1. 2022.10.3~2022.10.21
  2. Goal
    1. Complete Ongoing activities from sprint 1:
      1. 6 repositories will be created and corresponding seed code committed
    2. Demo of AI/ML framework for O-RAN F2F meeting
  3. Story / Tasks
    1. repo creation (hoejoo lee ) 
      • portal/aiml-dashboard
      • aiml-fw/awmf/tm (in progress)
      • aiml-fw/athp/tps/kubeflow adapter
      • aiml-fw/athp/sdk/feature store
      • aiml-fw/athp/sdk/model storage
      • aiml-fw/athp/data extraction (ready)
    2. commit seed code (Joseph Thaliath , SANDEEP KUMAR JAISAWAL ) 
      • portal/aiml-dashboard
      • aiml-fw/awmf/tm
      • aiml-fw/athp/tps/kubeflow adapter
      • aiml-fw/athp/sdk/feature store
      • aiml-fw/athp/sdk/model storage
      • aiml-fw/athp/data extraction
  • No labels