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The SMO O1 controller based on ONAP CCSDK/OpenDaylight exposes northbound a ResConf API for Software Management derived from O-RAN Fronthaul M-Plane.

This page shows the steps for a µServer northbound of the O1-controller implementing Software Management functions on SMO.

Please see the RestConf API generated from YANG by ODL:

O-RAN Members please see Chapter 5 "Software Management" -

Please see attached bash example to retrieve the Software-Inventory.

PlantUML Macro
' Copyright 2020 highstreet technologies GmbH
' Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
' you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
' You may obtain a copy of the License at 
' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
' distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
' limitations under the License. 


' Diagram 
  O-RAN RU Fronthaul Software Management 
end title

actor "User" as user 

box "SMO" #gold
  participant "Software Manager\n(µService)" as swm
  participant "Message Bus\n(ONAP DMaaP)" as mb
  participant "O1-Controller\n(ONAP-CCDSK/SDNC)" as sdnr
end box

box “Network” #lightpink
  participant "O-RAN RU\n(managed-function)" as mf
end box

autonumber 1 1 "<b>[00]"

== Initialization ==
user -> mf: manual VES subscription (automated VES subscription under discussion between O-RAN and 3GPP)
swm -> mb: Subscribe and poll for VES
sdnr <-> mf: Establish NetConf Session

== Start ==
user -> swm: provide new software packages for managed-function
user -> swm: trigger software update

swm -> sdnr: "GET-software-inventory of device"
sdnr -> mf: "<get-config><software-inventory>"
sdnr <- mf: "list of <software-inventory>"
swm <- sdnr: "list of <software-inventory>"
swm --> user: Inform about software inventory
swm -> swm: "Analyse situation"

== File transfer ==
swm -> sdnr: trigger software-download
sdnr -> mf: trigger software-download
sdnr <- mf: trigger software-download STATUS
swm <- sdnr: trigger software-download STATUS
swm -> user: Inform about software download status
mf -> swm: <b>FTPeS</b> start download
swm -> mf: <b>FTPeS</b> File tranfer (software package)
mf --> mb: download-event "COMPLETED"
mb --> swm: download-event "COMPLETED"
swm --> user: Inform about software download status

== Installation ==
swm -> sdnr: trigger software-install
sdnr -> mf: trigger software-install
sdnr <- mf: trigger software-install STATUS
swm <- sdnr: trigger software-install STATUS
swm --> user: Inform about software install status
mf --> mb: install-event "COMPLETED"
mb --> swm: install-event "COMPLETED"
swm --> user: Inform about software install status

== Activation ==
swm -> sdnr: trigger software-activate
sdnr -> mf: trigger software-activate
sdnr <- mf: trigger software-activate STATUS
swm <- sdnr: trigger software-activate STATUS
swm --> user: Inform about software activate status
mf --> mb: activate-event "COMPLETED"
mb --> swm: activate-event "COMPLETED"
swm --> user: Inform about software activate status

== Verification ==
swm -> sdnr: "GET-software-inventory of device"
sdnr -> mf: "<get-config><software-inventory>"
sdnr <- mf: "list of <software-inventory>"
swm <- sdnr: "list of <software-inventory>"
swm --> user: Inform about software inventory

' End Diagram
' Format
  <b><font color=#8888ff>License</font></b>
  <b><font color=#8888ff>Apache 2.0</font></b>
end header

right footer 
  Thanks to plantUml! 
  2020-03-07 | |
end footer

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