The presentation video and a single slider and the command_list.txt used in demo.

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  1. Hi,

    I am new to o-ran, kubernetes, helm chart, there are many things that i dont understand. I tried to follow the instruction by the video  and command_list.

    I have problem when i tried to execute this command:  dms_cli install hw-go 1.0.0 ricxapp

    There was return "OK" message. but when i try to check the pod, (kubectl get pods -n ricxapp) i got "Error: ImagePullbackOff"

    Did i miss some step? Thanks for the help.



    1. Hi, 

      I found out how to resolve this problem, hopefully i can help someone who has similar problem with me:

      1. I clone the hw-go: git clone ""

      2. Inside the hw-go/ directory there is Dockerfile then I tried to create image using the Dockerfile

      3. docker build -t <dockerhub_username>/hw-go .

      4.<dockerhub_username>/hw-go created

      5. Finally I pushed the  image into dockerhub using command: docker push <dockerhub_username>/hw-go

      6. I modify the config-file.json
        1. registry:
        2. name: <dockerhub_username>/hw-go
        3. tag: latest
      7. i uninstall the previous hw-go: dms_cli uninstall hw-go ricxapp
      8. re-run dms_cli onboard: dms_cli onboard config-file.json schema.json
      9. re-install using new config: dms_cli install hw-go 1.0.0 ricxapp



  2. I am encountering multiple issues with the Kubernetes deployment ( E/F/G -Release).

    1. Tiller-ricxapp Pod Issue:The tiller-ricxapp pod remains in the ContainerCreating state, and upon inspecting the pod description, the following message is observed:

    MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "tiller-certs" : secret "ricxapp-tiller-secret" not found

    It seems that the Kubernetes deployment is unable to locate the ricxapp-tiller-secret secret necessary for mounting the tiller-certs volume.

    kubectl get secret ricxapp-tiller-secret --namespace=ricinfra indicates like the secret does not exist or there might be some other underlying issue.

    2. Crashing Pods - e2mgr and e2term:Additionally, the e2mgr and e2term pods are also crashing. I'm assuming it is because of tiller.

    Any tips to resolve this would be helpful.