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Table of Contents

2019 10 09

Zoom Meeting: 2019-10-09_toc_audio_only.m4a


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact NameAttendanceAlternate ContactAttendance


    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl



    Masafumi Masuda



    William Diego

    xVincent Danno

    Viswa Kumar

    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  We have a quorum and can vote on activities.  

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meetings
    1. The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
      1. Vote to approve minutes for  
      2. On motion made by Jinri Huang
      3. Seconded by user-2057e
        VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
    •  Tracy Van Brakle to provide writeup next week as base for Plugfest blog, etc.
    •  Tracy Van Brakle and Martin Skorupski to align and document the plugfest plan for a demo video.
      • There will be a demo next week.  Not tested yet.
      • Call to all O-RAN Alliance working group members to propose more demonstrations for the plugfest on this call.
    •  Farheen Cefalu add to the wiki events page. Follow up with Tracy and Jinri. (Plugfest).
    •  Jinri Huang  expand on the events page with anything that is relevant to the Plugfest.
    •  Jinri Huang to talk to CMCC how to promote at Beijing plugfest.  Jinri will report back  
      • 2 sessions.  1 in Beijing (China Mobile).  Jinri will use Martin and Tracy's demo video for the Beijing session.  
    •  user-2057e start a poll for B release. 
    •  Matti Hiltunen document the simulator test on the RSAC space in the wiki. 
    •  user-59b16 place a formal approval request for code freeze extension.
      • Extend the code freeze to October 18 or October 25.  
    •  user-59b16 publish the meeting details on the RSAC page regarding WG3 and E2.
      • We had two meetings today to align all the WGs and projects.  ODU and Infra still have to update but we are in good shape for the f2f.
    •  user-d3360 talk to Jack about which use cases are being covered by the test and integration team, for release B.
      • Trying to get people from other projects and companies more involved because it requires a lot of activities that need to test their items. Code testing and end to end use cases drive the OSC solutions that we promote work.  The integration and test team will be driven by the end to end use cases that we pick as a community for our release.  This is important for the discussion next week.  RSAC have a clear managable set of use cases that demonstrate the value and capability of where we are in the O-RAN stack to the community and beyond.  You can only have a certain amount of end to end use cases.  The team has to focus on these use cases as a primary goal.  End to end use cases are the primary driver to demonstrate what the release can be used for.
        • Rittwik - If you want a full stack ete demo it will require CUs and DUs who won't be ready until the B release.
          • The goal is trying to demonstrate functionality towards the goal.  Simulators can be used.  We have to show the community is advancing in it's goals.  The spirit of end to end is talking about broader functionality and not just the individual.  Write an end to end use case around Martin's demo.  Integration and Test team should develop a plan to evaluate an end to end use case.
    •  John Keeney discuss renaming of near non real time RIC.
      • People are complaining about which is the real name of RIC?  People don't like typing the extra words "near real time..." or "non real time ..."
        • Jinri spoke to O-RAN TSC.  There are difference of opinions in WG1.  Keep it open until later.
          • Martin - Do you have a proposal because it has implications to O-RAN Alliance.
            • John - I propose that we don't change it.
              • Jack - Better to change it now rather than later.  It will become harder to make the changes across documenation and it will have a ripple effect throughout the projects.
    •  John Keeney discuss the relationship with the upstream projects such as Acumos and Akraino.
      • Asking for feedback on relationships with upstreams projects.  Do other people have other discussions?
        • Yes lots of discussions in the background.  See new Partnerships link in the top navigation bar.  We have slides we will share and put on the agenda in the coming weeks.  We will pick one of the projects and talk through it.  We are starting to document which ones we are interacting with and we have develop a breakdown of what our interactions is with.
        • Irfan Ghauri - Are there collaboration agreements?
          • In open source there are no formal collaborations except for O-RAN Alliance, 3GPP, and ETSI.  They require formal collaborations
          • Jinri raised a concern about the putting the O-RAN Alliance in the Partnership category.
            • It is not owned by O-RAN Alliance.
            • Peter Moonki Hong - How do the open source developers refer to the other collaborative projects such as Akraino?  For example I am a developer who would like to test O-RAN software stack and there are other components from Akraino.  Could you provide formal guidance of how we interact with the partnerships?
              • Jack - In the near term start by reaching out to Lusheng about integration.  Akraino is a part of the INF project it's early.  We have contacts from Akraino.  Acumos is being used by the Near real time RIC dashboard.  Reach out to the TSC in those projects.  We will expand the partnerships with a list of contacts.
    •  Jinri Huang discuss PTLs slide preparation for the F2F meeting.
      • Top mission is the complete the alignment with the working group at the face to face meeting.
      • Rittwik - preparing one slide deck for discussing the near real time RIC.  We should sit in the WG3 meeting. 
        • From Non Real Time RIC we presented our alignment with WG2.  WG1 and WG6 I am quite confused about the scope and architecture when it comes to the Non real time RIC.
          • Can you share the slides with the community?
            • Yes, there is one slide.
              • Jinri needs to see whether these items are aligned.  
      • Jinri requesting all the working groups to present their slides by the end of this week.
  6. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      • There is a formal request.  In the Amber release this schedule was ambitious process.  One of the goals is to get people to get familiar and start contributing.  Code freeze is supposed to occur at the end of this week.  The developers enter a maintenance cycle.  To get a release out we add a maintenance release.  So the developers can continue to fix defects while everyone plans on what the new features are in the B release.  This next window October 14 - November 2 is time to work on fixing bugs on the software only for this release.  We should allow this extension because there is not enough code to do end to end testing.
      • The proposal is to move the code freeze date to add a development sprint 5.  Focus on getting the code as mature as possible for Amber to make it useful.  This is a one time event.
        • Jinri agrees to delay. 
        • Extend the release schedule code freeze from October to November 2.  On motion made by Jinri Huang seconded by  user-2057e
          • VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
    2. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. Matti Hiltunen RIC Applications (RICAPP) 
      2. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
        1. For legal reasons we need a controlled way to define the scope of the near-RT RIC platform. Concrete suggestion is here. The basic idea is a description of scope and RICP project meeting approval for changes to that scope plus TOC approval for new repos. Additionally we would like the following sentence in the beginning of each file (in addition to the copyright and license statement):  "This source code is part of the near-RT RIC (Radio Intelligent Controller) platform project (RICP)." (suggested by legal dept.). Jack's opinion on the extra sentence needed. The rest of the procedure was ok-ed by RICP project meeting.
          1. Jack will review the proposal.
          2. David - keep Paul in the loop to avoid surprises.
          3. John - The title should be updated.
          4. Action/TOC continue review the proposal and return with feedback
        2. E2AP documentation now available as document (PDF/DOCX) plus ASN.1 file:;a=tree
        3. RICP presentation at ONS, Antwerpen, 2019: Overall architecture (not component-specific)
      3. user-a934b O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
        1. Request for approval of the committer.
      4. Sachin Srivastava O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
      5. Zhimin Yuan O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
      6. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
      7. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
      8. Xiaohua Zhang Infrastructure (INF)

      9. weichen ni Documentation (DOC)
      10. John Keeney Non-RealTime RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
      11. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
    3. user-d3360 Test & Integration Planning (INT)

    4. user-59b16 Requirements Software Architecture Committee
  7. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Discuss OSC Partners and Open Source alignment
  8. Planning for Next Meeting
  9. Open Discussion
  10. Any Other Business (AOB) 
    1. PTLs attend user-d3360 meeting for Integration and Test.
  11. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
    1. Votes
      1. The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
        1. Vote to approve minutes for  
        2. On motion made by Jinri Huang
        3. Seconded by user-2057e
          VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
      2. Seeking approval from TOC for new code freeze date for Amber release to Oct 18 (or Oct 25). TOC to recommend a suitable date for code freeze.
        • Extend the release schedule code freeze date to November 2. 
    2. Actions
      1. Tracy Van Brakle and Martin Skorupski to align and document the plugfest plan for a demo video.
      2. Jinri Huang  expand on the events page with anything that is relevant to the Plugfest.
      3. Matti Hiltunen document the simulator test on the RSAC space in the wiki. 
      4. user-d3360 talk to Jack about which use cases are being covered by the test and integration team, for release B.
      5. John Keeney discuss renaming of near non real time RIC.
      6. John Keeney  provide alignment slide for f2f meeting to Jinri Huang

2019 10 02

Zoom Meeting: 2019-10-02-toc.mp4


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact NameAttendanceAlternate ContactAttendance


    Jack Murray Co-Chair

    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl


    Masafumi Masuda



    William Diego

    xVincent Danno

    Viswa Kumar

    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  We have a quorum and can vote on activities.  

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
    1. The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
      1. Vote to approve minutes for  
      2. On motion made by William Diego
      3. Seconded by Masafumi Masuda
        VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Items added to section 10 New Agenda new Business below.
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
    1. Actions: Plugfest 
      1. Tracy Van Brakle to provide writeup next week as base for blog, etc.
      2. Farheen Cefalu add to the wiki events page. 
        1. Jinri received a call for participation.  Farheen Cefalu follow up with Tracy and Jinri.
      3. Jinri Huang to talk to CMCC how to promote at Beijing plugfest.
        1. Jinri will report back  .
          1. Two parallel sessions in Beijeng and USA.  Jinri wants to promote TOC in both events.
    2. Actionuser-2057e start a poll for B release.
    3. Actionuser-59b16 publish the meeting details on the RSAC page regarding WG3 and E2.
      1. Last week Rittwik organized the meeting to align the O-RAN working groups.  Jinri attended.  There was another alignment meeting with software working group and O-RAN Alliance.
    4. user-d3360 SPDX identifier for Apache 2.
      1. John Murray email Trishan de Lanerolle to confirm there is no issue from LF, if no objection I am okay with it.  Bring this back next week.
      2. Action/ user-d3360contact Trishan de Lanerolle
        1. Conclusion is we are not using SPDX.
    5. Actionuser-d3360 talk to Jack about which use cases are being covered by the test and integration team, for release B.
    6. Action / Tracy Van Brakle TOC will look to Tracy Van Brakle and Martin Skorupski to align and document the plugfest plan for a demo video.
  6. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. RSAC meeting Rittwik mentioned most development work in RSAC is ongoing.  Our target is to have our release at the end of November.  Initial idea to reconsider the timeline.  Rittwik and Jack are not here.  Call for opinions.
        1. Matti - Code freeze is Monday this week.  We are not supposed to add anything.  Proposal by Rittwik to extend the release by three weeks (1 full sprint).  Code freeze was September 30 extend it for three weeks.  Team needs more development time.
          1. Who should we request an extension from?
            1. Release Manager
            2. Voting approval by TOC and TSC.
            3. Actionuser-59b16 place a formal approval request for code freeze extension.
          2. LF projects release has a special meaning.
            1. Code hosted by LF gerrit, nexus, etc.
            2. To release code must be published to other global repos.  Gerrit goes to github.  Docker images go to Dockerhub.  To publish means to publish to these global repositories.  Meaning we should have some standards.
              1. Do we have any standards for release?  
                1. LF has different criteria for different releases.
                2. Licenses have to have standards.
                3. As far as software quality is the TOC/TSC decision.
      2. Jun Song - wants to raise an issue.  RSAC meeting I raised two issues for KPI XApp.  We don't know how to verify and test the xApp once we complete the coding.  
        1. Matti - from integration point of view what are the requirements his KPI xApp has to meet?  It will talk to simulator via E2 termination.  Other xApps are tested with a simple simulator without E2.  ActionMatti Hiltunen document the simulator test on the RSAC space in the wiki.  We don't have anything else for the Amber release besides the simulator to test xApps.
        2. Lusheng - I would like to see one xApp for a complete integration.  I would like to see it following the overall flow and architecture.  We can enhance a component for the Amber release.  It can be deployed so the APIs provided by the near real time platform would be a big achievement.
          1. As long as you can deploy the xApp would be a minimum viable product.
            1. Martin agrees.  We need to have the basic building blocks complete.
      3. Jinri - We need Rittwik to vote on extending the timeline.
    2. Release planning link.
    3. Copyright
      1. Which projects have the copyright issue?
        1. CU, DU, RIC Applications.
      2. There was a form from O-RAN Alliance regarding the copyright issue.  
        1. We should let Jack address.  He wants to test one or two components.  Jinri will review with Jack.
  7. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
    1. Non real time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) - John Keeney
    2. RIC Applications - Matti Hiltunen
    3. RIC Platform - Thoralf Czichy
      1. Outstanding Resource Requests for Linux Foundation


          1. hi,

            I hereby request two new repos managed by the RICP (near-RT RIC platform) project.


                  - Summary: ASN.1 definitions and related documents

                  - Description: ASN.1 definitions and related documents that are needed by other components in compilation. E.g., this includes E2 ASN.1 definitions.

                  - License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (unless document comes from somewhere else)

                  - Initial committers: Thoralf Czichy (thoralf.czichy@...), Alistair Urie (alistair.urie@...), Paul Stephens (paul.stephens@...), Antti Puhakka ( antti.puhakka@... )


                  - Summary: protobuf definitions used when streaming messages to other xApps

                  - Description: contains protobuf definitions that xApps can use, for example, to derive statistics from streams of messages obtained from the RAN.  

                  - License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

                  - Initial committers: Timo Tietavainen (timo.tietavainen@... ), Jussi Maki Aijala (jussi.maki-aijala@...), Rolf Badorek (rolf.badorek@...)

            All committers are already committers in other repos of the RIC platform. Additionally we have Alistair and Paul working in WG3 of

            the O-RAN alliance and myself as RIC PTL.


      2. Vote to approve two new repos managed by the RICP (near-RT RIC platform) project 
        1. ric-plt/asn1-documents will be in word or pdf which are not reviewable by git gerrit.  License will be the common.

          1. Committers: Thoralf Czichy, Allistair Urie, Paul Stephens, Antti Puhakka.

        2. Protobuf definitions ric-plt/streaming-protobufs.  They are an interface.  No code link or creative logic.  3 Nokia Committers. See Thoralf Czichy  message on TOC.
          1. Committers: Thoralf Czichy, Jussi Maki Aijala, Rolf Badorek.
        1. On motion made by William Diego
        2. Seconded by Masafumi Masuda
          VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
    1. O-RAN Centralized Unit user-a934b
    2. O-RAN Distributed Unit High Sachin Srivastava
    3. O-RAN Distributed Unity Low Zhimin Yuan
    4. O-RAN Radio Unit (TBD)
    5. Operations and Maintenance - Martin Skorupski
    6. Simulations - Alex Stancu
    7. Infrastructure - Xiaohua Zhang
    8. DOC - weichen ni
    9. O-CU user-a934b 
  8. Test & Integration Planning - Lusheng

  9. Requirements Software Architecture Committee - Rittwik
  10. New Agenda Items (New Business)

    1. Approval from Thoralf Czichy for Near Real time RIC
    2. Face to face meeting discussion regarding agenda Jinri Huang
      1. Who will be at F2F? Jinri HuangMASAFUMI MASUDAWilliam DIEGO user-a934b.  Rittwik will be there.  Thoralf and Matti will work with Rittwik for the RIC presentation.
      2. October 14 - 16 we are in the afternoon session from 4:30 - 7:00PM.  There are four purposes for the meeting.
        1. consolidate our alignment with WG.
        2. Discuss release B planning
        3. Copyright issue discussion
        4. Discuss the respective projects but since low attendance of PTLs we may reconsider.
        5. To make the communication for WG better there is a slide.  Check with other working groups and prepare similar slides.  Let us call them Alignment Analysis.  I can see a list of items divided into three groups with three marks.  
          1. "Aligned" mark: items developed based on released spec. or what have been agreed in the WG.
          2. "pre-spec" mark: items being specified, or to be specified in the future in WG.
          3. "TBD" mark; 
            1. Do the items go beyond the interface protocols A1, O1?
              1. Definitely interface and maybe messages.  This is generic.
                1. Should the PTLs or WGs come with the list of items?
        6. Last remarks: Go to WG3 wiki and check out their alignment document as an example.
        7. Reviewed draft agenda
          1. Day 1: Alignment - Needs TOC support to convince TSC about WGs alignment.
          2. Day 2: Allocate 2 hours for Release B.
          3. Day 3: Copyright issues.
    3. There is a motion in working group 1 to rename the non real time RIC.  Mentioned to Jack.  We have until the Costa Rica F2F meeting to decide if the OSC has a meeting on this.  Action/ Farheen add to next weeks call.
    4. Action/ Farheen add discuss the relationship with the upstream projects to next weeks agenda.  John Keeney is looking for guidance for upstream and downstream projects such as Acumos and Akraino.
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
    1. Votes:
      1. The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
        1. Vote to approve minutes for  
          1. On motion made by William Diego
          2. Seconded by Masafumi Masuda
            1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
      2. Vote to approve two new repos managed by the RICP (near-RT RIC platform) project
        1. ric-plt/asn1-documents will be in word or pdf which are not reviewable by git gerrit.  License will be the common.
          1. Committers: Thoralf Czichy, Allistair Urie, Paul Stephens, Antti Puhakka.
        2. Protobuf definitions ric-plt/streaming-protobufs.  They are an interface.  No code link or creative logic.  3 Nokia Committers. See Thoralf Czichy  message on TOC.
          1. Committers: Thoralf Czichy, Jussi Maki Aijala, Rolf Badorek.
            1. On motion made by William Diego
            2. Seconded by Masafumi Masuda
              VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
    2. Actions
      1. Plugfest Actions
        1. Tracy Van Brakle to provide writeup next week as base for blog, etc.
        2. Farheen Cefalu add to the wiki events page. 
        3. Jinri received a call for participation.  Farheen Cefalu follow up with Tracy and Jinri.
        4. Jinri Huang to talk to CMCC how to promote at Beijing plugfest.  Jinri will report back  .
          1. Two parallel sessions in Beijeng and USA.  Jinri wants to promote TOC in both events.
        5. Actionuser-2057e start a poll for B release.
        6. Actionuser-59b16 publish the meeting details on the RSAC page regarding WG3 and E2.
        7. ActionJohn Keeney discuss renaming of near real time RIC.
        8. ActionJohn Keeney discuss the relationship with the upstream projects such as Acumos and Akraino.
        9. ActionJinri Huang discuss PTLs slide preparation for the F2F meeting.