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Create rApp

  1. API user creates rApp by sending rApp package
  2. rApp Manager validates the rApp
  3. rApp Manager stores the rApp in the file system if the rApp is valid
  4. API user provided with the status of rApp creation.
  5. API user request to Prime the rApp
  6. rApp Manager uploads the helm artifacts to chart museum server
  7. rApp Manager get helm artifacts upload status
  8. rApp Manager fetches the ACM composition from rApp package and 
    creates the ACM composition in ACM-R
  9. rApp Manager gets the ACM composition creation status from ACM-R
  10. rApp Manager request ACM-R to prime the ACM composition 
  11. rApp Manager gets the ACM composition priming status from ACM-R
  12. rApp Manager checks with DME for the unknown information type from rApp package
  13. rApp Manager get the information type availability from DME
  14. API user provided with the status of rApp priming

Delete rApp

  1. API user request to Deprime rApp
  2. rApp Manager request ACM-R to deprime the ACM composition 
  3. rApp Manager get the status of ACM composition depriming.
  4. rApp Manager requests ACM-R to delete the ACM composition 
  5. rApp Manager gets the status of ACM composition deletion
  6. API user provided with the deprime rApp status.
  7. API user request to delete the rApp
  8. rApp Manager validates that the rApp is in COMMISSIONED state and 
    there is no rApp Instances are available.
  9. API User provided with delete rApp status

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rApp Instance flow


CSAR file generator is available in the rAppmanager repository here (i-releasemaster)

"rappmanager/csarsample-rapp-generator/resources" folder contains the resources to build the rApp packagesample rApp packages.

The contents of the "resources" rApp (Eg. rapp-all, rapp-hello-world...) directory can be modified as required and the package can be generated as shown below,

Code Block
titleLinux: Generate rApp package

Code Block
titleWindows: Generate rApp package
> ./generate.bat <FOLDER_NAME>

This will generate a package named "rapp <FOLDER_NAME>.csar". It can be renamed as required.


The scripts for the deployments of rApp Manager and its dependent components are available here (i-releasemaster).


These scripts are specifically designed for a fresh environment. Some tweaks may be required to run these in an environment where there are some existing installations


Variable NameDescriptionDefault Value
Address of the A1PMS. 
It will be accessed from A1PMS participant.
AddressURI to ofget the chart repositorycharts. 
It will be used by Kubernetes participant.
and sample rApp generator.
IP_ADDRESS: IP of the host in which 
the installation scripts are running.
URI to upload the charts.
It will be used by sample rApp generator.
IP_ADDRESS: IP of the host in which 
the installation scripts are running.


Code Block


Dev mode of installation can be done by providing an argument "dev" to the installation scripts above. Eg., dev

Dev mode installation uses snapshot images for rApp manager and DME participant.

Installed Components

The below components should be up and running for the rApp Manager integrations to work properly.
