In nonrtric repo, there are test scripts to verify the A1-EI interface.

Demo Video

Delivery Status


Only the Integration PTL should edit the delivery status table to track the release validation progress

Deployment Artifacts

Docker Container

Helm Charts

Deployment scripts

E2E Flows

Get EiTypes

Get Individual EiType

Create EiProducer

Get EiProducers

Get Individual EiProducer

Get Individual EiProducer Status

Create EiJob Of a Certain Type

Get EiJobs Of a Certain Type

Get Individual EiJob

TEST 239 (732): prodstub_check_jobdata 200 prod-e job10 type6 https://ricsim_g3_4:8185/datadelivery ricsim_g3_4 testdata/ecs/job-template2.json
FAIL, returned body not correct. This is a known behavior, and it will be fixed in the next release. 

Usage from sources

  1. Clone the nonrtric repository in gerrit.
  2. Navigate into the test folder

cd nonrtric/test
cd nonrtric/test/auto-test

     3. run command:

Run test command
./ remote --env-file ../common/

"FTC" stands for "Function Test Case". is a test case of ECS full interface walkthrough​.

"ECS" stands for Enrichment Service.

One-click deployment

  1. Navigate into docker-compose folder
cd nonrtric/docker-compose/ecs
cd nonrtric/docker-compose/ecs

      2. Start up ECS & Control-Panel microservice

docker-compose up
docker-compose up

      3. Populate some test data into ECS microservice

populate data
cd nonrtric/docker-compose/data
bash ./

       4. Open link with web browser:


You should be able see a page like this:

5. ECS swagger page:


  • No labels


  1. hi chengkai,

    I have encountered multiple issues when testing the flows above.

    I have created an JIRA issue to track this.

    NONRTRIC-347 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    May I trouble you to treat this as the highest priority and fix it ASAP so that we can finish the testing by this week?

    Thank you very much.

  2. user-4907f Please do not edit the delivery status table since we are using it to track the independent verification.

    Thank you very much.

  3. user-4907f Hi Chengkai,

    I am able to recreate your results with the updated codes. May I ask, do you know what the reason is that case 239 is failing?

    Thank you very much.

  4. Updated answer -  my first answer was incorrect.

    The Function Test Case FTC1100 tests all APIs of the Enrichment Coordinator Service in a function test environment using a number of simulators and interface stubs.

    The test 239 on line (732) is marked as a "deviatation". It is a but unclear what the requirement should be in this particular case. The test case expects two jobs to be updated with new job parameters, but only one job is updated in case one of the job is in disabled state during the job parameter update. 

    So this test 239 will fail everytime - it is a known behavior.

    We will come back with the solution in the next release