Note: Recording of meetings available here: Project meetings


  1. Quick overview of the RICAPP project and its goals for Release Amber (by Rajesh Panta)


  1. Status update on RICAPP epics for O-RAN Amber release: which ones will be completed for sure, completed likely, and which ones will move to Release B.


  1. Review of one page status update for the O-RAN SC TOC
  2. Discussion on ideas for B Release
    1. Impacts of A1/O1/E2 standardization
    2. E2 Control messages
    3. xApp composition/chaining?
    4. Resiliency (xApp replication, for example)
    5. New xApp ideas/volunteers?


  1. xApp updates:
    1. AC - mostly completed - documentation, persistence using SDL C++ library, A1-spec based policy guidance with support for multiple policy instances in progress
    2. MC - legal review completed, development can move back to LF, deployable xApp with some initial reports generated and sent using VES
    3. ML xApp - initial work, not a realistic working xApp in Amber release
    4. KPImon - repo created, feasibility analyzed
    5. UE Manager - moving to RIC platform project
  2. Discussion on open issues and release B ideas.


  1. OAM repo discussion with Martin Skorupski
  2. xApp status update: AC, MC, KPI Mon
  3. ML xApp presentation (Guy Jacobson)


  1. Release A Planning: Code freeze (Nov 2nd), only bug fixes and documentation after that
  2. Release A xApp status
    1. AC xApp: code, CI/CD/test coverage, some documentation done - implements pre-spec A1/E2
    2. MC xApp: code done, in repo soon - CI/CD, test coverage, and documentation to do
    3. ML xApp: sample code in repo - may not be a real xApp in Release A
    4. KPIMon xApp: repo created, sample message reviewed -
  3. 2. CXApps in Release
    1. Multiple ML xApps for the Release B use case