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Table of Contents

Table of Contents


This page provides information around gNMI and its possible usage for efficient data steaming from network-functions to data-consumers (e.g. SMO-OAM).


PlantUML Macro
' Copyright 2021 highstreet technologies GmbH
' This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
' SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0

@startuml data-streaming-with-gnmi

' Diagram 
  Data Streaming with gNMI: Usage proposal for dicussiondiscussion
  gNMI -> yang based gRPC -> HTTP2, protobuf/yang
end title

box "SMO" #gold 
  participant "data-collector\ngNMI-client" as client 
end box 

box “O-RAN” #lightpink 
  participant "network-function\ndata-provider\ngNMI-server\ntarget" as server 
end box 

autonumber 1 1 "<b>[00]" 

== Subscription ==

client -> server: RPC subscribe\nwith SubscribeRequest
activate server
note right
  SubscribeRequest: {
    subscribe: [
        mode: STREAM,
            path: <xPath0>,
            mode: ON_CHANGE
        allow_aggregation: TRUE,
        updates_only: TRUE,
end note
server -> client: RESPONSE SubscribeResponse
note left
SubscribeResponse: {
  timestamp: <timestamp>,
  update: [{<xPath>, <value>}, ...]
The first response with including an error message acts a bases for all later updates.
end note

== Data StremaingStreaming ==

  server -> client: RESPONSE SubscribeResponse
  note left
  SubscribeResponse: {
    timestamp: <timestamp>,
    update: [{<xPath>, <value>}, ...]
  end note
end loop

== The End ==

client -> server: cancel the HTTP2 session
deactivate server

' End Diagram
' Format
left footer 
  <img:{scale=0.2}>  Copyright 2021 highstreet technologies USA Corp.
  .              This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  .              SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
  .              2021-10-1001 | oam project | Thanks to PlantUML!
end footer

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