http://localhost:8112/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[]}

Test result  All tests ok 
End of test

Run in kubernetes

This instruction is valid for running both in a local kubernetes and in a kubernetes ccluster

Check if the nonrtric names space exists. If not, create the namespace

$ kubectl get ns nonrtric
$ kubectl create ns nonrtric

Start the chartmuseum service and pod

$ kubectl apply -f kube-cm.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: chartrepo
  namespace: nonrtric
    run: chartrepo
  type: NodePort
  - port: 8080
    targetPort: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    name: http
    run: chartrepo


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: chartrepo
  namespace: nonrtric
    run: chartrepo
    runAsUser: 0
  - name: chartrepo
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    - name: http
      containerPort: 8080
    - name: DEBUG
      value: "1"
    - name: STORAGE
      value: "local"
      value: "/var/chartrepo/charts"
    - name: DISABLE_API
      value: "false"
    - mountPath: /var/chartrepo/charts
      name: chartrepo-pv
  - name: chartrepo-pv
      claimName: chartrepo-pvc


apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: chartrepo-pv
  annotations: "999"
    run: chartrepo
  storageClassName: chartrepo-standard
    storage: 10Mi
    - ReadWriteOnce
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
    path: "/tmp/chartrepo"


apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: chartrepo-pvc
  namespace: nonrtric
    run: chartrepo
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Mi
  storageClassName: chartrepo-standard
  volumeMode: Filesystem

kubectl apply f   cm/svc app.yaml

Find the nodeport of the service

kubectl get svc chartrepo -n nonrtric -o jsonpath='{...ports[?("'http'")].nodePort}'

Add the chart to the repo

curl --data-binary "@simple-app-0.1.0.tgz" -X POST http://localhost:<port-to-chartrepo>/api/charts

If running in kubernetes cluster

Add the service account for the helm manager. Note that this uses the 'cluster-admin' role which has wide permission. This should only be used for test.

kubectrl apply f helm-manager-sa.yam

Edit the svc-app.yaml, set 'service-acccount-name' to helm-manager-sa

Start the helm manager

kubectl apply f   svc app.yaml

Go into the helm manger pod and add the chartrepo

kubectl exec -it helmmanagerservice n nonrtric -  sh

cmd prompt: helm repo add cm http://chartrepo.nonrtric:8080

cmd prompt: exit

Run the test script.

This script will onboard chart, install an application based on the chart, unstall the application and finally remove the chart.

./ local-kluster

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