
| 6am PDT | 9am EDT | 13:00 UTC | 14:00 WEST | 15:00 CEST | 16:00 EEST | 18:30 IST | 21:00 CST | 22:00 JST |


Last week Eliza Celentimade us aware of a new use case defined by O-RAN-SC:

1. Application LCM Use Case

After offline talks - including David Kinsey - I got the impression that the described use cases goes beyond A1, O1, O2 and even beyond NON-RT-RIC and SMO.

I'm lucky that David made some effort to join our meeting. He is going to present the use case in our meeting. 

@all: In order to have an efficient meeting, and if possible, please read the page  and please have also a look to the subpages (sequence diagrams). Please note down your questions, comments and suggestions and if possible tag them a priority and whether your notes are concerning the requirements or a potential software or process solution.

I would like to group all your notes, to get the best and most efficient solution for Cherry. 

Thanks in advance,


  • Share information
  • Understand constrains and complexity
  • Make it happen


Invitations (just this meeting)

(I don't expect that you can join on such short notice, I will try to record the meeting)

See also

Minutes of NONRTRIC part meeting:
2020-07-13 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC SCRUM meeting


Discussion items


next meeting 

00:05O-RAN-SC A1 Non-RT-RIC
  • Req analyisis
  • down streaming to ONAP
  • O-RAN-SC: App LCM
  • WG2 proposal: how to register for data (subscription for rApps)

1. Application LCM Use Case

Introduction to the use case

  • Main objective
  • What needs to be solved?

(Please give David describe first the entire use case and note your comments and questions, I'd like to avoid getting lost in the details before the entire use case is understood - comments and questions should be addressed in the second part)

00:30Q&A about: 1. Application LCM Use Case@all


  • Application → does it refer to "ManagedApplication" as introduced in WG1 - Think about 3GPP:ManagedElement and 3GPP:ManagedFunction, such concepts should be applied to "Applications"
  • As a very first implementation, would it be possible to concentrate on Applications, which are dockerized only?
  • Would it make sense to use the ONAP CSAR (Cloud Service Archive) ideas for the "packaging" and enhance them with Kubernetes and Helm and use the ONAP OOM methods for deployment?

Action items
