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Table of contents

Table of Contents


Children Display


This page discusses the OAM parts of the D-Release RASC use case for a closed loop use case.

Please see follow up also the related expectations, recommendations and descriptions by RASC:

Component diagram 

The following component diagram is made from OAM point of view. O-RAN component internals are abstracted and simplified. 

PlantUML Macro
' Copyright 2021 highstreet technologies GmbH
' This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
' SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0

@startuml o-ran-sc-d-closed-loop-test-env

' Diagram 
  Component diagram for O-RU recovery use case (OAM view)
end title

package "Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)" as smo {

   package "µService" {
       [Link-Monitor] as app

   package "Communication Bus" {
       [Message-Router] as mb
   package "Operation and Maintenance" as oam {
       [OAM-Controller] as oamCtrl
       [VES-Collector] as vesSrv
database "O-RAN Topology Service" as db {
  folder "OAM topology" as topoOam {
    [EP_O1_NetConf*] as epNc
    ' [EP_O1_VES*] as epVes
    [EP_OFH*] as epOfh
  'folder "A1 topology" {
  '  [EP_A1*] as epA1
  'folder "E2 topology" {
  '  [EP_E2*] as epE2

package "O-DU" as odu {
  [NetConf-Server-O1] as oduNcs
  [NetConf-Client-OFH] as oduNcc
  [VES-Provider] as vesClient

package "O-RU" as oru {
  [NetConf-Server-OFH] as oruNcs

' Assoziations
epOfh <-[hidden]up-> epNc
oduNcs -[hidden]right- vesClient
oam -[hidden]down- odu
oam -[hidden]down- oru

oduNcs <-[#aaaaaa]down-> oduNcc

app o-down-> oamCtrl: HTTPS PUT/RESTCONF\nO-RAN-SC hello-world

app <-down-o mb
vesSrv o-up-> mb
topoOam o-[#aaaaaa]right-> app
oamCtrl o-[#aaaaaa]-> topoOam
oamCtrl o-right-> vesSrv: : HTTPS POST VES\npnfRegistration, fault
oamCtrl <-down-> oduNcs: NETCONF/YANG\nO-RAN-SC hello-world

vesClient o-up-> vesSrv: HTTPS POST VES\npnfRegistration, fault

oruNcs  <-[#aaaaaa]up-> oduNcc: NETCONF/YANG\nOpenFronthaul\nC-Plane/U-Plane
oruNcs <-up-> oamCtrl: NETCONF/YANG\nOpenFronthaul\nM-Plane (hybrid)

' End Diagram
' Format
left footer 
  <img:{scale=0.2}>  Copyright 2021 highstreet technologies USA Corp.
  .              This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  .              SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
  .              2021-05-09 | oam project | Thanks to PlantUML!
end footer

skinparam backgroundColor #fefefe

skinparam backgroundColor #fefefe
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skinparam roundcorner 15
hide stereotype

skinparam component  {
    BorderColor #886666
    BackgroundColor #ffffdd
    BackgroundColor<<enabled>> #ffffdd
    BackgroundColor<<disabled>> #eeeeee
    FontColor #444444

skinparam database  {
    BorderColor #444444
    BackgroundColor #ffffdd
    BackgroundColor<<enabled>> #ffffdd
    BackgroundColor<<disabled>> #eeeeee
    FontColor #444444

skinparam note  {
    BorderColor #444444
'    BackgroundColor #ffffdd
    FontColor #444444

skinparam sequence {
  MessageAlign left
  MessageTextAlignment left

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  ArrowFontColor #444444
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  ActorBorderColor #444444
  LifeLineBorderColor #444444
  LifeLineBackgroundColor #eeeeee
  LifeLineBackgroundColor #eeeeee
  BoxBorderColor #444444
  GroupBorderColor #444444
  GroupBackgroundColor #eeeeee
  ParticipantBorderColor #444444
  ParticipantBackgroundColor #ffffdd
  ParticipantFontColor #444444
  ActorBackgroundColor #ffffdd
  'ActorFontColor DeepSkyBlue
  'ActorFontSize 17
  'ActorFontName Aapex


Sequence diagram

PlantUML Macro
' PlantUML for O-RAN-SC closed loop use case D-release (OAM view)
' Copyright 2021 highstreet technologies GmbH
' Licensed This work is licensed under thea ApacheCreative License,Commons VersionAttribution 24.0 (the "License"); 
' you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
' You may obtain a copy of the License at 
' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
' distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
' limitations under the License. 


International License.
' SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0

@startuml o-ran-sc-d-closed-loop-sequence

' Diagram 
  Sequence diagram for O-RU recovery use case (OAM view)
end title

box "User space" #lightblue 
  actor "µService\nConnection-Trigger" as user 
end box 

box "SMO" #gold 

  database "Topology Service" as db 
  participant "Message-Router" as mr 
  participant "VES-Collector" as ves
  participant "OAM-Controller" as oam 
end box 

box “O-DU” #lightpink 
  participant "NetConf-Server-O1" as ncso1 
  participant "NetConf-Client-OFH" as nccofh 
end box 

box “O-RU” #lightpink 
  participant "NetConf-Server-OFH" as ncsofh 
end box 

autonumber 1 1 "<b>[00]" 

== Init ==

ncsofh -> nccofh: NETCONF Callhome
ncsofh -> oam: NETCONF Callhome
oam -> ncsofh: NETCONF Notification Subscription

oam -> ncso1: GET OpenFronthaul Topology
ncso1 -> oam: RESPONSE OpenFronthaul Topology
oam -> db: UPDATE OpenFronthaul Topology

== use case ==

ncsofh -> oam: SEND ALARM - connection loss
oam -> ves: convert and forward
ves -> mr: Verify and forward
mr -> user: Fetch for VES fault events
user -> db: GET O-DU of related O-RU
user -> oam: SEND re-connection trigger
oam -> ncso1: SEND re-connection trigger
ncso1 -> nccofh: convert and forward
nccofh -> ncsofh: re-establish connection

' End Diagram
' Format

rightleft footer 
  <img:{scale=0.2}>  Copyright 2021 highstreet technologies USA Corp.
  .              This work is licensed  Thanks to PlantUml! 
  License: Apache 2.0
  2021-01-18under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  .              SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
  .              2021-05-09 | oam project | Thanks to PlantUML!
end footer

skinparam backgroundColor #fefefe

skinparam backgroundColor #fefefe
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skinparam roundcorner 15

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  GroupBorderColor #444444
  GroupBackgroundColor #eeeeee
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  ParticipantBackgroundColor #ffffdd
  ParticipantFontColor #444444
  ActorBackgroundColor #ffffdd
  'ActorFontColor DeepSkyBlue
  'ActorFontSize 17
  'ActorFontName Aapex
