E2 Simulator




How to configure E2Sim to initiate the connection towards E2Term(nRT-RIC)

  •  Get endpoint of Kong service
MyExample: script
KONG_SVC=$(kubectl get svc -A | grep "kong" | awk '{print $2}')
NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace ricplt -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services $KONG_SVC)
NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}")
  • Get endpoint of E2Term List from E2Mgr
MyExample: script
NUM_OF_E2T=$(curl -sX GET "http://${KONG_ADDRESS}/e2mgr/v1/e2t/list" -H "accept: application/json" | jq '.')

for id in $(seq 1 ${NUM_OF_E2T}); do
NODE_IP=$(kubectl get pod -n=ricplt -l app=ricplt-e2term-"${id}" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.hostIP}")
  NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get svc -n=ricplt service-ricplt-e2term-sctp-"${id}" -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}")
MyExample: helm chart
        - name: …..
          image: …..
          imagePullPolicy: …..
          restartPolicy: …..
          command: ["/bin/sh"]
          args: ["-c", ${EXECUTABLE with E2TERM ENDPOINT} ]

Building docker image and running simulator instance

To start building docker image one should generate the .deb packages using following commands :

$ cd build          // create folder if not present

Generate .deb packages and move it to e2sm_examples/kpm_e2sm folder (on plain Ubuntu you might need to install "apt install cmake c++ libsctp-dev")

cmake .. && make package && cmake .. -DDEV_PKG=1 && make package
cp *.deb ../e2sm_examples/kpm_e2sm/

Now we are ready to build the docker image using below command. In the Dockerfile replace 10001 → 10002.

cd ../e2sm_examples/kpm_e2sm/ docker build -t <simulator-image-name> .

if you wish to change the e2t address to connect then modify the Dockerfile in e2sm_examples/kpm_e2sm/ path.

CMD kpm_sim 36422

Create instance of simulator :

$ docker run <simulator-image-name>

It will connect to specified e2t instance.

Building docker image and running simulator instance as helm chart

o start building docker image one should generate the .deb packages using following commands :

$ cd build          // create folder if not present

Generate .deb packages and move it to e2sm_examples/kpm_e2sm folder (on plain Ubuntu you might need to install "apt install cmake c++ libsctp-dev")

cmake .. && make package && cmake .. -DDEV_PKG=1 && make package
cp *.deb ../e2sm_examples/kpm_e2sm/

Now we are ready to build the docker image using below command. In the Dockerfile replace 10001 → 10002.

cd ../e2sm_examples/kpm_e2sm/ docker build -t e2simul:0.0.2 .

if you wish to change the e2t address to connect then modify the Dockerfile in e2sm_examples/kpm_e2sm/ path.

CMD kpm_sim 36422

Find the correct IP address to specify there using: $ kubectl get svc -n ricplt | grep -i e2term-sctp

Start the helm chart:

helm install e2sim ./helm -n ricplt
  • No labels


  1. user-6ca6d

    Dears, can you please advice which xApps currently available can be tested with this E2 simulator? 

    Based on what i've tried so far, enabling this simulator we can observe gNb connection at e2mgr, check some actions with "hello world" app, and apparenty bouncer xApp can use it. Is there anything else to try? 

    I've tried using it with new kpimon-go xApp, it can see the simulated gNb, but seems like nothing else happens (nothing else being reported).


    1. user-6ca6d

      UPD: after doing some troubleshootings and minor fixes, kpimon-go did work with E2 simulator. It's possible to see subscription, messages with indicators to E2 Term to kpimon-go xApp which places some records into influxDb tables (UE and cell level).

      So we have at least three options for E2SIM testing: hello world, bouncer and kpimon.


      1. Hi Vitalii,

        What is the Release that you are using? Now, i´m working with E release,. Is it work kpimon xApp in this release? If yes, how can I see the logs that you comment?

        Thanks in advance.

        Best regards.

        1. user-6ca6d

          Hi Francsico,

          i'm using  Release F and Golang version of kpimon. Not sure if it can work with "E", seems like it was released together with "F". But I believe there is an older version of kpimon (made in C++ I guess), probably this one should work with "E".

          Regarding logs, not sure if I understood properly your question, but in general you can extract logs from the pod of your interest (like e2sim or subscription manager) by doing something like

          kubectl logs -n ricplt deployment-ricplt-submgr-f8fdfdb54-f7vr8

          When kpimon subscription reach e2sim, you will be able to see it very clearly in e2sim log or shell depending on how you run it.


        2. do you have the guideline of E release

      2. Hi Vitalii, 

        I wonder which minor fixed you did to e2sim and/or kpimon to make it work. So far, kpimon-go is able to subscribe to the e2 node, but e2sim doesn't send any UE or cell reports.

        Could you give any hints on how to solve this issue?



        1. user-6ca6d

          Hi Rafael, 

          regarding e2sim, I've commented line 372 of kpm_callbacks.cpp.to make it work (please check my answer to Mohammad right below). At kpimon you need to change some minor things like influx db address. I also remember changing something at subscription parameters (setting ran func to 0 perhaps), but seems like code has beed modifyed since then, so there is no need to worry about this anymore. 


          1. Hello Vitalii,

            I looked into Mohammad Sadegh Ghasrizadeh e2sim logs and I noticed my e2sim stdout only reaches until  
            [E2AP] Received SETUP-RESPONSE-SUCCESS, therefore it doesn't show the later [E2AP] Received RIC-SUBSCRIPTION-REQUEST.

            Nevertheless, in our kpimon-go logs (attached here) you can see this subscription message. Wondering if you have encountered this issue before? It seems we must solve this issue in e2sim before sending ue or cell reports.

            PD: Does restarting pods helped you in any way (submgr, kpimon, e2term, ...) or is the issue in the source code? Any clues on how to trigger report sending?


            UPDATE: I checked submgr logs and I get the following error:

            {"ts":1667914848108,"crit":"INFO","id":"submgr","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","PID":"1","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2022-11-08T13:40:48"},"msg":"restapi: method=GET url=/ric/v1/health/alive"}
            SubscriptionID = ''
            ClientEndpoint.Host = service-ricxapp-xappkpimon-http.ricxapp
            ClientEndpoint.HTTPPort = 8080
            ClientEndpoint.RMRPort = 4560
            Meid = gnb_734_733_16b8cef1
            E2SubscriptionDirectives = nil
            RANFunctionID = 0
            SubscriptionDetail.XappEventInstanceID = 1
            SubscriptionDetail.EventTriggers = [1234]
            SubscriptionDetail.ActionToBeSetup.ActionID = 1
            SubscriptionDetail.ActionToBeSetup.ActionType = report
            SubscriptionDetail.ActionToBeSetup.ActionDefinition = [5678]
            SubscriptionDetail.ActionToBeSetup.SubsequentAction.SubsequentActionType = continue
            SubscriptionDetail.ActionToBeSetup..SubsequentAction.TimeToWait = w10ms
            {"ts":1667914850192,"crit":"ERROR","id":"submgr","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","PID":"1","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2022-11-08T13:40:50"},"msg":"CREATE routeinfo(2/[service-ricxapp-xappkpimon-rmr.ricxapp:4560]) failed with error: [POST /handles/xapp-subscription-handle][400] provideXappSubscriptionHandleBadRequest "}
            {"ts":1667914850192,"crit":"ERROR","id":"submgr","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","PID":"1","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":"2022-11-08T13:40:50"},"msg":"XAPP-SubReq Assign error: transxapp(trans(1/meid(RanName=gnb_734_733_16b8cef1))/transkey(service-ricxapp-xappkpimon-rmr.ricxapp:4560/2HGcREd6HXV4hQXN0Oz2bRSa6i4)/0) err(RTMGR route create failure)"}

            You can see the ran func id is 0 as you mentioned

            1. user-6ca6d

              Hi Rafael!

              yeah, I believe i had this issue as well, and you are on the right direction, - restarting pods actually might help.

              So what's going on here (at least it was happening for me): 

              When kpimon-go starts, it opens some ports, connects to db, sends subscription request, we can see "Successfully subscription done" message. If you check xApp logs, you will see below message like "Application is not ready yet, waiting ",  and a bit later something like "registering xApp".  So, xApp registers itself  after subscription is sent. And, despite "Successfully subscription done" message, actual subscription fails (exactly as you pointed at submgr logs - failed with error: [POST /handles/xapp-subscription-handle][400] provideXappSubscriptionHandleBadRequest). In my understanding, it fails because xApp is not yet registered at that moment ..  the order had to be opposite - first register, then send subscription.

              I was able to solve it with simple restart. Wait until xApp registration is done, and run something like

              kubectl rollout restart deploy -n ricxapp ricxapp-xappkpimon

              xApp will repeat all initial steps, and it will be already registered when sending subscription, so should work. In case it still fails with the same error, you may try manual registration (followed by restart deploy). Something like:

              curl -v -X POST "http://[appmgr ip]:8080/ric/v1/register" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@kpimonxapp-register.json"


              Last but not least, line from your log "msg":"Application='' is not ready yet, waiting ... suggests that you missing the configuration of appname somewhere - app name is empty. I believe it's in the config.json you use to onboard your app. Please make sure it has line like  "name": "xappkpimon" in the beginning. Mine starts like:

              "name": "xappkpimon",
              "xapp_name": "xappkpimon",
              "version": "1.0.0",
              "containers": [


              Config-file.yaml also must have app name ... mine goes like

              "name": "xappkpimon"
              "version": "1.0.0"


              Hope this helps.


              1. Hello all, 

                First of all, thank you user-6ca6d for your support.

                I was able to solve the issue by doing some changes to kpimon's config.json file used in the onboarding step. For some reason, liveness and readiness checks weren't specified in this file. Here is the deploy/config.json file I'm currently using for kpimon-go.


                Then following other people's instructions helped me to get it working. Now I can see that kpimon has inserted some records in influxdb.

  2. Hello all,

    After switching to the F release for Near-RT RIC, I got an error:

    I followed the above steps and e2sim could connect to ricplt and receive the E2 Setup response and everything was fine till the E2Sim tried to send ric-indication toward Bouncer xApp. 
    After E2Sim sent a ric-indication message toward Bouncer xApp, this error appeared in e2sim logs:

    "free(): double free detected in tcache 2
    Aborted (core dumped)"

    The full logs file of E2Sim is attached (two last lines show the error).

    I installed the Bouncer xApp using steps in this link.

    Do know why this error occurred?

    How can I solve that?


    1. user-6ca6d

      i had the same issue with kpimon-go xApp. And, of course it's a terrible suggestion, for test purposes only  ... but ... it only worked for me commenting ASN_STRUCT_FREE  command at line 372 of kpm_callbacks.cpp. So it became like this:

      asn_enc_rval_t er_message_cucp_ue = asn_encode_to_buffer(opt_cod,
      ind_msg_cucp_ue, e2sm_message_buf_cucp_ue, e2sm_message_buf_size_cucp_ue);
      //ASN_STRUCT_FREE(asn_DEF_E2SM_KPM_IndicationMessage, ind_msg_cucp_ue);

      Not sure if it's exactly the same issue as yors, but might help.


      1. Thank you very much user-6ca6d

        I'll try what you've mentioned and seems this will work for me.
        I will share the result if it works.

        Many thanks.

        UPDATE: That works for me.

      2. Hi,

        This works for me too, thanks!!

    2. Hello Mohammad,

      I also installed the Bouncer xApp and run it with the e2sim (h-release). But I cannot go so far as you. I noticed that the e2sim received the RIC Subscription Request with Ran function 1 and it throw an error "Error: No RAN Function with this ID exists". But in your case, the e2sim received Ran function 0. Do you have any idea how to solve it? Thank you!

  3. Hi all,

    I am trying to run e2sim to connect to ric e2term.

    I checked the wireshark and I can observe that e2sim did send E2setupRequest to ric e2term. → e2sim → ric e2term

    However, there is no any response from ric e2term, and there is an error msg in deployment-ricplt-e2term-alpha:

    {"ts":1667813969975,"crit":"ERROR","id":"E2Terminator","mdc":{"PID":"140408530237184","POD_NAME":"deployment-ricplt-e2term-alpha-84d4db76d6-qt42q","CONTAINER_NAME":"container-ricplt-e2term","SERVICE_NAME":"RIC_E2_TERM","HOST_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"SEP"},"msg":"Error 2 Decoding (unpack) E2AP PDU from RAN : "}

    Also, e2sim is stuck forever:

    Starting KPM processor simJSON Test
    <ranFunction-Description>KPM monitor</ranFunction-Description>
    <ric-EventTriggerStyle-Name>Periodic report</ric-EventTriggerStyle-Name>
    <ric-ReportStyle-Name>O-DU Measurement Container for the 5GC connected deployment</ric-ReportStyle-Name>
    <ric-ReportStyle-Name>O-DU Measurement Container for the EPC connected deployment</ric-ReportStyle-Name>
    <ric-ReportStyle-Name>O-CU-CP Measurement Container for the 5GC connected deployment</ric-ReportStyle-Name>
    <ric-ReportStyle-Name>O-CU-CP Measurement Container for the EPC connected deployment</ric-ReportStyle-Name>
    <ric-ReportStyle-Name>O-CU-UP Measurement Container for the 5GC connected deployment</ric-ReportStyle-Name>
    <ric-ReportStyle-Name>O-CU-UP Measurement Container for the EPC connected deployment</ric-ReportStyle-Name>
    er encded is 489
    after encoding message
    here is encoded message ▒ORAN-E2SM-KPM
    %%about to register callback for subscription for func_id 0
    <plmn-id>37 34 37</plmn-id>
    20 C0 4F 52 41 4E 2D 45 32 53 4D 2D 4B 50 4D 00
    00 05 4F 49 44 31 32 33 05 00 4B 50 4D 20 6D 6F
    6E 69 74 6F 72 08 8F 01 47 D4 CD BB 68 00 60 00
    01 01 07 00 50 65 72 69 6F 64 69 63 20 72 65 70
    6F 72 74 01 05 14 01 01 1D 00 4F 2D 44 55 20 4D
    65 61 73 75 72 65 6D 65 6E 74 20 43 6F 6E 74 61
    69 6E 65 72 20 66 6F 72 20 74 68 65 20 35 47 43
    20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 65 64 20 64 65 70 6C 6F
    79 6D 65 6E 74 01 01 01 01 00 01 02 1D 00 4F 2D
    44 55 20 4D 65 61 73 75 72 65 6D 65 6E 74 20 43
    6F 6E 74 61 69 6E 65 72 20 66 6F 72 20 74 68 65
    20 45 50 43 20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 65 64 20 64
    65 70 6C 6F 79 6D 65 6E 74 01 01 01 01 00 01 03
    1E 80 4F 2D 43 55 2D 43 50 20 4D 65 61 73 75 72
    65 6D 65 6E 74 20 43 6F 6E 74 61 69 6E 65 72 20
    66 6F 72 20 74 68 65 20 35 47 43 20 63 6F 6E 6E
    65 63 74 65 64 20 64 65 70 6C 6F 79 6D 65 6E 74
    01 01 01 01 00 01 04 1E 80 4F 2D 43 55 2D 43 50
    20 4D 65 61 73 75 72 65 6D 65 6E 74 20 43 6F 6E
    74 61 69 6E 65 72 20 66 6F 72 20 74 68 65 20 45
    50 43 20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 65 64 20 64 65 70
    6C 6F 79 6D 65 6E 74 01 01 01 01 00 01 05 1E 80
    4F 2D 43 55 2D 55 50 20 4D 65 61 73 75 72 65 6D
    65 6E 74 20 43 6F 6E 74 61 69 6E 65 72 20 66 6F
    72 20 74 68 65 20 35 47 43 20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63
    74 65 64 20 64 65 70 6C 6F 79 6D 65 6E 74 01 01
    01 01 00 01 06 1E 80 4F 2D 43 55 2D 55 50 20 4D
    65 61 73 75 72 65 6D 65 6E 74 20 43 6F 6E 74 61
    69 6E 65 72 20 66 6F 72 20 74 68 65 20 45 50 43
    20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 65 64 20 64 65 70 6C 6F
    79 6D 65 6E 74 01 01 01 01
    <e2nodeComponentRequestPart>72 65 71 70 61 72 74</e2nodeComponentRequestPart>
    <e2nodeComponentResponsePart>72 65 73 70 61 72 74</e2nodeComponentResponsePart>
    er encded is 581
    in sctp send data func
    data.len is 581after getting sent_len
    receive data1
    receive data2

    It seems that e2term cannot decode the E2setupRequest from e2sim.

    Does anyone know how to solve the issue?


    1. Hi all,

      The issue is solved since I change ric to f release!

  4. Hi all,

    I am trying to run e2sim to connect to ric e2term.

    We observed that e2 term is not able to decode the E2setupRequest from e2sim.

    {"ts":1668150390700,"crit":"ERROR","id":"E2Terminator","mdc":{"PID":"139951828096768","POD_NAME":"deployment-ricplt-e2term-alpha-6c9bcd477b-tv669","CONTAINER_NAME":"container-ricplt-e2term","SERVICE_NAME":"RIC_E2_TERM","HOST_NAME":"free5gnew","SYSTEM_NAME":"SEP"},"msg":"Error 2 Decoding (unpack) E2AP PDU from RAN : "}

    We are using F release but still getting this problem. Any idea how to resolve it. Your help is highly appreciated.

    Image: nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002/o-ran-sc/ric-plt-e2:6.0.0

    1. Hi,

      I can solve the issue by changing ricplt to f release.

      In the installation step, you need to change example_recipe_latest_stable.yaml to example_recipe_oran_f_release.yaml

      1. Thanks for response Simon,

        We have used same example_recipe_oran_f_release.yaml instead of stable release yaml.
        But this error is coming with F release as well. One thing I observed with one of the success logs attached in the chat that in my case kpm_sim is initiating procedure code 6 instead of Procedure 1 which is E2 setup request.

        Can you check same in your case? Thanks

        1. In my case, procedureCode is 1 as well.

          Did you build .deb file by yourself before building e2sim docker image?
          I seem to have the same issue when I do not build .deb by myself.

          1. Hi Simon,

            Thanks again. That's a valid point and could be the issue.

            But I am getting error while trying to make package myself :

            cmake .. && make package && cmake .. -DDEV_PKG=1 && make package

            make: *** No rule to make target 'package'. Stop.

            I used below link to clone files :

            git clone https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/sim/e2-interface

            Any idea what the reason could be. Everything looks in place to me.



            1. Hi Devan,

              Did you install related packages?


              apt install cmake

              apt-get install build-essential

              apt install libsctp-dev


              I go through this smoothly after I install these packages

              1. Yes Simon,

                All required packages are installed already. 
                Will it be possible for you to attach CMakeLists.txt file. I will compare it with mine and try to figure out why generated Makefile is giving error.

                Thanks in advance.


                  1. Thank for your help Simon.

                    Able to create deb packages and now it is sending procedure 1 as expected.

                    But still getting original failure of decoding failed at e2term (sad)

                    1. Thank you for your support Simon.

                      It's working now. Re-installed all components fresh and it worked.



  5. Hi all,

    I'm using the F-release of near-RT RIC, and I'm having trouble with the E2 simulator and sending subscription requests.

    I'm using the hw-go app (master branch), and the hw-go logs does say subscription successfull, but the submgr says E2 RICSubscriptionResponse timeout.

    Here are the submgr logs.

    submgr log

    {"ts":1668487851067,"crit":"ERROR","id":"submgr","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","PID":"1","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":" 2022-11-15T04:50:51"},"msg":"XAPP-SubReq E2 subscription failed transxapp(trans(0/meid(RanName=gnb_734_733_16b8cef1))/transkey(service-ricxapp-hw-go-rmr.ricxa pp:4560/2HZLpgm0z7vy9bI7fqVGEdFMuxp)/0) subs(reqid(1234:1)/meid(RanName=gnb_734_733_16b8cef1)/) err(E2 RICSubscriptionResponse timeout)"} {"ts":1668487851069,"crit":"ERROR","id":"submgr","mdc":{"CONTAINER_NAME":"","HOST_NAME":"","PID":"1","POD_NAME":"","SERVICE_NAME":"","SYSTEM_NAME":"","time":" 2022-11-15T04:50:51"},"msg":"Post \"http://service-ricxapp-hw-go-rmr.ricxapp:8080/ric/v1/subscriptions/response\": dial tcp connect: connec tion refused"}

    At the E2 simulator, I get the following error.

    E2sim log

    initiating message
    [E2AP] Unpacked E2AP-PDU: index = 1, procedureCode = 9

    [E2AP] No available handler for procedureCode=9

    Some of the comments above mention building the binaries for the E2sim from scratch - I did that without success. I've also tried out the E release, and I'm getting the same error.

    Any help is highly appreciated, thanks!



  6. When you deployed E2Sim correctly, the logs of e2mgr(E2 manager) will be like this:


  7. Hi, I get a problem after installing ricplt and hwxapp. But why when I check the log of hwxapp, it shows that "GNB List in R-NIB {\"gnb_list\":null} ". (Also, I have installed e2sim too.)

  8. Hi, I'm trying to make some changes to the kpimon xapp but when I build the container with new changes I run into an error that I need to run go tidy for the updates. I added this command to the docker file but I then ran across other errors related to dependencies. Can someone guide me on how to make changes to the xApp and build the docker container?

    1. Hi James,

      You can try removing the Dockerfile and go.mod file and then clone the original files of your release after that do your changes again in Dockerfile and go.mod file.
      And then try to build the container with new changes.

  9. Hi, I was trying to run the Kpimon-go xapp(G-release) on the E-release Near-RT RIC.
    My Kpimon is having successful connections with every other service and also receiving data from the Simulator i.e. the Procedure Code 5.

    # Now the Issue that I am facing is that the KPImon is not able to perform ASN decode on the indicationMsg.IndMessage received from the Simulator. Instead it throws rval.code value as 2. Which basically represents failed to decode.

    # The Simulator I am using is of e-release.
    Payload: @{A1<p�747"[� 747"[�p747��100 @pGNBCUUP5747P"[������@Z�U 747"[�p0'{"rsrp": 74, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 113}�F[{"CID" : "37343722511136087", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 67, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 112}},{"CID" : "37343722511136077", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 65, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 107}},{"CID" : "37343722511136097", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 64, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 106}},{"CID" : "37343722511136017", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 63, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 104}},{"CID" : "37343722511136037", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 62, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 101}},{"CID" : "373437225111360107", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 61, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 100}},{"CID" : "37343722511136067", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 59, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 95}}]cpid

    # indicationMsg.IndMessage= @Z�U 747"[�p0'{"rsrp": 74, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 113}�F[{"CID" : "37343722511136087", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 67, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 112}},{"CID" : "37343722511136077", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 65, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 107}},{"CID" : "37343722511136097", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 64, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 106}},{"CID" : "37343722511136017", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 63, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 104}},{"CID" : "37343722511136037", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 62, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 101}},{"CID" : "373437225111360107", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 61, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 100}},{"CID" : "37343722511136067", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 59, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 95}}]

     Can anyone help me verify if this is the correct message that is being received at the KPIMON.

    Vitaliy Zakharchenko Mohammad Sadegh Ghasrizadeh
    Please let me know if you have faced similar issues or anything that I am doing wrong.

    1. Dear Animesh Verma, I'm facing trouble connecting RIC (release G) and KPIMon (also G release). How did you get to this point where you can see the measurements clearly? The furthest I got was to see Ric Subscription Response OK, but it seems no measurements are exchanged. Did you modify anything in the kpimon files? Thanks.

    2. Dear Animesh Verma and All, 

      I got the ASN decode issue too, but may be slightly different. My environment settings are F-release RIC platform, E2Sim (215d350@master, sim-e2-interface), and kpimon-go (bdf091d@master, ric-app-kpimon-go, plus modifications shared by Vitalii Afanasiev and others). I also modify source code of them to print out detailed logs for debugging.

      In short, kpimon does receive the same KPM data sent from E2Sim, and it can decode the indication header but CANNOT decode the indication message. I also noticed that E2Sim generated IndMessage without errors (error buf = NULL); however, it got error buf is <p747"[when generate IndHeader !!?? (so confusing to me)

      Could anyone please help or show me the direction to debug? Thanks.

       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ kpimon log~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      2023/07/28 08:58:45 hdl:RIC Indication message from {gnb_734_733_16b8cef1} received

      2023/07/28 08:58:45 hdl-----------RIC Indication Header-----------

      2023/07/28 08:58:45 recv. indicationMsg.IndHeader= 3c708037343710225bd60020373437225bd60270373437988031303000204070474e4243555550350037343750225bd600



      buffer= 0xc0005bc400





                  <colletStartTime>70 80 37 34</colletStartTime>

                  <fileFormatversion><dle/>"[<nul/> </fileFormatversion>






       header RC WMORE, decode_result.consumed= 0

      2023/07/28 08:58:45 Decoded indicationMsg.IndHeader= &{{1 00000000 a0200054907f0000 {0 0 0 0 0}} {0 0 0 0 0}}

      2023/07/28 08:58:45 Indication Header type = 1, format = 1

      2023/07/28 08:58:45 -----------RIC Indication Message-----------

      2023/07/28 08:58:45 recv indicationMsg.IndMessage= 000100010017000000000000000010d0293b695500000000000000000020000000373437225bd6027030101 … ignore … 96e72223a2039357d7d5d


      buffer= 0xc000126000


      E2SM_KPM_IndicationMessage_t size=64

       free memory, return NULL2023/07/28 08:58:45 Decoded indicationMsg.IndMessage= 0

      2023/07/28 08:58:45 e2sm wrapper can't get IndicationMessage, due to wrong or invalid input



      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E2Sim log~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      ……………….. ignore some lines ………..… 

      This is neighbor str [{"CID" : "37343722511136087", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 67, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 112}}"CID" : "37343722511136077", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 65, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 107}},{"CID" : "373437225111097", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 64, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 106}},{"CID" : "37343722511136017", "Cell-RF" : {"rp": 63, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 104}},{"CID" : "37343722511136037", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 62, "rsrq": 65, "sinr": 101}},{"CID" : "373437225111360107", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 61, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 100}},{"CID" "37343722511136067", "Cell-RF" : {"rsrp": 59, "rsrq": 65, "rssinr": 95}}]
      Creating UE-level RAN-Container CUCP message

      ……………….. ignore some lines ………..…

      asn_chk_cts indicationmessage: error length 0
      error buf
                                  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 D0 29 3B 69 55 00 00
                                  00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                                                  <pLMN-Identity>37 34 37</pLMN-Identity>
                                                      <c-RNTI>01 01</c-RNTI>
                                                          7B 22 72 73 72 70 22 3A 20 37 34 2C 20 22 72 73
                                                          72 71 22 3A 20 36 35 2C 20 22 72 73 73 69 6E 72
                                                          22 3A 20 31 31 33 7D
                                                          5B 7B 22 43 49 44 22 20 3A 20 22 33 37 33 34 33
                                                          37 32 32 35 31 31 31 33 36 30 38 37 22 2C 20 22
                                                          43 65 6C 6C 2D 52 46 22 20 3A 20 7B 22 72 73 72
                                                          70 22 3A 20 36 37 2C 20 22 72 73 72 71 22 3A 20
                                                          36 35 2C 20 22 72 73 73 69 6E 72 22 3A 20 31 31
                                                          32 7D 7D 2C 7B 22 43 49 44 22 20 3A 20 22 33 37
                                                          33 34 33 37 32 32 35 31 31 31 33 36 30 37 37 22
                                                          2C 20 22 43 65 6C 6C 2D 52 46 22 20 3A 20 7B 22
                                                          72 73 72 70 22 3A 20 36 35 2C 20 22 72 73 72 71
                                                          22 3A 20 36 35 2C 20 22 72 73 73 69 6E 72 22 3A
                                                          20 31 30 37 7D 7D 2C 7B 22 43 49 44 22 20 3A 20
                                                          22 33 37 33 34 33 37 32 32 35 31 31 31 33 36 30
                                                          39 37 22 2C 20 22 43 65 6C 6C 2D 52 46 22 20 3A
                                                          20 7B 22 72 73 72 70 22 3A 20 36 34 2C 20 22 72
                                                          73 72 71 22 3A 20 36 35 2C 20 22 72 73 73 69 6E
                                                          72 22 3A 20 31 30 36 7D 7D 2C 7B 22 43 49 44 22
                                                          20 3A 20 22 33 37 33 34 33 37 32 32 35 31 31 31
                                                          33 36 30 31 37 22 2C 20 22 43 65 6C 6C 2D 52 46
                                                          22 20 3A 20 7B 22 72 73 72 70 22 3A 20 36 33 2C
                                                          20 22 72 73 72 71 22 3A 20 36 35 2C 20 22 72 73
                                                          73 69 6E 72 22 3A 20 31 30 34 7D 7D 2C 7B 22 43
                                                          49 44 22 20 3A 20 22 33 37 33 34 33 37 32 32 35
                                                          31 31 31 33 36 30 33 37 22 2C 20 22 43 65 6C 6C
                                                          2D 52 46 22 20 3A 20 7B 22 72 73 72 70 22 3A 20
                                                          36 32 2C 20 22 72 73 72 71 22 3A 20 36 35 2C 20
                                                          22 72 73 73 69 6E 72 22 3A 20 31 30 31 7D 7D 2C
                                                          7B 22 43 49 44 22 20 3A 20 22 33 37 33 34 33 37
                                                          32 32 35 31 31 31 33 36 30 31 30 37 22 2C 20 22
                                                          43 65 6C 6C 2D 52 46 22 20 3A 20 7B 22 72 73 72
                                                          70 22 3A 20 36 31 2C 20 22 72 73 72 71 22 3A 20
                                                          36 35 2C 20 22 72 73 73 69 6E 72 22 3A 20 31 30
                                                          30 7D 7D 2C 7B 22 43 49 44 22 20 3A 20 22 33 37
                                                          33 34 33 37 32 32 35 31 31 31 33 36 30 36 37 22
                                                          2C 20 22 43 65 6C 6C 2D 52 46 22 20 3A 20 7B 22
                                                          72 73 72 70 22 3A 20 35 39 2C 20 22 72 73 72 71
                                                          22 3A 20 36 35 2C 20 22 72 73 73 69 6E 72 22 3A
                                                          20 39 35 7D 7D 5D
      er encded is 668

      after encoding message, indicationmessage

      er encded is 668

      error buf is

      after encoding message






                          <plmn-id>37 34 37</plmn-id>











                  <pLMN-Identity>37 34 37</pLMN-Identity>





              <pLMN-Identity>37 34 37</pLMN-Identity>



                  <sD>31 30 30</sD>







                  <plmn-id>37 34 37</plmn-id>









      finished asn_encode_to_buffer:er_header_cucp_ueer encded is 49

      error buf is <p�747"[�

      ……………….. ignore some lines ………..…



















































                                      3C 70 80 37 34 37 10 22 5B D6 00 20 37 34 37 22

                                      5B D6 02 70 37 34 37 98 80 31 30 30 00 20 40 70

                                      47 4E 42 43 55 55 50 35 00 37 34 37 50 22 5B D6









                                  <RICindicationMessage> 000100010017000000000000000010d0293b695500000000000000000020000000373437225bd6027030101 … ignore … 96e72223a2039357d7d5d








                                  <RICcallProcessID>63 70 69 64</RICcallProcessID>








      [E2AP ASN] Encoded succesfully, encoded size = 777

  10. Hi All,

    I am facing issue while connecting e2sim and near RT RIC(H Release). Please find attached the logs of e2Sim.


    I have tried re-installing the ricplt but facing the same issue. Could someone please assist on the issue. 

  11. Hi everybody,

    I have an issue during the registration phase in the RIC Platform, suddenly the communication shut down.

    Below the output:

    Starting KPM processor simJSON Test
    ret is 0
            <ranFunction-Description>KPM monitor</ranFunction-Description>
                    <ric-EventTriggerStyle-Name>Periodic report</ric-EventTriggerStyle-Name>
                    <ric-ReportStyle-Name>O-DU Measurement Container for the 5GC connected deployment</ric-ReportStyle-Name>
                    <ric-ReportStyle-Name>O-DU Measurement Container for the EPC connected deployment</ric-ReportStyle-Name>
                    <ric-ReportStyle-Name>O-CU-CP Measurement Container for the 5GC connected deployment</ric-ReportStyle-Name>
                    <ric-ReportStyle-Name>O-CU-CP Measurement Container for the EPC connected deployment</ric-ReportStyle-Name>
                    <ric-ReportStyle-Name>O-CU-UP Measurement Container for the 5GC connected deployment</ric-ReportStyle-Name>
                    <ric-ReportStyle-Name>O-CU-UP Measurement Container for the EPC connected deployment</ric-ReportStyle-Name>
    er encded is 489
    after encoding message
    here is encoded message  �ORAN-E2SM-KPM
    this is the char array  �ORAN-E2SM-KPM
    !!!lenth of ranfuncdesc is 15
    value of this index is 32
    value of this index is 192
    value of this index is 79
    value of this index is 82
    value of this index is 65
    value of this index is 78
    value of this index is 45
    value of this index is 77
    value of this index is 0
    value of this index is 32
    value of this index is 102
    %%about to register e2sm func desc for 0
    %%about to register callback for subscription for func_id 0
    Start E2 Agent (E2 Simulator
    After reading input options
    [SCTP] Binding client socket to source port 36422
    [SCTP] Connecting to server at ...
    [SCTP] Connection established
    After starting client
    client_fd value is 3
    looping through ran func
    about to call setup request encode
    After generating e2setup req
                                            <plmn-id>37 34 37</plmn-id>
                                                    20 C0 4F 52 41 4E 2D 45 32 53 4D 2D 4B 50 4D 00 
                                                    00 05 4F 49 44 31 32 33 05 00 4B 50 4D 20 6D 6F 
                                                    6E 69 74 6F 72 08 AB BE FC B0 ED C6 A4 00 60 00 
                                                    01 01 07 00 50 65 72 69 6F 64 69 63 20 72 65 70 
                                                    6F 72 74 01 05 14 01 01 1D 00 4F 2D 44 55 20 4D 
                                                    65 61 73 75 72 65 6D 65 6E 74 20 43 6F 6E 74 61 
                                                    69 6E 65 72 20 66 6F 72 20 74 68 65 20 35 47 43 
                                                    20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 65 64 20 64 65 70 6C 6F 
                                                    79 6D 65 6E 74 01 01 01 01 00 01 02 1D 00 4F 2D 
                                                    44 55 20 4D 65 61 73 75 72 65 6D 65 6E 74 20 43 
                                                    6F 6E 74 61 69 6E 65 72 20 66 6F 72 20 74 68 65 
                                                    20 45 50 43 20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 65 64 20 64 
                                                    65 70 6C 6F 79 6D 65 6E 74 01 01 01 01 00 01 03 
                                                    1E 80 4F 2D 43 55 2D 43 50 20 4D 65 61 73 75 72 
                                                    65 6D 65 6E 74 20 43 6F 6E 74 61 69 6E 65 72 20 
                                                    66 6F 72 20 74 68 65 20 35 47 43 20 63 6F 6E 6E 
                                                    65 63 74 65 64 20 64 65 70 6C 6F 79 6D 65 6E 74 
                                                    01 01 01 01 00 01 04 1E 80 4F 2D 43 55 2D 43 50 
                                                    20 4D 65 61 73 75 72 65 6D 65 6E 74 20 43 6F 6E 
                                                    74 61 69 6E 65 72 20 66 6F 72 20 74 68 65 20 45 
                                                    50 43 20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 65 64 20 64 65 70 
                                                    6C 6F 79 6D 65 6E 74 01 01 01 01 00 01 05 1E 80 
                                                    4F 2D 43 55 2D 55 50 20 4D 65 61 73 75 72 65 6D 
                                                    65 6E 74 20 43 6F 6E 74 61 69 6E 65 72 20 66 6F 
                                                    72 20 74 68 65 20 35 47 43 20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 
                                                    74 65 64 20 64 65 70 6C 6F 79 6D 65 6E 74 01 01 
                                                    01 01 00 01 06 1E 80 4F 2D 43 55 2D 55 50 20 4D 
                                                    65 61 73 75 72 65 6D 65 6E 74 20 43 6F 6E 74 61 
                                                    69 6E 65 72 20 66 6F 72 20 74 68 65 20 45 50 43 
                                                    20 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 65 64 20 64 65 70 6C 6F 
                                                    79 6D 65 6E 74 01 01 01 01
                                                    <e2nodeComponentRequestPart>72 65 71 70 61 72 74</e2nodeComponentRequestPart>
                                                    <e2nodeComponentResponsePart>72 65 73 70 61 72 74</e2nodeComponentResponsePart>
    After XER Encoding
    error length 0
    error buf 
    er encded is 581
    in sctp send data func
    data.len is 581after getting sent_len
    about to call E2ResetRequest encode

    [E2AP] Created E2ResetRequest

    error length 0
    error buf 
    er encoded is 18
    in sctp send data func
    data.len is 18after getting sent_len
    [SCTP] Sent E2ResetRequest
    [SCTP] Waiting for SCTP data
    receive data1
    receive data2
    receive data3
    [SCTP] Connection closed by remote peer

  12. Hello,

    I have installed RIC and E2sim and I can verify that one gnb is connected to the ric. But I would like to connect second gnb as well. I appreciate if someone has instructions on that.


    1. the docker file in F release is another folder

  13. ******************* ORAN SIM
    I am getting the Docker file empty . can anyone guide me . I am trying to install F release . but in the tutorials its not mention that.

  14. Hello,

    I have an issue when I was working on the RIC, the e2 simulator (e2sim), and the hw-go xApp. All of them are for h-release. I successfully established the connection between the RIC and the e2sim. When I run the hw-go, the e2sim did not give a right response to the submgr although the logs of hw-go showed that the subscription was done. By checking the logs of e2sim, I found that it received a RIC Subscription Request with RAN function id of 1 and it throw an error "Error: No RAN Function with this ID exists". Looks like the e2sim only supports the RAN function 0, as shown in the logs when the e2sim was setup. Did anyone encounter a similar issue?

    Much appreciate it if someone gives ideas on that.

    1. Hi, you can change the subscription function id in the kpm_callbacks.cpp from 0 to 1. This will allow to decode the Subscription request and send the KPM messages. 

      1. Hammad Zafar  in which folder this file is located , as well how can i check the code of the xapp

        1. Search for kpm_callbacks.cpp file in e2simulator and use e2sim.register_subscription_callback(1, &callback_kpm_subscription_request).

          1. Hi Hammad,

            Thanks for your reply and directions.

            As you directed, I used e2sim.register_subscription_callback(2, &callback_kpm_subscription_request) since the kpimon-go xapp requests RAN function id 2. When I run the kpimon-go, it looks like the e2sim successfully encodes the response. I attached a part the e2sim logs. But the kpimon-go was stuck before parsing metrics because the received indication messages could not be decoded successfully. The xapp logs show "header RC_WMORE" and "MSG RC_WMORE", which mean "More data expected, call again". Do you have any idea to resolve this issue?


  15. Hello all,

    I have installed the RIC and the e2sim (both are of h-release). When I was running the kpimon-go xapp (h-release), I got the following xapp logs using the command "kubectl logs -n ricxapp services/service-ricxapp-kpimon-go-rmr". 

    As shown, there is no KPI received although there is no error info. Not sure whether it is the right response of the kpimon-go. Much appreciate it if someone gives idea on it or share the right xapp logs.

  16. hi Everyone i am getting these logs  , after registraton of the Kpimon xapp ,i am getting response from the E2term and a1 mediator . need guidnace