


  • Use cases for O-RAN-SC Amber Plugfest

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  1. Hi Martin Skorupski ,

    I have few queries regarding "2019-12-o-ran-sc-plugfest.pptx" . Can you please let your response?

    • Slide 4: O-RAN PNF is marked either O-DU or O-CU; Is it under assumption that these components are not orchestrated using ONAP? in first place. 

    • Slide 3: Open Topics : Simplification for Demo: Pre-configuration of the O-RAN PNF with necessary VES Collector information.
      • if this component O-DU/O-DU is orchestrated from ONAP itself, then from ONAP while spawning VNF itself, we can configure the VES Collector IP and Port.
      • In that case, the terminology, PNF does not suit, it should be VNF.

    • Slide 4: O1:REST/VES/pnfRegistration is not applicable and other valid VES message shall be used (or) VNF status is known to ONAP and it can proceed for O1:Netconf/YANG/CM (step 3)

    • Slide 5: Step (1) O1:REST/VES/FileReady  is a High Volume - VES Reporting? If we are intimating ONAP about the FileReady indication only, for that do we require HV-VES or simple VES will suffix?

    • Slide 6: Once the Fault is raised, at which step, the Fault Clearance procedure happens. as part of step (3) using O1:NetConf/YANG/CM ? Please clarify.


    Balaji Shankaran

    1. Slide 4 - The current understanding is that O-CU is orchestrated by ONAP (if ONAP is used as an Orchestration layer, an alternative might be MANO and others), while O-DU and O-RUs are treated as PNF. 

      Slide 3 - At this point in time the O-DU is treated as PNF. Could you please point me the description clearly stating that O-DU are VNFs? Then I will correct the slide - and all related wikis. I fully agree with you that only PNFs need pnfRegistration.

      Slide 4 - pnfRegistration was defined in ves6.0 and is available in ves7.1, Please see:

      Slide 5 - HV-VES is not ready yet - so for the Plugfest we may use standard VES collector only - please note that the main objective is to demonstrate O-RAN OAM support by PNFs - the focus is less on ONAP.

      Slide 6 - good point! (wink) - I'm going to clarify it with O-RAN WG1. 

      1. Martin Skorupski

        Not specific to O-DU, but a generic point  mentioned in [INF-A-F02] VNF/CNF Orchestration Requirement as part of "O-RAN SC Ver A SW Requirements 20190731a.docx"; 

        If the goal is for demo purpose, then PNF registration method is fine; if the Goal is for standardizing the O1 interface, then we need to discuss with O1 Requirements to double confirm.


        Balaji Shankaran

        1. I add this topic on the agenda of the next weekly call 2019-09-02 9am ET - OAM calendars