TOC Voting Members 




David Kinsey Co-Chair

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový

EricssonJohn-Paul LaneJohn Keeney


Yasufumi Morioka 

Minami Ishii
NokiaArunkumar HalebidAbdulwahid
OrangeJulien Boudani
RadisysGanesh ShenbagaramanAnkit Barve


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverJackie HuangJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyBaruch Friedman
SamsungAvinash BhatPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.

TOC Meeting Info

Technical Oversight Committee meetings are open to the public [ changed as of 5/5/2022] and no longer on Wednesdays at 8 AM Eastern Time USA.  World Time Zone Map

We meet on Thursdays, at 9am EST.  Time Zone Map

Zoom 2 Info:

  • Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android:

  • Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location)
CityTimeZoom/Audio Bridge

9 AM Eastern Time USA. World Time Zone Map

New York (EST / UTC-5)9 AM Eastern Time USA. World Time Zone Map+1 669 900 6833, +1 646 558 8656,  855 880 1246 (Toll Free),  877 369 0926 (Toll Free), Meeting ID: 756 280 8472
Paris (CET / UTC+1)

9 AM Eastern Time USA. World Time Zone Map

+33 7 5678 4048, +33 1 8288 0188, 805 082 588 (Toll Free), Meeting ID: 756 280 8472
Beijing (CST / UTC+8)9 AM Eastern Time USA. World Time Zone Map+86 10 87833177, +86 10 53876330, 400 616 8835 (Toll Free), 400 669 9381 (Toll Free), Meeting ID: 756 280 8472
Tokyo (JST / UTC+9) 

9 AM Eastern Time USA. World Time Zone Map

+81 524 564 439, +81 3 4578 1488, 0 800 100 5040 (Toll Free), Meeting ID: 756 280 8472
Helsinki  (EET / UTC+2)9 AM Eastern Time USA. World Time Zone Map

+358 341092129, Meeting ID: 756 280 8472

TOC Documents repository

TOC Documents

2024 07 25


Meeting Recording: 


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner):  Radisys (Ankit)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: AT&T
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


John-Paul Lane

John Keeney


Yasufumi Morioka

Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverJackie Huang 
Jon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Baruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

Peter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Call for July Scribe - Ankit
    2. Roll Call
    3. Review previous meeting minutes
    4. Next Meeting  - Need Scribe for Aug
    5. No New Items this week
    6. O-RAN Business - OSFG Update
    7. Old Business
      1. Tooling Changes - Attlassian Migration
      2. Project Updates
    8. AoB Future New Agenda Items
  2. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    2. Decision:  07/18 Motion to Approve    Second ; No objects; Minutes are 
    3. Call for August Scribe
  3. Release
    1. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

      1. AP Review
        1. 06-06: Sridhar Rao Scans are running reports should be out to PTL tomorrow.
        2. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Tagging in progress for the "J" release next week.
        3. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Scans are complete
        4. 06-20: David Kinsey  Release notes are not complete PTLs need to complete those by next week
        5. 06-27: SUNIL SINGH to finish highlights for RICAPPS
        6. 06-27: Ankit Barve will get with Ganesh Shenbagaraman or Sridhar Rao to assist in providing closing release activities hampered by the problems with his LF account.
        7. 06-27: peng Lu will update the release notes for xFAPI technical review, but note the push to "K" due to the delayed legal review.
        8. 06-27: Sridhar Rao will get with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to finish SMO highlights
        9. 06-27: Jackie Huang will update the release highlights from the status
        10. 06-27: James Li will get with weichen ni to update the Docs and be ready for the release.
        11. 06-27: Checked with PTLs on release readiness. Most are closing out final release activities by COB 6/28.
        12. 06-27: David Kinsey made a motion to approve the release for 6/30, Seconded by Julien Boudani motion was approved.
    2. Other
      1. Matthew Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.
      2. John Keeney requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 
  4. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. No Presentations 
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
    1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
      1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
      2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
      3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
      4. Upcoming F2F meeting
        1. 06-06: David Kinsey No Demos are scheduled. If we don't have any scheduled then we will cancel the F2F sessions
        2. 06-20: David Kinsey  No Demos were presented. I had to present a release status that was all bad news. Not very comformatable. For October all PTLs should plan in their iteration 2 to have some progression demos. Don't have to be fancy but demonstrate progress.
        3. 06-20: David Kinsey CVEs were discussed in F2F, grew to 12 that week. Have recruited some resources that know how to close them from Open RAN Summit @ Tapiei
      5. White Paper
        1. 06-20: David Kinsey Need status on Whitpaper
        2. 06-20: John Keeney While we are inquiring about the whitepaper can we also get an update on SCCL
        3. 06-20: Jakub Novy Status is now target for November train.
      6. Other
        1. 06-20: David Kinsey Some upcoming Org Changes
          1. INT PTL James Li will vacate the PTL position and take up the OSFG Co-Chair for Jinri who announced his resignation
          2. AT&T and China Mobile to Nominate Bimo from NTUST to take up the INT PTL Position
          3. David Kinsey to leave the RSAC co-chair we need a volunteer to take up this position
        2. 06-20: David Kinsey & Julian Garrett Both agreed that the Open RAN Summit @ Taipei was great
          1. Lots of Demos
          2. Lots of speakers from O-RAN, OSC, Companies  Universities.
  6. Old Business
    1. Tooling Changes
      1. Adoption of Slack
        1. Motion from Avinash Bhat on seconded by David Kinsey Seconded. No objections motion carried
        2. Motion for RSAC Co-Chairs by David Kinsey Seconded by Avinash Bhat No objections motion carries
        3. Martin Skorupski will create the needed Jira ticket
        4. 07-11 Martin Skorupski created an issue for this task, Matthew Watkins yet to create the channel and to provide access to Martin Skorupski to create further channels if needed
      2. Matthew Watkins We need to bring the topic of the Atlassian Cloud migration (JIRA/Confluence) to the ORAN TOC. Can we please get approval from the team for the production migration next week, if possible? LFIT have already performed a test migration here: Please can you review the content there and raise any possible issues in a JIRA ticket? If you don’t have access already, provide LFIT with names/user accounts and we can grant the required access. (This update is from Jessica, who is performing the O-RAN migration).
        1. Matthew Watkins Current version is on dedicated servers for some tools like Confluence and Jira, the new version would be in public cloud
        2. David Kinsey Some of the Jira "Leads" are outdated and need to be corrected. This could be done prior or post migration Jessica Wagantall : The test migration was done a while ago, since then some change have happened in the production Jira and Confluence that are not reflected in the test migration. For the production migration, we will be transferring the content from the day that the migration is agreed to happen. 
        3. Matthew Watkins Short term existing links will continue to work, long term solution not yet finalized Jessica Wagantall  We will be setting up a re-direct URL from the old Jira and Confluence to the new one. Internal links also will get updated.  
        4. John Keeney Need a week to evaluate the impacts, vote will be on  
        5. 07-11
          1. John Keeney : will page id remain same post migration? Matthew Watkins : yes, page Ids to remain same post migration. Jessica Wagantall  Space IDs also remain the same.  Jira links will change from "" to ""
          2. John Keeney : Will attachments such as uploaded recordings, demos, and documents be migrated along with the pages? Matthew Watkins : There were some issues regarding data base migration faced in earlier project migration. Differing this topic for next week meeting to be discussed with Jessica in detail. Jessica Wagantall We were having issues with servers using more than 250GB of data. O-ran should be good on this regards. Attachments will be migrated as well. 
          3.  John Keeney : Are any changes expected in the user profile, such as the username or other details? Matthew Watkins : Users are not likely to be affected by this, but Jessica will provide more information and clarity next week. Jessica Wagantall  users are going to be migrated too. The users can login at with their email address.
    2. Brand Changes
      1. Logo Adoption - Defer to  
        1. 07-11 Option 3 was chosen for the logo, based on the votes and preferences received.
      2. Sally working on communications
    3. Project Updates
      1. Update on Nephio
        1. 07-11Sagar Arora  
          1. Regarding the user story working with NFO: developers have tested the code (link). However, an official announcement has not been made yet, as I am still testing.
          2. Regarding nearRT RIC user story: nearRT RIC could be deployed by nephio using operator.
          3. David Kinsey : Could we have a demo of these user stories during next face 2 face in Oct 2024?
          4. Sagar Arora It will be available by Oct 2024.
      2. RSAC - Rittwik Jana or Martin Skorupski 
      3. INT - bimo fransiscus asisi 
      4. INF - Jackie Huang 
      5. RIC - Abdul Wahid W 
      7. SIM - Alex Stancu 
      8. OAM - Martin Skorupski 
      9. SMO - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
      10. Non-RT RIC - John Keeney 
      11. AIML - subhash kumar singh 
      12. ODUHIGH - Ankit Barve 
      13. ODULOW - peng Lu
      14. DOC - weichen ni 

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 06-20: David Kinsey Need an update on Nephio and how it actually fits into OSC
    • 06-20 Julien Boudani Need to get a refresh from Sylva
    • 06-20: David Kinsey  At Taipei there is a presentation using Open Mano components for the SMO. We need to see if we can support both an Open Mano and an ONAP based SMO implementations. Seshu will investigate.
    • 06-20: Sridhar Rao  introduced Sally Cooper who will be helping to support our marketing and communications efforts around the Wiki pages and the white papers.
    • 06-27: David Kinsey Nominated Bimo to take over PTL for INT project. Nominations are open, voting set for next meeting  
    • 06-27: David Kinsey noted nominations still open for RSAC Co-Chair. Encourages those interested to submit their nomination.
    • 06-27: Avinash Bhat made the suggestion that we open a slack channel. Sridhar Rao confirmed there is budget to cover. Discussion to follow on e-mail with vote on the next meeting  
    • 06-27: Julien Boudani Sylva presentation, he will be out the next meeting so it will be scheduled the week following that  
    • 06-27: David Kinsey Still would like a Nephio update but the right people to ask/schedule are not on the call. Will have to work that later.
    • 06-27: Sridhar Rao Shared O-RAN SC logo options and identified which one is recommended. He will share the options with the TOC and we will vote on our next meeting  
    • Next Meeting  

2024 07 18


Meeting Recording: link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner):  Radisys (Ankit)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: AT&T
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Yasufumi Morioka

Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Call for July Scribe - Ankit
    2. Roll Call
    3. Review meeting minutes
      1. 07/11 Motion to Approve  Julien Boudani  Second Avinash Bhat ; No objects; Minutes are Approved
    4. Next Meeting  
    5. Presentation from Sylva 
      1. 07/11 Presentation on Sylva by Guillaume Nevicato (Orange). presentation link
    6. Tooling Changes
    7. Brand Changes
    8. Update on Nephio
    9. AoB Future New Agenda Items
  2. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision:  07/11 Motion to Approve  Julien Boudani  Second Avinash Bhat ; No objects; Minutes are Approved
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Presentation from Sylva
    2. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

      1. AP Review
        1. 06-06: Sridhar Rao Scans are running reports should be out to PTL tomorrow.
        2. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Tagging in progress for the "J" release next week.
        3. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Scans are complete
        4. 06-20: David Kinsey  Release notes are not complete PTLs need to complete those by next week
        5. 06-27: SUNIL SINGH to finish highlights for RICAPPS
        6. 06-27: Ankit Barve will get with Ganesh Shenbagaraman or Sridhar Rao to assist in providing closing release activities hampered by the problems with his LF account.
        7. 06-27: peng Lu will update the release notes for xFAPI technical review, but note the push to "K" due to the delayed legal review.
        8. 06-27: Sridhar Rao will get with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to finish SMO highlights
        9. 06-27: Jackie Huang will update the release highlights from the status
        10. 06-27: James Li will get with weichen ni to update the Docs and be ready for the release.
        11. 06-27: Checked with PTLs on release readiness. Most are closing out final release activities by COB 6/28.
        12. 06-27: David Kinsey made a motion to approve the release for 6/30, Seconded by Julien Boudani motion was approved.
      2. Other
        1. Matthew Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.
        2. John Keeney requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 
    3. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
        1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
          1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
          4. Upcoming F2F meeting
            1. 06-06: David Kinsey No Demos are scheduled. If we don't have any scheduled then we will cancel the F2F sessions
            2. 06-20: David Kinsey  No Demos were presented. I had to present a release status that was all bad news. Not very comformatable. For October all PTLs should plan in their iteration 2 to have some progression demos. Don't have to be fancy but demonstrate progress.
            3. 06-20: David Kinsey CVEs were discussed in F2F, grew to 12 that week. Have recruited some resources that know how to close them from Open RAN Summit @ Tapiei
          5. White Paper
            1. 06-20: David Kinsey Need status on Whitpaper
            2. 06-20: John Keeney While we are inquiring about the whitepaper can we also get an update on SCCL
            3. 06-20: Jakub Novy Status is now target for November train.
          6. Other
            1. 06-20: David Kinsey Some upcoming Org Changes
              1. INT PTL James Li will vacate the PTL position and take up the OSFG Co-Chair for Jinri who announced his resignation
              2. AT&T and China Mobile to Nominate Bimo from NTUST to take up the INT PTL Position
              3. David Kinsey to leave the RSAC co-chair we need a volunteer to take up this position
            2. 06-20: David Kinsey & Julian Garrett Both agreed that the Open RAN Summit @ Taipei was great
              1. Lots of Demos
              2. Lots of speakers from O-RAN, OSC, Companies  Universities.
    4. Tooling Changes
      1. Adoption of Slack
        1. Motion from Avinash Bhat on seconded by David Kinsey Seconded. No objections motion carried
        2. Motion for RSAC Co-Chairs by David Kinsey Seconded by Avinash Bhat No objections motion carries
        3. Martin Skorupski will create the needed Jira ticket
        4. 07-11 Martin Skorupski created an issue for this task, Matthew Watkins yet to create the channel and to provide access to Martin Skorupski to create further channels if needed
      2. Matthew Watkins We need to bring the topic of the Atlassian Cloud migration (JIRA/Confluence) to the ORAN TOC. Can we please get approval from the team for the production migration next week, if possible? LFIT have already performed a test migration here: Please can you review the content there and raise any possible issues in a JIRA ticket? If you don’t have access already, provide LFIT with names/user accounts and we can grant the required access. (This update is from Jessica, who is performing the O-RAN migration).
        1. Matthew Watkins Current version is on dedicated servers for some tools like Confluence and Jira, the new version would be in public cloud
        2. David Kinsey Some of the Jira "Leads" are outdated and need to be corrected. This could be done prior or post migration
        3. Matthew Watkins Short term existing links will continue to work, long term solution not yet finalized
        4. John Keeney Need a week to evaluate the impacts, vote will be on  
        5. 07-11
          1. John Keeney : will page id remain same post migration? Matthew Watkins : yes, page Ids to remain same post migration.
          2. John Keeney : Will attachments such as uploaded recordings, demos, and documents be migrated along with the pages? Matthew Watkins : There were some issues regarding data base migration faced in earlier project migration. Differing this topic for next week meeting to be discussed with Jessica in detail.
          3.  John Keeney : Are any changes expected in the user profile, such as the username or other details? Matthew Watkins : Users are not likely to be affected by this, but Jessica will provide more information and clarity next week.
    5. Brand Changes
      1. Logo Adoption - Defer to  
        1. 07-11 Option 3 was chosen for the logo, based on the votes and preferences received.
      2. Sally working on communications
    6. Standing/old business
      1. Update on Nephio
        1. 07-11Sagar Arora  
          1. Regarding the user story working with NFO: developers have tested the code (link). However, an official announcement has not been made yet, as I am still testing.
          2. Regarding nearRT RIC user story: nearRT RIC could be deployed by nephio using operator.
          3. David Kinsey : Could we have a demo of these user stories during next face 2 face in Oct 2024?
          4. Sagar Arora It will be available by Oct 2024.

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 06-20: David Kinsey Need an update on Nephio and how it actually fits into OSC
    • 06-20 Julien Boudani Need to get a refresh from Sylva
    • 06-20: David Kinsey  At Taipei there is a presentation using Open Mano components for the SMO. We need to see if we can support both an Open Mano and an ONAP based SMO implementations. Seshu will investigate.
    • 06-20: Sridhar Rao  introduced Sally Cooper who will be helping to support our marketing and communications efforts around the Wiki pages and the white papers.
    • 06-27: David Kinsey Nominated Bimo to take over PTL for INT project. Nominations are open, voting set for next meeting  
    • 06-27: David Kinsey noted nominations still open for RSAC Co-Chair. Encourages those interested to submit their nomination.
    • 06-27: Avinash Bhat made the suggestion that we open a slack channel. Sridhar Rao confirmed there is budget to cover. Discussion to follow on e-mail with vote on the next meeting  
    • 06-27: Julien Boudani Sylva presentation, he will be out the next meeting so it will be scheduled the week following that  
    • 06-27: David Kinsey Still would like a Nephio update but the right people to ask/schedule are not on the call. Will have to work that later.
    • 06-27: Sridhar Rao Shared O-RAN SC logo options and identified which one is recommended. He will share the options with the TOC and we will vote on our next meeting  
    • Next Meeting  

2024 07 11


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner):  Radisys (Ankit)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: AT&T
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane

John KeeneyX


Masahiro Fuji/Yasufumi Morioka


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Call for July Scribe - Ankit
    2. Roll Call
    3. Review meeting minutes
      1. 06/27 Motion to Approve Jinri Huang  Second Julien Boudani ; No objects; Minutes are Approved
    4. Next Meeting  
    5. June Release Activities
      1. Update - Release is done
    6. Organizational Changes
      1. DOCOMO change of voting member
      2. INT Project PTL Change
        1. bimo fransiscus asisi Confirmed as new PTL for the INT Project
      3. RSAC CoChair Change
        1. Martin Skorupski Self-Nominate, Motion by David Kinsey to confirm, second by John Keeney , No Objections, Martin Skorupski confirmed for RSAC Co-Chair
    7. Tooling Changes
      1. Adoption of Slack
        1. Motion from Avinash Bhat on seconded by David Kinsey Seconded. No objections motion carried
        2. Motion for RSAC Co-Chairs by David Kinsey Seconded by Avinash Bhat No objections motion carries
        3. Martin Skorupski will create the needed Jira ticket
      2. Matthew Watkins We need to bring the topic of the Atlassian Cloud migration (JIRA/Confluence) to the ORAN TOC. Can we please get approval from the team for the production migration next week, if possible? LFIT have already performed a test migration here: Please can you review the content there and raise any possible issues in a JIRA ticket? If you don’t have access already, provide LFIT with names/user accounts and we can grant the required access. (This update is from Jessica, who is performing the O-RAN migration).
        1. Matthew Watkins Current version is on dedicated servers for some tools like Confluence and Jira, the new version would be in public cloud
        2. David Kinsey Some of the Jira "Leads" are outdated and need to be corrected. This could be done prior or post migration
        3. Matthew Watkins Short term existing links will continue to work, long term solution not yet finalized
        4. John Keeney Need a week to evaluate the impacts, vote will be on  
    8. Brand Changes
      1. Logo Adoption - Defer to  
      2. Sally working on communications
    9. AoB Future New Agenda Items
  2. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision:  
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

      1. AP Review
        1. 06-06: Sridhar Rao Scans are running reports should be out to PTL tomorrow.
        2. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Tagging in progress for the "J" release next week.
        3. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Scans are complete
        4. 06-20: David Kinsey  Release notes are not complete PTLs need to complete those by next week
        5. 06-27: SUNIL SINGH to finish highlights for RICAPPS
        6. 06-27: Ankit Barve will get with Ganesh Shenbagaraman or Sridhar Rao to assist in providing closing release activities hampered by the problems with his LF account.
        7. 06-27: peng Lu will update the release notes for xFAPI technical review, but note the push to "K" due to the delayed legal review.
        8. 06-27: Sridhar Rao will get with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to finish SMO highlights
        9. 06-27: Jackie Huang will update the release highlights from the status
        10. 06-27: James Li will get with weichen ni to update the Docs and be ready for the release.
        11. 06-27: Checked with PTLs on release readiness. Most are closing out final release activities by COB 6/28.
        12. 06-27: David Kinsey made a motion to approve the release for 6/30, Seconded by Julien Boudani motion was approved.
      2. Other
        1. Matthew Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.
        2. John Keeney requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 
    2. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
        1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
          1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
          4. Upcoming F2F meeting
            1. 06-06: David Kinsey No Demos are scheduled. If we don't have any scheduled then we will cancel the F2F sessions
            2. 06-20: David Kinsey  No Demos were presented. I had to present a release status that was all bad news. Not very comformatable. For October all PTLs should plan in their iteration 2 to have some progression demos. Don't have to be fancy but demonstrate progress.
            3. 06-20: David Kinsey CVEs were discussed in F2F, grew to 12 that week. Have recruited some resources that know how to close them from Open RAN Summit @ Tapiei
          5. White Paper
            1. 06-20: David Kinsey Need status on Whitpaper
            2. 06-20: John Keeney While we are inquiring about the whitepaper can we also get an update on SCCL
            3. 06-20: Jakub Novy Status is now target for November train.
          6. Other
            1. 06-20: David Kinsey Some upcoming Org Changes
              1. INT PTL James Li will vacate the PTL position and take up the OSFG Co-Chair for Jinri who announced his resignation
              2. AT&T and China Mobile to Nominate Bimo from NTUST to take up the INT PTL Position
              3. David Kinsey to leave the RSAC co-chair we need a volunteer to take up this position
            2. 06-20: David Kinsey & Julian Garrett Both agreed that the Open RAN Summit @ Taipei was great
              1. Lots of Demos
              2. Lots of speakers from O-RAN, OSC, Companies  Universities.
    3. Standing/old business

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 06-20: David Kinsey Need an update on Nephio and how it actually fits into OSC
    • 06-20 Julien Boudani Need to get a refresh from Sylva
    • 06-20: David Kinsey  At Taipei there is a presentation using Open Mano components for the SMO. We need to see if we can support both an Open Mano and an ONAP based SMO implementations. Seshu will investigate.
    • 06-20: Sridhar Rao  introduced Sally Cooper who will be helping to support our marketing and communications efforts around the Wiki pages and the white papers.
    • 06-27: David Kinsey Nominated Bimo to take over PTL for INT project. Nominations are open, voting set for next meeting  
    • 06-27: David Kinsey noted nominations still open for RSAC Co-Chair. Encourages those interested to submit their nomination.
    • 06-27: Avinash Bhat made the suggestion that we open a slack channel. Sridhar Rao confirmed there is budget to cover. Discussion to follow on e-mail with vote on the next meeting  
    • 06-27: Julien Boudani Sylva presentation, he will be out the next meeting so it will be scheduled the week following that  
    • 06-27: David Kinsey Still would like a Nephio update but the right people to ask/schedule are not on the call. Will have to work that later.
    • 06-27: Sridhar Rao Shared O-RAN SC logo options and identified which one is recommended. He will share the options with the TOC and we will vote on our next meeting  
    • Next Meeting  

2024 06 27


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): David Kinsey (AT&T)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: AT&T
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane

John KeeneyX


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Scribe doesn't apprear to have update privilege. Will review notes from last two sessions at the next meeting 
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Call for June Scribe - David Kinsey (AT&T)
    2. Review meeting minutes, all since 5/30.
      1. 05/30 Motion to Approve Julien Boudani Second Avinash Bhat ; No objections motion carried, minutes approved,
      2. 06/06 Motion to Approve Julien Boudani Second  John Keeney ; No objections motion carried, minutes approved,
      3. 06/20 Motion to Approve Julien Boudani Second  John Keeney ; No objections motion carried, minutes approved,
    3. Next Meeting  ;  Meeting cancelled due to US Holiday.
    4. June Release Activities
      1. Project readiness 
    5. AoB Future New Agenda Items
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

      1. AP Review
        1. 06-06: Sridhar Rao Scans are running reports should be out to PTL tomorrow.
        2. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Tagging in progress for the "J" release next week.
        3. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Scans are complete
        4. 06-20: David Kinsey  Release notes are not complete PTLs need to complete those by next week
        5. 06-27: SUNIL SINGH to finish highlights for RICAPPS
        6. 06-27: Ankit Barve will get with Ganesh Shenbagaraman or Sridhar Rao to assist in providing closing release activities hampered by the problems with his LF account.
        7. 06-27: peng Lu will update the release notes for xFAPI technical review, but note the push to "K" due to the delayed legal review.
        8. 06-27: Sridhar Rao will get with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to finish SMO highlights
        9. 06-27: Jackie Huang will update the release highlights from the status
        10. 06-27: James Li will get with weichen ni to update the Docs and be ready for the release.
        11. 06-27: Checked with PTLs on release readiness. Most are closing out final release activities by COB 6/28.
        12. 06-27: David Kinsey made a motion to approve the release for 6/30, Seconded by Julien Boudani motion was approved.
      2. Other
        1. Matthew Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.
        2. John Keeney requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 
    2. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
        1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
          1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
          4. Upcoming F2F meeting
            1. 05-30: John Keeney Will not be at F2F but will be able to attend meeting with WG10 regarding TE&IV service
            2. 06-06: David Kinsey No Demos are scheduled. If we don't have any scheduled then we will cancel the F2F sessions
            3. 06-20: David Kinsey  No Demos were presented. I had to present a release status that was all bad news. Not very comformatable. For October all PTLs should plan in their iteration 2 to have some progression demos. Don't have to be fancy but demonstrate progress.
            4. 06-20: David Kinsey CVEs were discussed in F2F, grew to 12 that week. Have recruited some resources that know how to close them from Open RAN Summit @ Tapiei
          5. White Paper
            1. 05-09:  To be discussed next time as Irfan was not available. Irfan gave the status on 05-30. Closed.
            2. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri Paper has been a long time coming since it purpose was not very clear
            3. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri Original draft was too detailed in how open source projects were rolling out
            4. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri Trying to connect the DARPA Ops 5G vision with the 5G super-blueprint vision
            5. 05-30: David Kinsey Will this be published as an O-RAN whitepaper? Irfan Ghauri Yes, that is the intention
            6. 05-30: Jakub Novy Still reviewing the Whitepaper and have some concerns will discuss offline.
            7. 06-20: David Kinsey Need status on Whitpaper
            8. 06-20: John Keeney While we are inquiring about the whitepaper can we also get an update on SCCL
            9. 06-20: Jakub Novy Status is now target for November train.
          6. Other
            1. 05-02: Action closed by James Li
            2. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri OSFG will have a discussion during the F2F regarding CVE/CVD against O-RAN specification or OSC source code.
            3. 06-20: David Kinsey Some upcoming Org Changes
              1. INT PTL James Li will vacate the PTL position and take up the OSFG Co-Chair for Jinri who announced his resignation
              2. AT&T and China Mobile to Nominate Bimo from NTUST to take up the INT PTL Position
              3. David Kinsey to leave the RSAC co-chair we need a volunteer to take up this position
            4. 06-20: David Kinsey & Julian Garrett Both agreed that the Open RAN Summit @ Taipei was great
              1. Lots of Demos
              2. Lots of speakers from O-RAN, OSC, Companies  Universities.
    3. Standing/old business

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 06-20: David Kinsey Need an update on Nephio and how it actually fits into OSC
    • 06-20 Julien Boudani Need to get a refresh from Sylva
    • 06-20: David Kinsey  At Taipei there is a presentation using Open Mano components for the SMO. We need to see if we can support both an Open Mano and an ONAP based SMO implementations. Seshu will investigate.
    • 06-20: Sridhar Rao  introduced Sally Cooper who will be helping to support our marketing and communications efforts around the Wiki pages and the white papers.
    • 06-27: David Kinsey Nominated Bimo to take over PTL for INT project. Nominations are open, voting set for next meeting  
    • 06-27: David Kinsey noted nominations still open for RSAC Co-Chair. Encourages those interested to submit their nomination.
    • 06-27: Avinash Bhat made the suggestion that we open a slack channel. Sridhar Rao confirmed there is budget to cover. Discussion to follow on e-mail with vote on the next meeting  
    • 06-27: Julien Boudani Sylva presentation, he will be out the next meeting so it will be scheduled the week following that  
    • 06-27: David Kinsey Still would like a Nephio update but the right people to ask/schedule are not on the call. Will have to work that later.
    • 06-27: Sridhar Rao Shared O-RAN SC logo options and identified which one is recommended. He will share the options with the TOC and we will vote on our next meeting  
    • Next Meeting  

2024 06 20


Meeting Recording: link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Ankit Barve (Radisys)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Baruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

Peter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Scribe doesn't apprear to have update privilege. Will review notes from last two sessions at the next meeting 
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Call for June Scribe - Ankit (Radisys)
    2. Next Meeting  ;  Meeting cancelled due to US Holiday.
    3. June Release Activities
      1. Scans, etc - scan reports to be available Next Week, PTL's to be ready for the release. 
      2. expected release approval TOC on  
    4. Status on OSFG White Paper Deferred to Next Week. Irfan briefed at a high level the contents of white paper titled - Delivering Open Source Vision of 5G Super Blueprint, DARPA OP_5G, O-RAN Reference Implementation. White paper to be reviewed by OSFG group next week.
    5. Organization Changes
    6. O-RAN F2F - summary
    7. O-RAN Summit @ Taipei - Summary
    8. AoB Future New Agenda Items
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

      1. AP Review
        1. 06-06: Sridhar Rao Scans are running reports should be out to PTL tomorrow.
        2. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Tagging in progress for the "J" release next week.
        3. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Scans are complete
        4. 06-20: David Kinsey  Release notes are not complete PTLs need to complete those by next week
      2. Other
        1. Matthew Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.
        2. John Keeney requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 
    2. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
        1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
          1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
          4. Upcoming F2F meeting
            1. 05-30: John Keeney Will not be at F2F but will be able to attend meeting with WG10 regarding TE&IV service
            2. 06-06: David Kinsey No Demos are scheduled. If we don't have any scheduled then we will cancel the F2F sessions
            3. 06-20: David Kinsey  No Demos were presented. I had to present a release status that was all bad news. Not very comformatable. For October all PTLs should plan in their iteration 2 to have some progression demos. Don't have to be fancy but demonstrate progress.
            4. 06-20: David Kinsey CVEs were discussed in F2F, grew to 12 that week. Have recruited some resources that know how to close them from Open RAN Summit @ Tapiei
          5. White Paper
            1. 05-09:  To be discussed next time as Irfan was not available. Irfan gave the status on 05-30. Closed.
            2. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri Paper has been a long time coming since it purpose was not very clear
            3. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri Original draft was too detailed in how open source projects were rolling out
            4. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri Trying to connect the DARPA Ops 5G vision with the 5G super-blueprint vision
            5. 05-30: David Kinsey Will this be published as an O-RAN whitepaper? Irfan Ghauri Yes, that is the intention
            6. 05-30: Jakub Novy Still reviewing the Whitepaper and have some concerns will discuss offline.
            7. 06-20: David Kinsey Need status on Whitpaper
            8. 06-20: John Keeney While we are inquiring about the whitepaper can we also get an update on SCCL
            9. 06-20: Jakub Novy Status is now target for November train.
          6. Other
            1. 05-02: Action closed by James Li
            2. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri OSFG will have a discussion during the F2F regarding CVE/CVD against O-RAN specification or OSC source code.
            3. 06-20: David Kinsey Some upcoming Org Changes
              1. INT PTL James Li will vacate the PTL position and take up the OSFG Co-Chair for Jinri who announced his resignation
              2. AT&T and China Mobile to Nominate Bimo from NTUST to take up the INT PTL Position
              3. David Kinsey to leave the RSAC co-chair we need a volunteer to take up this position
            4. 06-20: David Kinsey & Julien Boudani  Both agreed that the Open RAN Summit @ Taipei was great
              1. Lots of Demos
              2. Lots of speakers from O-RAN, OSC, Companies  Universities.
    3. Standing/old business

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 06-20: David Kinsey Need an update on Nephio and how it actually fits into OSC
    • 06-20 Julien Boudani Need to get a refresh from Sylva
    • 06-20: David Kinsey  At Taipei there is a presentation using Open Mano components for the SMO. We need to see if we can support both an Open Mano and an ONAP based SMO implementations. Seshu will investigate.
    • 06-20: Sridhar Rao  introduced Sally Cooper who will be helping to support our marketing and communications efforts around the Wiki pages and the white papers.
    • Next Meeting  

2024 06 06


Meeting Recording: link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Ankit Barve  (Radysis)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

Peter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for previous TOC meeting Motion to Approve by  ; Second by ; result: 
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Call for June Scribe - Ankit (Radisys)
    2. Next Meeting  ;  Meeting cancelled due to F2F activities
    3. June Release Activities
      1. Scans, etc - scan reports to be available Next Week, PTL's to be ready for the release. 
      2. expected release approval TOC on  
    4. Status on OSFG White Paper Deferred to Next Week. Irfan briefed at a high level the contents of white paper titled - Delivering Open Source Vision of 5G Super Blueprint, DARPA OP_5G, O-RAN Reference Implementation. White paper to be reviewed by OSFG group next week.
    5. O-RAN F2F - details here - f2f event
    6. Project Updates
      1. ODULOW - xFAPI integration (no new updates)
      2. Internship program for comparative study of RIC's was approved by TOC. Proposal page - link
      3. others
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Proposal from  LilianHsu@ITRI on  2024 Open RAN Summit at Taipei 17th,18th June 2024, Invitation to attend the meeting, draft agenda of Day1 and Day2 was presented. Slides available here. Registration link to be announced on 20th May 2024. Remote registrations also possible.
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
      1. 06-06: Sridhar Rao Scans are running reports should be out to PTL tomorrow.
    2. Other
      1. Matthew Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.
      2. John Keeney requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
          1. 05-30: John Keeney Will not be at F2F but will be able to attend meeting with WG10 regarding TE&IV service
          2. 06-06: David Kinsey No Demos are scheduled. If we don't have any scheduled then we will cancel the F2F sessions
        5. White Paper
          1. 05-09:  To be discussed next time as Irfan was not available. Irfan gave the status on 05-30. Closed.
          2. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri Paper has been a long time coming since it purpose was not very clear
          3. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri Original draft was too detailed in how open source projects were rolling out
          4. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri Trying to connect the DARPA Ops 5G vision with the 5G super-blueprint vision
          5. 05-30: David Kinsey Will this be published as an O-RAN whitepaper? Irfan Ghauri Yes, that is the intention
          6. 05-30: Jakub Novy Still reviewing the Whitepaper and have some concerns will discuss offline.
        6. Other
          1. 05-02: Action closed by James Li
          2. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri OSFG will have a discussion during the F2F regarding CVE/CVD against O-RAN specification or OSC source code.
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao
      1. 05-09: Sridhar Rao mentioned "License scanning will be done on week starting 3rd June. Please let me know if you have any concerns". J release preparations will be started soon.
      2. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri OSFG will have a discussion during the F2F regarding CVE/CVD against O-RAN specification or OSC source code.
      3. 05-30: Sridhar Rao Checklist is ready scanning to begin starting Monday
      4. 05-30: David Kinsey PTLs need to start updating the release page.
      5. 05-30: Martin Skorupski OAM is ready for scanning
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

    • LF Support for project activities
      • 05-09: “Analysis of Opensource O-RAN Near-RT and Non-RT RICs – A comparative study” - this is proposal for interns who would work on preparing the report and present it to TOC. Limited support for this activity from PTL's mostly 30min/week. Background for this proposal is due to the feedback recieved from One Summit Work shop(more clearity is needed on different open src RT/NRT RIC's that are available). AP PTLs: To provide comment on the topics that can be covered or anything in general. AP  Sridhar Rao also proposed to create Wikipage for each of the topics to get more clarity on requirements.
      • 05-09: F2F meetings.  AP PTL's: To check for any demo that can be given during this time.
    • Intern/Mentorship program
      • 05-30: David Kinsey Motion to approve the mentorship for RIC analytics. A comparative study. Avinash Bhat Seconded the motion. no objections. Motion carried.

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • Next Meeting  

2024 05 30


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Arunkumar Halebid  or Abdul Wahid W (Nokia)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barvex


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang xJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

xPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for previous TOC meeting Motion to Approve by Ankit Barve ; Second by John Paul Lane; result: Approved 
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Call for June Scribe - Ankit (Radisys)
    2. Next Meeting ; Meeting cancelled due to F2F activities
    3. June Release Activities
      1. Scans, etc - scan reports to be available Next Week, PTL's to be ready for the release. 
      2. expected release approval TOC on  
    4. Status on OSFG White Paper Deferred to Next Week. Irfan briefed at a high level the contents of white paper titled - Delivering Open Source Vision of 5G Super Blueprint, DARPA OP_5G, O-RAN Reference Implementation. White paper to be reviewed by OSFG group next week.
    5. O-RAN F2F - details here - f2f event
    6. Project Updates
      1. ODULOW - xFAPI integration (no new updates)
      2. Internship program for comparative study of RIC's was approved by TOC. Proposal page - link
      3. others
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Proposal from  LilianHsu@ITRI on  2024 Open RAN Summit at Taipei 17th,18th June 2024, Invitation to attend the meeting, draft agenda of Day1 and Day2 was presented. Slides available here. Registration link to be announced on 20th May 2024. Remote registrations also possible.
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
    2. Other
      1. Matthew Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.
      2. John Keeney requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
            1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
          1. 05-30: John Keeney Will not be at F2F but will be able to attend meeting with WG10 regarding TE&IV service
        5. White Paper
          1. 04-18: Jinri Huang A white paper is being drafted, with several contributors working on it. Current focus is on CI/CD/CT. Status will be reported at the next call.  AP: Irfan Ghauri 
          2. 04-25: Irfan Ghauri the current version of the WP need a redrafting to synthetize the material provided. Target date is now mid of May.  bimo fransiscus asisi a request was sent to LF to verify the CI/CD part.
          3. 05-09:  To be discussed next time as Irfan was not available.
          4. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri Paper has been a long time coming since it purpose was not very clear
          5. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri Original draft was too detailed in how open source projects were rolling out
          6. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri Trying to connect the DARPA Ops 5G vision with the 5G super-blueprint vision
          7. 05-30: David Kinsey Will this be published as an O-RAN whitepaper? Irfan Ghauri Yes, that is the intention
          8. 05-30: Jakub Novy Still reviewing the Whitepaper and have some concerns will discuss offline.
        6. Other
          1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.
          2. 03-14: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,
          3. 03-21: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.
          4. 03-28: Regarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 
          5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 
          6. 04-18: James Li text for news quotes was finalized and sent to O-RAN EC for approval. Once received back it will be sent to POWDER for publication on their site
          7. 04-25: James Li still waiting for the final feedback from EC. 
          8. 05-02: Action closed by James Li
          9. 05-30: Irfan Ghauri OSFG will have a discussion during the F2F regarding CVE/CVD against O-RAN specification or OSC source code.
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao
      1. 05-09: Sridhar Rao mentioned "License scanning will be done on week starting 3rd June. Please let me know if you have any concerns". J release preparations will be started soon.
      2. 05-30: Sridhar Rao Checklist is ready scanning to begin starting Monday
      3. 05-30: David Kinsey PTLs need to start updating the release page.
      4. 05-30: Martin Skorupski OAM is ready for scanning
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

        • Lab updates, Jian Li 
          • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 
          • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.
          • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.
          • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward. 
          • 04-25:  Bimo introduces professor Vipin Rathi who is working on integrating O-DU/LOW with the new release of the Intel FlexRAN API. peng Lu OCU-ODU integration already done so update with the new FlexRAN code release still possible within K release. fransiscus bimo for O-CU we are waiting for license extention by Radysis. Also integration ongoing with OAI commercial gNB and 5G Genius Core for e2e testing.   
        • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan 
        • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
          • 04-25: TE&IV Proposal
            • John Keeney presented a proposal for contribution on open source "Topology and Inventory SMO Service" according to O-RAN WG10 specifications, with clear separation between the API and the information models. Initial seed code available for analysis before submitting to SMO project and call for contributors. Code can be temporarily hosted in an existing SMO repo before moving to an official dedicated repo. To be managed with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
            • Martin Skorupski mention a presentation by Alex Stancu on Topology aspects in support of CNF deployment. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti To be discussed at the next SMO project call
          • 04-25: SMO Lab Resources
            • David Kinsey lack of resources for SMO build in Bedminster. Request to support from Taiwan how to get some resources e.g. from POWDER (3 servers is the estimated amount for the task). James Li and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti will propose a way forward. 
        • RIC Platform Enhancements - Abdul Wahid
          • 05-09: Abdul Wahid W :Agreed to provide an update within the next 1 or 2 weeks
        • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu
        • 05-30: ODULOW peng Lu Status is still pending, pretty much no change.
        • Others
          • 04:18: O-RAN TSC cochair requested information about the activity at project level (companies, releases). This is expected by next week meeting (Apr 25th). Projects to prioritize: NON RTIRC, NEAR RTRIC, RICAPPS, AIMLFW. Jinri Huang Jinri will resend the request to PLT
          • 04:25:  postponed to the next call due to lack of time

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

    • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)
      • 03-07: Irfan Ghauri presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey will send out email to discuss futher.
      • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.
      • 03-21: Irfan Ghaurimentioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 
      • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 
      • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysight) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.
      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao We have booth and it would be good to show some demos / recordings from previous workshops to be played along the week. AP: Check with Irfan Ghauri . Sagar Arora : a demo about deployment of O-RAN components with Nephio will be given in the week 
    •  CVE
      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 
      • 03-14: David Kinsey mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 
      • 04-11: John Keeney suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   
      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao presents some LF practices and tools for security analysis. David Kinsey This seems appropriate for project certification and badging; but for CVE we need to check "per-function" against the security requirements defined by O-RAN. Also the level of maturity of the feature is relevant to understand if security aspects were addressed in the version developed.
    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  
      • 03-28: Jinri Huangmentioned this topic and would summarize the detail of question for AIML project later. 
    • LF Support for project activities
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.
      • 05-09: “Analysis of Opensource O-RAN Near-RT and Non-RT RICs – A comparative study” - this is proposal for interns who would work on preparing the report and present it to TOC. Limited support for this activity from PTL's mostly 30min/week. Background for this proposal is due to the feedback recieved from One Summit Work shop(more clearity is needed on different open src RT/NRT RIC's that are available). AP PTLs: To provide comment on the topics that can be covered or anything in general. AP  Sridhar Rao also proposed to create Wikipage for each of the topics to get more clarity on requirements.
      • 05-09: F2F meetings.  AP PTL's: To check for any demo that can be given during this time.
    • Intern/Mentorship program
      • 05-30: David Kinsey Motion to approve the mentorship for RIC analytics. A comparative study. Avinash Bhat Seconded the motion. no objections. Motion carriered.

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • Next Meeting  

2024 05 23


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Arunkumar Halebid or Abdul Wahid (Nokia)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for previous TOC meeting Motion to Approve by Jinri; Second by John-Paul; result: APPROVED
    2. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting Motion to Approve by Jinri; Second by Avinash; Result: APPROVED
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. 05-23 Update on Proposal from Prof Vipin Rathi  //link to presented material < fransiscus bimo uploaded >
      1. xFAPI proposal.   
      2. xFAPI introduction:
    2. Update on Open RAN Summit @Taipie link:
    3. Status on OSFG White Paper Deferred to Next Week.
    4. 05-23 Status on OSC East Lab move to integrate with ACCORD lab; Next step is meeting between ACCORD and O-RAN.
    5. 05-23 Status on ODULOW/RUSIM in TUWU Lab; Still waiting on Intel, however current focus is on xFAPI integration. Current flexran is old image, with xFAPI we can use new binary which may fix this problem.
    6. 05-23 RSAC recommendation on xFAPI project integration. Will revisit OAI ODU-HIGH to OSC ODU-LOW scenario on RSAC call.
    7. Update on O-RAN F2F Sessions
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Proposal from  LilianHsu@ITRI on  2024 Open RAN Summit at Taipei 17th,18th June 2024, Invitation to attend the meeting, draft agenda of Day1 and Day2 was presented. Slides available here. Registration link to be announced on 20th May 2024. Remote registrations also possible.
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
    2. Other
      1. Matthew Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.
      2. John Keeney requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
            1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
        5. White Paper
          1. 04-18: Jinri Huang A white paper is being drafted, with several contributors working on it. Current focus is on CI/CD/CT. Status will be reported at the next call.  AP: Irfan Ghauri 
          2. 04-25: Irfan Ghauri the current version of the WP need a redrafting to synthetize the material provided. Target date is now mid of May.  bimo fransiscus asisi a request was sent to LF to verify the CI/CD part.
          3. 05-09:  To be discusse dnext time as Irfan was not available
        6. Other
          1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.
          2. 03-14: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,
          3. 03-21: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.
          4. 03-28: Regarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 
          5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 
          6. 04-18: James Li text for news quotes was finalized and sent to O-RAN EC for approval. Once received back it will be sent to POWDER for publication on their site
          7. 04-25: James Li still waiting for the final feedback from EC. 
          8. 05-02: Action closed by James Li
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao
      1. 05-09: Sridhar Rao mentioned "License scanning will be done on week starting 3rd June. Please let me know if you have any concerns". J release preparations will be started soon.
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

        • Lab updates, Jian Li 
          • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 
          • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.
          • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.
          • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward. 
          • 04-25:  Bimo introduces professor Vipin Rathi who is working on integrating O-DU/LOW with the new release of the Intel FlexRAN API. peng Lu OCU-ODU integration already done so update with the new FlexRAN code release still possible within K release. fransiscus bimo for O-CU we are waiting for license extention by Radysis. Also integration ongoing with OAI commercial gNB and 5G Genius Core for e2e testing.   
        • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan 
        • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
          • 04-25: TE&IV Proposal
            • John Keeney presented a proposal for contribution on open source "Topology and Inventory SMO Service" according to O-RAN WG10 specifications, with clear separation between the API and the information models. Initial seed code available for analysis before submitting to SMO project and call for contributors. Code can be temporarily hosted in an existing SMO repo before moving to an official dedicated repo. To be managed with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
            • Martin Skorupski mention a presentation by Alex Stancu on Topology aspects in support of CNF deployment. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti To be discussed at the next SMO project call
          • 04-25: SMO Lab Resources
            • David Kinsey lack of resources for SMO build in Bedminster. Request to support from Taiwan how to get some resources e.g. from POWDER (3 servers is the estimated amount for the task). James Li and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti will propose a way forward. 
        • RIC Platform Enhancements - Abdul Wahid
          • 05-09: Abdul Wahid W :Agreed to provide an update within the next 1 or 2 weeks
        • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu
        • Others
          • 04:18: O-RAN TSC cochair requested information about the activity at project level (companies, releases). This is expected by next week meeting (Apr 25th). Projects to prioritize: NON RTIRC, NEAR RTRIC, RICAPPS, AIMLFW. Jinri Huang Jinri will resend the request to PLT
          • 04:25:  postponed to the next call due to lack of time

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

    • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)
      • 03-07: Irfan Ghauri presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey will send out email to discuss futher.
      • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.
      • 03-21: Irfan Ghaurimentioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 
      • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 
      • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysight) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.
      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao We have booth and it would be good to show some demos / recordings from previous workshops to be played along the week. AP: Check with Irfan Ghauri . Sagar Arora : a demo about deployment of O-RAN components with Nephio will be given in the week 
    •  CVE
      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 
      • 03-14: David Kinsey mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 
      • 04-11: John Keeney suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   
      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao presents some LF practices and tools for security analysis. David Kinsey This seems appropriate for project certification and badging; but for CVE we need to check "per-function" against the security requirements defined by O-RAN. Also the level of maturity of the feature is relevant to understand if security aspects were addressed in the version developed.
    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  
      • 03-28: Jinri Huangmentioned this topic and would summarize the detail of question for AIML project later. 
    • LF Support for project activities
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.
      • 05-09: “Analysis of Opensource O-RAN Near-RT and Non-RT RICs – A comparative study” - this is proposal for interns who would work on preparing the report and present it to TOC. Limited support for this activity from PTL's mostly 30min/week. Background for this proposal is due to the feedback recieved from One Summit Work shop(more clearity is needed on different open src RT/NRT RIC's that are available). AP PTLs: To provide comment on the topics that can be covered or anything in general. AP  Sridhar Rao also proposed to create Wikipage for each of the topics to get more clarity on requirements.
      • 05-09: F2F meetings with — TBD. AP PTL's: To check for any demo that can be given during this time.

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • Next Meeting  

2024 05 16 - Meeting Cancelled

       Jinri Huang couldn't attend the TOC call and instructed to cancel this meeting.

2024 05 09


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Arunkumar Halebid or Abdul Wahid (Nokia)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane

John Keeneyx


Masahiro Fuji

Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barvex


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang xJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

xPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-05-2 didnt go through.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Proposal from  LilianHsu@ITRI on  2024 Open RAN Summit at Taipei 17th,18th June 2024, Invitation to attend the meeting, draft agenda of Day1 and Day2 was presented. Slides available here. Registration link to be announced on 20th May 2024. Remote registrations also possible.
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
    2. Other
      1. Matthew Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.
      2. John Keeney requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
            1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
        5. White Paper
          1. 04-18: Jinri Huang A white paper is being drafted, with several contributors working on it. Current focus is on CI/CD/CT. Status will be reported at the next call.  AP: Irfan Ghauri 
          2. 04-25: Irfan Ghauri the current version of the WP need a redrafting to synthetize the material provided. Target date is now mid of May.  bimo fransiscus asisi a request was sent to LF to verify the CI/CD part.
          3. 05-09:  To be discusse dnext time as Irfan was not available
        6. Other
          1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.
          2. 03-14: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,
          3. 03-21: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.
          4. 03-28: Regarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 
          5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 
          6. 04-18: James Li text for news quotes was finalized and sent to O-RAN EC for approval. Once received back it will be sent to POWDER for publication on their site
          7. 04-25: James Li still waiting for the final feedback from EC. 
          8. 05-02: Action closed by James Li
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao
      1. 05-09: Sridhar Rao mentioned "License scanning will be done on week starting 3rd June. Please let me know if you have any concerns". J release preparations will be started soon.
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

        • Lab updates, Jian Li 
          • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 
          • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.
          • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.
          • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward. 
          • 04-25:  Bimo introduces professor Vipin Rathi who is working on integrating O-DU/LOW with the new release of the Intel FlexRAN API. peng Lu OCU-ODU integration already done so update with the new FlexRAN code release still possible within K release. fransiscus bimo for O-CU we are waiting for license extention by Radysis. Also integration ongoing with OAI commercial gNB and 5G Genius Core for e2e testing.   
        • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan 
        • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
          • 04-25: TE&IV Proposal
            • John Keeney presented a proposal for contribution on open source "Topology and Inventory SMO Service" according to O-RAN WG10 specifications, with clear separation between the API and the information models. Initial seed code available for analysis before submitting to SMO project and call for contributors. Code can be temporarily hosted in an existing SMO repo before moving to an official dedicated repo. To be managed with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
            • Martin Skorupski mention a presentation by Alex Stancu on Topology aspects in support of CNF deployment. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti To be discussed at the next SMO project call
          • 04-25: SMO Lab Resources
            • David Kinsey lack of resources for SMO build in Bedminster. Request to support from Taiwan how to get some resources e.g. from POWDER (3 servers is the estimated amount for the task). James Li and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti will propose a way forward. 
        • RIC Platform Enhancements - Abdul Wahid
          • 05-09: Abdul Wahid W :Agreed to provide an update within the next 1 or 2 weeks
        • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu
        • Others
          • 04:18: O-RAN TSC cochair requested information about the activity at project level (companies, releases). This is expected by next week meeting (Apr 25th). Projects to prioritize: NON RTIRC, NEAR RTRIC, RICAPPS, AIMLFW. Jinri Huang Jinri will resend the request to PLT
          • 04:25:  postponed to the next call due to lack of time

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

    • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)
      • 03-07: Irfan Ghauri presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey will send out email to discuss futher.
      • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.
      • 03-21: Irfan Ghaurimentioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 
      • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 
      • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysight) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.
      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao We have booth and it would be good to show some demos / recordings from previous workshops to be played along the week. AP: Check with Irfan Ghauri . Sagar Arora : a demo about deployment of O-RAN components with Nephio will be given in the week 
    •  CVE
      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 
      • 03-14: David Kinsey mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 
      • 04-11: John Keeney suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   
      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao presents some LF practices and tools for security analysis. David Kinsey This seems appropriate for project certification and badging; but for CVE we need to check "per-function" against the security requirements defined by O-RAN. Also the level of maturity of the feature is relevant to understand if security aspects were addressed in the version developed.
    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  
      • 03-28: Jinri Huangmentioned this topic and would summarize the detail of question for AIML project later. 
    • LF Support for project activities
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.
      • 05-09: “Analysis of Opensource O-RAN Near-RT and Non-RT RICs – A comparative study” - this is proposal for interns who would work on preparing the report and present it to TOC. Limited support for this activity from PTL's mostly 30min/week. Background for this proposal is due to the feedback recieved from One Summit Work shop(more clearity is needed on different open src RT/NRT RIC's that are available). AP PTLs: To provide comment on the topics that can be covered or anything in general. AP  Sridhar Rao also proposed to create Wikipage for each of the topics to get more clarity on requirements.
      • 05-09: F2F meetings with — TBD. AP PTL's: To check for any demo that can be given during this time.

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • Next Meeting 2024/05/09

2024 05 02 


Meeting Recording:  link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Arunkumar Halebid or Abdul Wahid (Nokia)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji

Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid




Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang 
Jon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

xPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-04-25 : Motion proposed by  James Li and seconded by Arunkumar Halebid Motion was approved.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Update on Powder Update
    2. Proposal from Prof Vipin Rathi  //link to presented material < fransiscus bimo uploaded >
      1. xFAPI proposal.   
      2. xFAPI introduction:
    3. ONE Summit Update
    4. Project reports
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
    2. Other
      1. Matthew Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.
      2. John Keeney requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
            1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
        5. White Paper
          1. 04-18: Jinri Huang A white paper is being drafted, with several contributors working on it. Current focus is on CI/CD/CT. Status will be reported at the next call.  AP: Irfan Ghauri 
          2. 04-25: Irfan Ghauri the current version of the WP need a redrafting to synthetize the material provided. Target date is now mid of May.  bimo fransiscus asisi a request was sent to LF to verify the CI/CD part.
        6. Other
          1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.
          2. 03-14: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,
          3. 03-21: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.
          4. 03-28: Regarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 
          5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 
          6. 04-18: James Li text for news quotes was finalized and sent to O-RAN EC for approval. Once received back it will be sent to POWDER for publication on their site
          7. 04-25: James Li still waiting for the final feedback from EC. 
          8. 05-02: Action closed by James Li
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

        • Lab updates, Jian Li 
          • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 
          • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.
          • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.
          • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward. 
          • 04-25:  Bimo introduces professor Vipin Rathi who is working on integrating O-DU/LOW with the new release of the Intel FlexRAN API. peng Lu OCU-ODU integration already done so update with the new FlexRAN code release still possible within K release. fransiscus bimo for O-CU we are waiting for license extention by Radysis. Also integration ongoing with OAI commercial gNB and 5G Genius Core for e2e testing.   
        • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan 
        • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
          • 04-25: TE&IV Proposal
            • John Keeney presented a proposal for contribution on open source "Topology and Inventory SMO Service" according to O-RAN WG10 specifications, with clear separation between the API and the information models. Initial seed code available for analysis before submitting to SMO project and call for contributors. Code can be temporarily hosted in an existing SMO repo before moving to an official dedicated repo. To be managed with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
            • Martin Skorupski mention a presentation by Alex Stancu on Topology aspects in support of CNF deployment. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti To be discussed at the next SMO project call
          • 04-25: SMO Lab Resources
            • David Kinsey lack of resources for SMO build in Bedminster. Request to support from Taiwan how to get some resources e.g. from POWDER (3 servers is the estimated amount for the task). James Li and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti will propose a way forward. 
        • RIC Platform Enhancements - Abdul Wahid
        • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu
        • Others
          • 04:18: O-RAN TSC cochair requested information about the activity at project level (companies, releases). This is expected by next week meeting (Apr 25th). Projects to prioritize: NON RTIRC, NEAR RTRIC, RICAPPS, AIMLFW. Jinri Huang Jinri will resend the request to PLT
          • 04:25:  postponed to the next call due to lack of time

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

    • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)
      • 03-07: Irfan Ghauri presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey will send out email to discuss futher.
      • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.
      • 03-21: Irfan Ghaurimentioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 
      • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 
      • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysight) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.
      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao We have booth and it would be good to show some demos / recordings from previous workshops to be played along the week. AP: Check with Irfan Ghauri . Sagar Arora : a demo about deployment of O-RAN components with Nephio will be given in the week 
    •  CVE
      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 
      • 03-14: David Kinsey mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 
      • 04-11: John Keeney suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   
      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao presents some LF practices and tools for security analysis. David Kinsey This seems appropriate for project certification and badging; but for CVE we need to check "per-function" against the security requirements defined by O-RAN. Also the level of maturity of the feature is relevant to understand if security aspects were addressed in the version developed.
    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  
      • 03-28: Jinri Huangmentioned this topic and would summarize the detail of question for AIML project later. 
    • LF Support for project activities
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • Next Meeting 2024/05/09

2024 04 25


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM) 
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-04-18 : Motion proposed by Julien Boudani  and seconded by Avinash Bhat  Motion was approved.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. GitUpdates
    2. OSFG White Paper update
    3. ONE Summit
    4. Project report 
    5. Evaluation of TE&IV SMOS Proposal (slides)
    6. SMO Integration Needs
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
    2. Other
      1. Matthew Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.
      2. John Keeney requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
            1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
        5. White Paper
          1. 04-18: Jinri Huang A white paper is being drafted, with several contributors working on it. Current focus is on CI/CD/CT. Status will be reported at the next call.  AP: Irfan Ghauri 
          2. 04-25: Irfan Ghauri the current version of the WP need a redrafting to synthetize the material provided. Target date is now mid of May.  bimo fransiscus asisi a request was sent to LF to verify the CI/CD part.
        6. Other
          1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.
          2. 03-14: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,
          3. 03-21: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.
          4. 03-28: Reagarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 
          5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 
          6. 04-18: James Li text for news quotes was finalized and sent to O-RAN EC for approval. Once received back it will be sent to POWDER for publication on their site
          7. 04-25: James Li still waiting for the final feedback from EC. 
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

        • Lab updates, Jian Li 
          • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 
          • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.
          • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.
          • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward. 
          • 04-25:  Bimo introduces professor Vipin Rathi who is working on integrating O-DU/LOW with the new release of the Intel FlexRAN API. peng Lu OCU-ODU integration already done so update with the new FlexRAN code release still possible within K release. fransiscus bimo for O-CU we are waiting for license extension by Radysis. Also integration ongoing with OAI gNB and commercial gNB with a commercial 5G Core donated by CampusGenius, a start up from TU-Dresden, for e2e testing.   
        • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan 
        • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
          • 04-25: TE&IV Proposal
            • John Keeney presented a proposal for contribution on open source "Topology and Inventory SMO Service" according to O-RAN WG10 specifications, with clear separation between the API and the information models. Initial seed code available for analysis before submitting to SMO project and call for contributors. Code can be temporarily hosted in an existing SMO repo before moving to an official dedicated repo. To be managed with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
            • Martin Skorupski mention a presentation by Alex Stancu on Topology aspects in support of CNF deployment. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti To be discussed at the next SMO project call
          • 04-25: SMO Lab Resources
            • David Kinsey lack of resources for SMO build in Bedminster. Request to support from Taiwan how to get some resources e.g. from POWDER (3 servers is the estimated amount for the task). James Li and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti will propose a way forward. 
        • RIC Platform Enhancements - Thoralf Czichy
        • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu
        • Others
          • 04:18: O-RAN TSC cochair requested information about the activity at project level (companies, releases). This is expected by next week meeting (Apr 25th). Projects to prioritize: NON RTIRC, NEAR RTRIC, RICAPPS, AIMLFW. Jinri Huang Jinri will resend the request to PLT
          • 04:25:  postponed to the next call due to lack of time

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

    • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)
      • 03-07: Irfan Ghauri presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey will send out email to discuss futher.
      • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.
      • 03-21: Irfan Ghaurimentioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 
      • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 
      • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysight) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.
      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao We have booth and it would be good to show some demos / recordings from previous workshops to be played along the week. AP: Check with Irfan Ghauri . Sagar Arora : a demo about deployment of O-RAN components with Nephio will be given in the week 
    •  CVE
      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 
      • 03-14: David Kinsey mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 
      • 04-11: John Keeney suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   
      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao presents some LF practices and tools for security analysis. David Kinsey This seems appropriate for project certification and badging; but for CVE we need to check "per-function" against the security requirements defined by O-RAN. Also the level of maturity of the feature is relevant to understand if security aspects were addressed in the version developed.
    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  
      • 03-28: Jinri Huangmentioned this topic and would summarize the detail of question for AIML project later. 
    • LF Support for project activities
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • Next Meeting 2024/05/02.
    • Scribe in May: Nokia

2024 04 18


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM) 
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-04-11 : Motion proposed by  Avinash Bhat Bhat and seconded by John Paul Lane Motion was approved.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. POWDER
    2. ONE Summit
    3. Project report 
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
            1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
        5. White Paper
          1. 04-18: Jinri Huang A white paper is being drafted, with several contributors working on it. Current focus is on CI/CD/CT. Status will be reported at the next call.  AP: Irfan Ghauri 
        6. Other
          1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.
          2. 03-14: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,
          3. 03-21: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.
          4. 03-28: Reagarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 
          5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 
          6. 04-18: James Li text for news quotes was finalized and sent to O-RAN EC for approval. Once received back it will be sent to POWDER for publication on their site
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 03-14: OSC Taiwan Lab Update 
        1.  O DU High "J" release status has been presented by Ankit Barve. Discussions were held on about nFAP and the status of debugging issues.

    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

        • Lab updates, Jian Li 
          • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 
          • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.
          • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.
          • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward.  
        • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan 
          • 03-28:  The project was the phase of starting development.  Sagar Arora would present the detail in the next meeting, including how to make project tracking transparent.
        • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
        • RIC Platform Enhancements - Thoralf Czichy
        • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu
        • Others
          • 04:18: O-RAN TSC cochair requested information about the activity at project level (companies, releases). This is expected by next week meeting (Apr 25th). Projects to prioritize: NON RTIRC, NEAR RTRIC, RICAPPS, AIMLFW. Jinri Huang Jinri will resend the request to PLT

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

    • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)
      • 03-07: Irfan Ghauri presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey will send out email to discuss futher.
      • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.
      • 03-21: Irfan Ghaurimentioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 
      • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 
      • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysight) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.
      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao We have booth and it would be good to show some demos / recordings from previous workshops to be played along the week. AP: Check with Irfan Ghauri . Sagar Arora : a demo about deployment of O-RAN components with Nephio will be given in the week 
    •  CVE
      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 
      • 03-14: David Kinsey mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 
      • 04-11: John Keeney suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   
      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao presents some LF practices and tools for security analysis. David Kinsey This seems appropriate for project certification and badging; but for CVE we need to check "per-function" against the security requirements defined by O-RAN. Also the level of maturity of the feature is relevant to understand if security aspects were addressed in the version developed.
    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  
      • 03-28: Jinri Huangmentioned this topic and would summarize the detail of question for AIML project later. 
    • LF Support for project activities
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • Next Meeting 2024/04/25.

2024 04 11


Meeting Recording: Link 


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM) 
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid




Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-04-04 : Motion proposed by James Li  and seconded by Ganesh Shenbagaraman   Motion was approved.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. ONE summit
    2. POWDER
    3. Project report
      1. Change of AIMLFW PTL Joseph Thaliath 
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
            1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
        5. Other
          1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.
          2. 03-14: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,
          3. 03-21: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.
          4. 03-28: Reagarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 
          5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 03-14: OSC Taiwan Lab Update 
        1.  O DU High "J" release status has been presented by Ankit Barve. Discussions were held on about nFAP and the status of debugging issues.

    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

        • Lab updates, Jian Li 
          • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 
          • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.
          • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.
          • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward.  
        • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan 
          • 03-28:  The project was the phase of starting development.  Sagar Arora would present the detail in the next meeting, including how to make project tracking transparent.
        • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
        • RIC Platform Enhancements - Thoralf Czichy
        • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu
        • Others
          • 04-11: AIMLFW PTL Joseph Thaliath announced that he is taking a new role in the company and proposes subhash kumar singh to take over as PTL. Subhash already started to contribute to the project and will continue in the new role of PTL. Motion to approve Subhash as new PTL of AIMLFW project made by David Kinsey , seconded by Avinash Bhat . The motion is approved.

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

    • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)
      • 03-07: Irfan Ghauri presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey will send out email to discuss futher.
      • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.
      • 03-21: Irfan Ghaurimentioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 
      • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 
      • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysite) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.
    •  CVE
      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 
      • 03-14: David Kinsey mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 
      • 04-11: John Keeney suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   
    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  
      • 03-28: Jinri Huangmentioned this topic and would summarize the detail of question for AIML project later. 
    • LF Support for project activities
      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • Next Meeting 2024/04/18.

2024 04 04


Meeting Recording: 


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM) 
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang 
Jon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

Peter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-03-28 : Motion proposed by Masahiro FUJII  and seconded by Andrea Buldorini.  Motion was approved.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Nephio report
    2. ONE summit
    3. Project report
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
            1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
        5. Other
          1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.
          2. 03-14: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,
          3. 03-21: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.
          4. 03-28: Reagarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 03-14: OSC Taiwan Lab Update 
        1.  O DU High "J" release status has been presented by Ankit Barve. Discussions were held on about nFAP and the status of debugging issues.

    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

        • Lab updates, Jian Li 
          • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 
          • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.
          • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.
        • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan 
          • 03-28:  The project was the phase of starting development.  Sagar Arora would present the detail in the next meeting, including how to make project tracking transparent.
        • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
        • RIC Platform Enhancements - Thoralf Czichy
        • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu
          • 02-01: Energy savings dataset from Viavi - it is acceptable to encrypt it and let Viavi control the password. Process to request the dataset/password to be sorted. Help from Alex Stancu needed.
        • Near RT RIC PTL
          • 02-15: Abdulwahid (Wahid) introduced himself as a candidate for new RT-RIC PTL role. David Kinsey  asked Wahid to stand in the role of PTL during the official process. Vote day will be 29.2.
          • 02-29: No other candidate besides Abdulwahid. Motion proposed by Jinri Huang and seconded by Julien Boudani , motion was approved without objection. 

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

    • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)
      • 03-07: Irfan Ghauri presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey will send out email to discuss futher.
      • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.
      • 03-21: Irfan Ghaurimentioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 
      • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 
      • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics
    •  CVE
      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey concerns to record volunerabilities in a pulic database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 
      • 03-14: David Kinsey mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 
    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  
      • 03-28: Jinri Huangmentioned this topic and would summarize the detail of question for AIML project later.   

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • Next Meeting 2024/04/11.

2024 03 28


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Masahiro Fujii (NTT DOCOMO) 
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


John-Paul Lane

John KeeneyX


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Baruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

Peter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-03-21 : Motion proposed Jinri by and seconded Julien by motion was approved on the premise that the some correction mentioned in the meeting would be made.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. ONE summit
    2. POWDER
    3. Project report
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 01-04: No New Items this week
    2. 01-11: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
      1. 03-28: How to make the SMO project tracking transparent: Sagar Arora 
    3. 01-11: Update on candidates for ODULOW PTL
    4. 03-07: No New Items this week
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
    2. 02-01: Maintenance Release set for next week TOC  
    3. 03-21: Sridhar Rao peresented the potential changes of the release regarding the gha-migration topic, which had revied super comitters (LINK). These changes are aproved: Motion proposed David was approved without objection.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 02-01: WG10 working on process definition for ORAN. 3 activates planned for F2F - developing the process together with OSFG (outline, what are the steps, responsibilities; not necessarily the document itself), informing WGs about the changes, presenting to TSC. 
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 02-01: Sagar Arora: in the SMO call this week, presentation about NF orchestration using SMO shown. AP Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to upload the ppt to the TOC documents.
          2. 02-15: SMO integration in Nephio: approved this week, there are already volunteers willing to working on that. It will be implemented in OSC and then ported to Nephio. J release a Nephio rel 3 are at the similar time, which is good.
          3. 02-15: xApp deployment through Nephio usecase presented by Neman Gupta from Samsung. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to upload the doc to the TOC documents. Messaging from WG6 should be considered.
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
        5. Other
          1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.
          2. 03-14: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,
          3. 03-21: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.
          4. 03-28: Reagarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 
  6. ,Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 02-01: East cost lab still down, Bedminster may stay down and we may move to Rutgers in New Jersey. David Kinsey working on that, alignment calls planned.
      2. 03-14: OSC Taiwan Lab Update 
        1.  O DU High "J" release status has been presented by Ankit Barve. Discussions were held on about nFAP and the status of debugging issues.

    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 02-01: PLTs to fill the project goals/features for J Release which could be presented during F2F.
      2. 02-08: Rittwik Jana highlights for J release (except O-DU low) are finalized
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

        • Lab updates, Jian Li 
          • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 
          • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.
        • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan 
          • 03-28:  The project was the phase of starting development.  Sagar Arora would present the detail in the next meeting, including how to make project tracking transparent.
        • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
        • RIC Platform Enhancements - Thoralf Czichy
        • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu
          • 02-01: Energy savings dataset from Viavi - it is acceptable to encrypt it and let Viavi control the password. Process to request the dataset/password to be sorted. Help from Alex Stancu needed.
        • Near RT RIC PTL
          • 02-15: Abdulwahid (Wahid) introduced himself as a candidate for new RT-RIC PTL role. David Kinsey  asked Wahid to stand in the role of PTL during the official process. Vote day will be 29.2.
          • 02-29: No other candidate besides Abdulwahid. Motion proposed by Jinri Huang and seconded by Julien Boudani , motion was approved without objection. 

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

      • Balaji Varadaraju N.K. Shankaranarayanan Possible confusion with link used to join (Message: "Host has not started the meeting")
        • make sure to use the correect Zoom Link: 
        • (Old link is still shown Group Email Notification)
        • 01-11: Modify Calendar Permissions TOC/RSAC bridges; Hostcode distribution
      • 02-01: info.yaml updated with Near-RIC committer changes over last week. No action needed.
      • 02-15: Thank you, Thoralf Czichy , for all your contributions as PTL!
      • 02-15: Deutsche Telekom TOC alternate representative removed.
    • One Summit
      • 02-15: One Summit: Half-day workshop "OpenGovCon: 6G Innovation Day" focusing on future RAN planned on Apr 29, 30 and May 1st at San Jose, Sridhar Rao will share more info and promote O-RAN OSC at booth there. Support from other TOC members requested.
      • 02-15: Abdulwahid (Wahid) introduced himself as a candidate for new RT-RIC PTL role. David Kinsey  asked Wahid to stand in the role of PTL during the official process. Vote day will be 29.2.
      • 02-29: David Kinsey is in favor to have the collocated event at One summit. Jinri Huang and Irfan Ghauri supports the idea.
      • 02-29: We need to ensure speakers.  David Kinsey will reach to Irfan Ghauri to discuss if he can support this.
      • 02-29: Sridhar Rao - the latest date to have the speakers list is 20.3. to have time for marketing.
      • 02-29: we need to be sure that we can collect speakers and topics for 1/2 day agenda.
    • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)
      • 03-07: Irfan Ghauri presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey will send out email to discuss futher.
      • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.
      • 03-21: Irfan Ghaurimentioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 
      • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 
    • Super committer permission
      • 02-29: announcement from release engineering about need to implement the super committer permissions.
      • 02-29: needed because of the shift from Jenkins to Gitlab Actions. Permission needed for testing in production.
      • 02-29: John Keeney supports the idea. No strong pushback from any other PTLs. 
      • 02-29: Jessica Gonzalez will prepare a proposal for next TSC, we need 2 people release engineering team + 2 from the community. John Keeney and  Martin Skorupski volunteer.
      • 03-07:  Jessica and Matthew from LF, and John and Martin from OSC have been approved as super commiters (Link : Motion proposed David by and seconded Julien by motion was approved without objection.
    •  CVE
      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey concerns to record volunerabilities in a pulic database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 
      • 03-14: David Kinsey mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 
    • Contacts
      • 03-14: NOKIA alternate contact changed: Thoralf Czichy → Abdulwahid
    • Intellegence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  
      • 03-28: Jinri Huangmentioned this topic and would summarize the detail of question for AIML project later.   

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • Next Meeting 2024/04/4.

2024 03 21


Meeting Recording: LinkLink


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Masahiro Fujii (NTT DOCOMO) 
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid



Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-03-14 : Motion proposed Avinash by and seconded Julien by motion was approved without objection.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. ONE summit
    2. POWDER
    3. Project report
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 01-04: No New Items this week
    2. 01-11: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
    3. 01-11: Update on candidates for ODULOW PTL
    4. 03-07: No New Items this week
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
    2. 02-01: Maintenance Release set for next week TOC  
    3. 03-21: Sridhar Rao peresented the potential changes of the release regarding the gha-migration topic, which had revied super comitters (LINK). These changes are aproved: Motion proposed David was approved without objection.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 02-01: WG10 working on process definition for ORAN. 3 activates planned for F2F - developing the process together with OSFG (outline, what are the steps, responsibilities; not necessarily the document itself), informing WGs about the changes, presenting to TSC. 
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 02-01: Sagar Arora: in the SMO call this week, presentation about NF orchestration using SMO shown. AP Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to upload the ppt to the TOC documents.
          2. 02-15: SMO integration in Nephio: approved this week, there are already volunteers willing to working on that. It will be implemented in OSC and then ported to Nephio. J release a Nephio rel 3 are at the similar time, which is good.
          3. 02-15: xApp deployment through Nephio usecase presented by Neman Gupta from Samsung. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to upload the doc to the TOC documents. Messaging from WG6 should be considered.
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
        5. Other
          1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.
          2. 03-14: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,
          3. 03-21: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.
  6. ,Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 02-01: East cost lab still down, Bedminster may stay down and we may move to Rutgers in New Jersey. David Kinsey working on that, alignment calls planned.
      2. 03-14: OSC Taiwan Lab Update 
        1.  O DU High "J" release status has been presented by Ankit Barve. Discussions were held on about nFAP and the status of debugging issues.

    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 02-01: PLTs to fill the project goals/features for J Release which could be presented during F2F.
      2. 02-08: Rittwik Jana highlights for J release (except O-DU low) are finalized
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

        • Lab updates, Jian Li 
          • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 
        • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan 
        • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 
        • RIC Platform Enhancements - Thoralf Czichy
        • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu
      • 02-01: Energy savings dataset from Viavi - it is acceptable to encrypt it and let Viavi control the password. Process to request the dataset/password to be sorted. Help from Alex Stancu needed.
    • Near RT RIC PTL
      • 02-15: Abdulwahid (Wahid) introduced himself as a candidate for new RT-RIC PTL role. David Kinsey  asked Wahid to stand in the role of PTL during the official process. Vote day will be 29.2.
      • 02-29: No other candidate besides Abdulwahid. Motion proposed by Jinri Huang and seconded by Julien Boudani , motion was approved without objection. 

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

      • Balaji Varadaraju N.K. Shankaranarayanan Possible confusion with link used to join (Message: "Host has not started the meeting")
        • make sure to use the correect Zoom Link: 
        • (Old link is still shown Group Email Notification)
        • 01-11: Modify Calendar Permissions TOC/RSAC bridges; Hostcode distribution
      • 02-01: info.yaml updated with Near-RIC committer changes over last week. No action needed.
      • 02-15: Thank you, Thoralf Czichy , for all your contributions as PTL!
      • 02-15: Deutsche Telekom TOC alternate representative removed.
    • One Summit
      • 02-15: One Summit: Half-day workshop "OpenGovCon: 6G Innovation Day" focusing on future RAN planned on Apr 29, 30 and May 1st at San Jose, Sridhar Rao will share more info and promote O-RAN OSC at booth there. Support from other TOC members requested.
      • 02-15: Abdulwahid (Wahid) introduced himself as a candidate for new RT-RIC PTL role. David Kinsey  asked Wahid to stand in the role of PTL during the official process. Vote day will be 29.2.
      • 02-29: David Kinsey is in favor to have the collocated event at One summit. Jinri Huang and Irfan Ghauri supports the idea.
      • 02-29: We need to ensure speakers.  David Kinsey will reach to Irfan Ghauri to discuss if he can support this.
      • 02-29: Sridhar Rao - the latest date to have the speakers list is 20.3. to have time for marketing.
      • 02-29: we need to be sure that we can collect speakers and topics for 1/2 day agenda.
    • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)
      • 03-07: Irfan Ghauri presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey will send out email to discuss futher.
      • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.
      • 03-21: Irfan Ghaurimentioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 
    • Super committer permission
      • 02-29: announcement from release engineering about need to implement the super committer permissions.
      • 02-29: needed because of the shift from Jenkins to Gitlab Actions. Permission needed for testing in production.
      • 02-29: John Keeney supports the idea. No strong pushback from any other PTLs. 
      • 02-29: Jessica Gonzalez will prepare a proposal for next TSC, we need 2 people release engineering team + 2 from the community. John Keeney and  Martin Skorupski volunteer.
      • 03-07:  Jessica and Matthew from LF, and John and Martin from OSC have been approved as super commiters (Link : Motion proposed David by and seconded Julien by motion was approved without objection.
    •  CVE
      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey concerns to record volunerabilities in a pulic database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 
      • 03-14: David Kinsey mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 
    • Contacts
      • 03-14: NOKIA alternate contact changed: Thoralf Czichy → Abdulwahid

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • Next Meeting 2024/03/28.

2024 03 14


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Masahiro Fujii (NTT DOCOMO) 
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane

John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji

Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid




Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Baruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-03-07 : Motion proposed Jakub by and seconded Ganesh by motion was approved without objection.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. ONE summit
    2. POWDER
    3. OSC Taiwan lab update
    4. CVEs
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 01-04: No New Items this week
    2. 01-11: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
    3. 01-11: Update on candidates for ODULOW PTL
    4. 03-07: No New Items this week
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
    2. 02-01: Maintenance Release set for next week TOC  
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 02-01: WG10 working on process definition for ORAN. 3 activates planned for F2F - developing the process together with OSFG (outline, what are the steps, responsibilities; not necessarily the document itself), informing WGs about the changes, presenting to TSC. 
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 02-01: Sagar Arora: in the SMO call this week, presentation about NF orchestration using SMO shown. AP Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to upload the ppt to the TOC documents.
          2. 02-15: SMO integration in Nephio: approved this week, there are already volunteers willing to working on that. It will be implemented in OSC and then ported to Nephio. J release a Nephio rel 3 are at the similar time, which is good.
          3. 02-15: xApp deployment through Nephio usecase presented by Neman Gupta from Samsung. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to upload the doc to the TOC documents. Messaging from WG6 should be considered.
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
        5. Other
          1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.
          2. 03-14: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,
  6. ,Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 02-01: East cost lab still down, Bedminster may stay down and we may move to Rutgers in New Jersey. David Kinsey working on that, alignment calls planned.
      2. 03-14: OSC Taiwan Lab Update 
        1.  O DU High "J" release status has been presented by Ankit Barve. Discussions were held on about nFAP and the status of debugging issues.

    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 02-01: PLTs to fill the project goals/features for J Release which could be presented during F2F.
      2. 02-08: Rittwik Jana highlights for J release (except O-DU low) are finalized
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

    • Near RT RIC PTL
      • 02-15: Abdulwahid (Wahid) introduced himself as a candidate for new RT-RIC PTL role. David Kinsey  asked Wahid to stand in the role of PTL during the official process. Vote day will be 29.2.
      • 02-29: No other candidate besides Abdulwahid. Motion proposed by Jinri Huang and seconded by Julien Boudani , motion was approved without objection. 

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

      • Balaji Varadaraju N.K. Shankaranarayanan Possible confusion with link used to join (Message: "Host has not started the meeting")
        • make sure to use the correect Zoom Link: 
        • (Old link is still shown Group Email Notification)
        • 01-11: Modify Calendar Permissions TOC/RSAC bridges; Hostcode distribution
      • 02-01: info.yaml updated with Near-RIC committer changes over last week. No action needed.
      • 02-15: Thank you, Thoralf Czichy , for all your contributions as PTL!
      • 02-15: Deutsche Telekom TOC alternate representative removed.
    • One Summit
      • 02-15: One Summit: Half-day workshop "OpenGovCon: 6G Innovation Day" focusing on future RAN planned on Apr 29, 30 and May 1st at San Jose, Sridhar Rao will share more info and promote O-RAN OSC at booth there. Support from other TOC members requested.
      • 02-15: Abdulwahid (Wahid) introduced himself as a candidate for new RT-RIC PTL role. David Kinsey  asked Wahid to stand in the role of PTL during the official process. Vote day will be 29.2.
      • 02-29: David Kinsey is in favor to have the collocated event at One summit. Jinri Huang and Irfan Ghauri supports the idea.
      • 02-29: We need to ensure speakers.  David Kinsey will reach to Irfan Ghauri to discuss if he can support this.
      • 02-29: Sridhar Rao - the latest date to have the speakers list is 20.3. to have time for marketing.
      • 02-29: we need to be sure that we can collect speakers and topics for 1/2 day agenda.
    • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)
      • 03-07: Irfan Ghauri presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey will send out email to discuss futher.
      • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.
    • Super committer permission
      • 02-29: announcement from release engineering about need to implement the super committer permissions.
      • 02-29: needed because of the shift from Jenkins to Gitlab Actions. Permission needed for testing in production.
      • 02-29: John Keeney supports the idea. No strong pushback from any other PTLs. 
      • 02-29: Jessica Gonzalez will prepare a proposal for next TSC, we need 2 people release engineering team + 2 from the community. John Keeney and  Martin Skorupski volunteer.
      • 03-07:  Jessica and Matthew from LF, and John and Martin from OSC have been approved as super commiters (Link : Motion proposed David by and seconded Julien by motion was approved without objection.
    •  CVE
      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey concerns to record volunerabilities in a pulic database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 
      • 03-14: David Kinsey mentioned about discussions of the security requirement
    • Contacts
      • 03-14: NOKIA alternate contact changed: Thoralf Czichy → Abdulwahid

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 03-14: NOKIA alternate contact changed: Thoralf Czichy → Abdulwahid
    • 03-14: The title of OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT) was approved.
    • Next Meeting 2024/03/21.

2024 03 07


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Masahiro Fujii (NTT DOCOMO) 
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane


John KeeneyX


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

Peter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

Note: 03-07: Abdulwahid standing in for Nokia.

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-02-15 : Motion proposed Jakub by and seconded Julien by motion was approved without objection.
    2. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-02-29 : Motion proposed Jakub by and seconded Julien by motion was approved without objection.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. ONE summit
    2. POWDER
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 01-04: No New Items this week
    2. 01-11: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
    3. 01-11: Update on candidates for ODULOW PTL
    4. 03-07: No New Items this week
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
      1. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1. Jinri Huang No update this week. Will continue
        2. 03-07: The table "Features Implemented Mapping to O-RAN Spec by Project" has implemented in the Release Page. The table will be updated and reviewed. This AP is closed.
    2. 02-01: Maintenance Release set for next week TOC  

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 02-01: WG10 working on process definition for ORAN. 3 activates planned for F2F - developing the process together with OSFG (outline, what are the steps, responsibilities; not necessarily the document itself), informing WGs about the changes, presenting to TSC. 
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 02-01: Sagar Arora: in the SMO call this week, presentation about NF orchestration using SMO shown. AP Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to upload the ppt to the TOC documents.
          2. 02-15: SMO integration in Nephio: approved this week, there are already volunteers willing to working on that. It will be implemented in OSC and then ported to Nephio. J release a Nephio rel 3 are at the similar time, which is good.
          3. 02-15: xApp deployment through Nephio usecase presented by Neman Gupta from Samsung. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to upload the doc to the TOC documents. Messaging from WG6 should be considered.
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
        5. Other
          1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.  
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 02-01: East cost lab still down, Bedminster may stay down and we may move to Rutgers in New Jersey. David Kinsey working on that, alignment calls planned.
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 02-01: PLTs to fill the project goals/features for J Release which could be presented during F2F.
      2. 02-08: Rittwik Jana highlights for J release (except O-DU low) are finalized
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

    • Near RT RIC PTL
      • 02-15: Abdulwahid (Wahid) introduced himself as a candidate for new RT-RIC PTL role. David Kinsey  asked Wahid to stand in the role of PTL during the official process. Vote day will be 29.2.
      • 02-29: No other candidate besides Abdulwahid. Motion proposed by Jinri Huang and seconded by Julien Boudani , motion was approved without objection. 

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

      • Balaji Varadaraju N.K. Shankaranarayanan Possible confusion with link used to join (Message: "Host has not started the meeting")
        • make sure to use the correect Zoom Link: 
        • (Old link is still shown Group Email Notification)
        • 01-11: Modify Calendar Permissions TOC/RSAC bridges; Hostcode distribution
      • 02-01: info.yaml updated with Near-RIC committer changes over last week. No action needed.
      • 02-15: Thank you, Thoralf Czichy , for all your contributions as PTL!
      • 02-15: Deutsche Telekom TOC alternate representative removed.
    • One Summit
      • 02-15: One Summit: Half-day workshop "OpenGovCon: 6G Innovation Day" focusing on future RAN planned on Apr 29, 30 and May 1st at San Jose, Sridhar Rao will share more info and promote O-RAN OSC at booth there. Support from other TOC members requested.
      • 02-15: Abdulwahid (Wahid) introduced himself as a candidate for new RT-RIC PTL role. David Kinsey  asked Wahid to stand in the role of PTL during the official process. Vote day will be 29.2.
      • 02-29: David Kinsey is in favor to have the collocated event at One summit. Jinri Huang and Irfan Ghauri supports the idea.
      • 02-29: We need to ensure speakers.  David Kinsey will reach to Irfan Ghauri to discuss if he can support this.
      • 02-29: Sridhar Rao - the latest date to have the speakers list is 20.3. to have time for marketing.
      • 02-29: we need to be sure that we can collect speakers and topics for 1/2 day agenda.
    • Super committer permission
      • 02-29: announcement from release engineering about need to implement the super committer permissions.
      • 02-29: needed because of the shift from Jenkins to Gitlab Actions. Permission needed for testing in production.
      • 02-29: John Keeney supports the idea. No strong pushback from any other PTLs. 
      • 02-29: Jessica Gonzalez will prepare a proposal for next TSC, we need 2 people release engineering team + 2 from the community. John Keeney and  Martin Skorupski volunteer.
      • 03-07:  Jessica and Matthew from LF, and John and Martin from OSC have been approved as super commiters (Link : Motion proposed David by and seconded Julien by motion was approved without objection.
    • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)
      • 03-07: Irfan Ghauri presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey will send out email to discuss futher.
    • CVE
      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey concerns to record volunerabilities in a pulic database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 

       8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 03-07: 4 super commiters are aproved
    • 03-07: Revist CVE issues in the next meeting.
    • Next Meeting 2024/03/14.

2024 02 29


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jakub Nový (DT) 
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Baruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

Note: 02-29: Abdulwahid standing in for Nokia.

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. 02-29: postponed for next week, pending approvals for 29.2. and 15.2.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Confirmation of new PTL
    2. ONE summit
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 01-04: No New Items this week
    2. 01-11: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
    3. 01-11: Update on candidates for ODULOW PTL
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
      1. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1. Jinri Huang No update this week. Will continue
    2. 01-04: Sridhar Rao have updated the release checklist. The doc projects is now tagged. The websites are updated too, also the the O-RAN Wiki page, and the O-RAN org page.

    3. 02-01: Maintenance Release set for next week TOC  
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 11-02: Jakub: currently handled in WG10 tooling team; 2 main topics: SCCL itself, should be included in the code artifact, 2nd is the repository to make the file public; in progress, some braining storming, nothing for OSC to use directly; WG10 to generate the requirements; take to other WG, OFFICE, or OCOP, working on the design part of the thing; more difficult than expected; 
          2. 11-09: Jakub Novy mentioned that SCCL was discussed at this week's OSFG meeting, Suggest to follow up at next week TOC. More decisions needed at O-RAN level.
          3. 11-16: Jakub Novy There is a meeting with O-RAN legal next week to review any potential issues. 
          4. 11-30David Kinsey A meeting took place with tooling within WG10. ACOP also needs to be consulted over the process. Jakub Novy to provide update on meeting with O-RAN legal.
          5. 12-07: Jakub Novy Not much to report. Got some feedback from O-RAN legal on brainstorming phase of WG10; Also checking with ETSI, Doug is helping. David Kinsey currently  pushing SCCL with WG3, WG10 and WG4.John Keeney is of interest of publishing R1 related files with SCCL from WG2. David Kinsey R1 related file may end up be an Open API.
          6. 01-11: Status update: Jakub Novy /Jinri Huang
            1. A target of SCCL implementation may be possible by end of April
            2. A summary is suitable to be presented to the TOC 
          7. 02-01: WG10 working on process definition for ORAN. 3 activates planned for F2F - developing the process together with OSFG (outline, what are the steps, responsibilities; not necessarily the document itself), informing WGs about the changes, presenting to TSC. 
        2. OSFG contributor co-chair
          1. 01-25: Irfan Ghauri recently got elected
        3. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status: Sagar Arora (Presentation can be found here TOC Documents)
          2. 02-01: Sagar Arora: in the SMO call this week, presentation about NF orchestration using SMO shown. AP Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to upload the ppt to the TOC documents.
          3. 02-15: SMO integration in Nephio: approved this week, there are already volunteers willing to working on that. It will be implemented in OSC and then ported to Nephio. J release a Nephio rel 3 are at the similar time, which is good.
          4. 02-15: xApp deployment through Nephio usecase presented by Neman Gupta from Samsung. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to upload the doc to the TOC documents. Messaging from WG6 should be considered.
        4. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        5. Upcoming F2F meeting
        6. Other
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab Update
      2. 01-11: Lab Tool Update
        1. Funding did not occur. It's risky and we may not get those tools.

      3. 01-25: OSC Taiwan Lab Update Ray-Guang Cheng Ankit Barve 
        1.  O DU High and O DU Low reworking together again and the next step is to connect O DU low back up to the TM500

        2.  Licensing issues (TM500) to be resolved by VIAVI 

      4. 01-25: Progress : to get a Sandbox in Windriver
        1. To move from Bedminster to there : our fronthaul gateway and our Grand Master Clock

      5. 02-01: East cost lab still down, Bedminster may stay down and we may move to Rutgers in New Jersey. David Kinsey working on that, alignment calls planned.
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 12-07: Sridhar Rao From the I release checklist page, only 5 projects NONRTRIC, RICPLT, ODUHIGH*, INF, AIMLFW completed the committed features. Need all PTLs to work and complete by next Thursday for release vote.For the "Release documentation for Blog/Article on Release" item will have a dedicated marketing person to update the wiki and generate a PR for I release. Ankit Barve how about "Features Implemented Mapping to O-RAN Spec by Project" table for I release? David Kinsey It might be kept at the project level for each PTL to fill in the details of the O-RAN specs impacting features. Ankit Barve Propose to add as a last section to the project. 
      2. 01-11: RSAC "J" Release Planning Status
      3. 01-18: features for J release
        1. Looking at how to connect the infrastructure that we have for the O Cloud to the Fronthall gateway. So, we could deploy O-DU into the cloud and have it able to connect to the TM500 through the Fronthall gateway.
        2. Looking at trying to get an O-DU high / O-DU low instance that is continuously up. Therefore, we would move to continuous integration and test model. So, that new releases of the software would be tested by updating the existing version.

      4. 01-25: RSAC issue with the web page
        1. Specify the proper procedure to safeguard the "Viavi" data set (possible solutions : Server in a lab or in a repository)!

        2. Action Item : Ultan Kelly to check with peers and come back with recommendations to the RSAC
      5. 02-01: PLTs to fill the project goals/features for J Release which could be presented during F2F.
      6. 02-08: Rittwik Jana highlights for J release (except O-DU low) are finalized
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

      • 01-25: the list of project reports needs to be updated (with the start of our sprint in February)
      • 02-01: Energy savings dataset from Viavi - it is acceptable to encrypt it and let Viavi control the password. Process to request the dataset/password to be sorted. Help from Alex Stancu needed.
    • Near RT RIC PTL
      • 02-15: Abdulwahid (Wahid) introduced himself as a candidate for new RT-RIC PTL role. David Kinsey  asked Wahid to stand in the role of PTL during the official process. Vote day will be 29.2.
      • 02-29: No other candidate besides Abdulwahid. Motion proposed by Jinri Huang and seconded by Julien Boudani , motion was approved without objection. 

        7. Any Other Business (AoB)

      • Balaji Varadaraju N.K. Shankaranarayanan Possible confusion with link used to join (Message: "Host has not started the meeting")
        • make sure to use the correect Zoom Link: 
        • (Old link is still shown Group Email Notification)
        • 01-11: Modify Calendar Permissions TOC/RSAC bridges; Hostcode distribution
      • 02-01: info.yaml updated with Near-RIC committer changes over last week. No action needed.
      • 02-15: Thank you, Thoralf Czichy , for all your contributions as PTL!
      • 02-15: Deutsche Telekom TOC alternate representative removed.
    • One Summit
      • 02-15: One Summit: Half-day workshop "OpenGovCon: 6G Innovation Day" focusing on future RAN planned on Apr 29, 30 and May 1st at San Jose, Sridhar Rao will share more info and promote O-RAN OSC at booth there. Support from other TOC members requested.
      • 02-15: Abdulwahid (Wahid) introduced himself as a candidate for new RT-RIC PTL role. David Kinsey  asked Wahid to stand in the role of PTL during the official process. Vote day will be 29.2.
      • 02-29: David Kinsey is in favor to have the collocated event at One summit. Jinri Huang and Irfan Ghauri supports the idea.
      • 02-29: We need to ensure speakers.  David Kinsey will reach to Irfan Ghauri to discuss if he can support this.
      • 02-29: Sridhar Rao - the latest date to have the speakers list is 20.3. to have time for marketing.
      • 02-29: we need to be sure that we can collect speakers and topics for 1/2 day agenda.
    • Super committer permission
      • 02-29: announcement from release engineering about need to implement the super committer permissions.
      • 02-29: needed because of the shift from Jenkins to Gitlab Actions. Permission needed for testing in production.
      • 02-29: John Keeney supports the idea. No strong pushback from any other PTLs. 
      • 02-29: Jessica Gonzalez will prepare a proposal for next TSC, we need 2 people release engineering team + 2 from the community. John Keeney and  Martin Skorupski volunteer.

      8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status
    • 01-11: Candidates for ODULOW PTL
      • Nomination of Peng LU as a PTL (Motion proposed by David and seconded by Jinri. Motion was approved without objection)
    • 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab status (OSC O-DU Integration, CI/CD Testing and Integration, Energy Saving), 
    • 01-18: Athenes F2F meeting Agenda
    • 01-18: Features for release J
    • 01-25Topics for the F2F meeting (OSFG session)
    • 01-25: OSC Taiwan Lab update
    • Next Meeting 2024/03/07.

2024 02 22 - Meeting skipped

Due to the concurrent O-RAN F2F meeting, the meeting was cancelled. Quorum was not checked and thus not reached.

Sridhar Rao shorty presented the ONE summit, more details can be found at or

2024 02 15


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jakub Nový (DT) 
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Baruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

Note: 02-15: Seshu Kumar Mudiganti  standing in for Wind River today.

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-02-01 : Motion proposed Jakub by and seconded Seshu by motion was approved without objection.
    2. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-02-08 : Motion proposed Jakub by and seconded Seshu by motion was approved without objection.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Call shortened because the co-chairs were not present
    2. Thoralf Czichy will step down from OSC near-RT RIC position, call for new PTL open. Link
    3.  One summit planned, OSC speaker would be welcomed. Sridhar Rao will share info over the mail.
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 01-04: No New Items this week
    2. 01-11: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
    3. 01-11: Update on candidates for ODULOW PTL
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
      1. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1. Jinri Huang No update this week. Will continue
    2. 01-04: Sridhar Rao have updated the release checklist. The doc projects is now tagged. The websites are updated too, also the the O-RAN Wiki page, and the O-RAN org page.

    3. 02-01: Maintenance Release set for next week TOC  
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 11-02: Jakub: currently handled in WG10 tooling team; 2 main topics: SCCL itself, should be included in the code artifact, 2nd is the repository to make the file public; in progress, some braining storming, nothing for OSC to use directly; WG10 to generate the requirements; take to other WG, OFFICE, or OCOP, working on the design part of the thing; more difficult than expected; 
          2. 11-09: Jakub Novy mentioned that SCCL was discussed at this week's OSFG meeting, Suggest to follow up at next week TOC. More decisions needed at O-RAN level.
          3. 11-16: Jakub Novy There is a meeting with O-RAN legal next week to review any potential issues. 
          4. 11-30David Kinsey A meeting took place with tooling within WG10. ACOP also needs to be consulted over the process. Jakub Novy to provide update on meeting with O-RAN legal.
          5. 12-07: Jakub Novy Not much to report. Got some feedback from O-RAN legal on brainstorming phase of WG10; Also checking with ETSI, Doug is helping. David Kinsey currently  pushing SCCL with WG3, WG10 and WG4.John Keeney is of interest of publishing R1 related files with SCCL from WG2. David Kinsey R1 related file may end up be an Open API.
          6. 01-11: Status update: Jakub Novy /Jinri Huang
            1. A target of SCCL implementation may be possible by end of April
            2. A summary is suitable to be presented to the TOC 
          7. 02-01: WG10 working on process definition for ORAN. 3 activates planned for F2F - developing the process together with OSFG (outline, what are the steps, responsibilities; not necessarily the document itself), informing WGs about the changes, presenting to TSC. 
        2. OSFG contributor co-chair
          1. 01-25: Irfan Ghauri recently got elected
        3. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status: Sagar Arora (Presentation can be found here TOC Documents)
          2. 02-01: Sagar Arora: in the SMO call this week, presentation about NF orchestration using SMO shown. AP Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to upload the ppt to the TOC documents.
          3. 02-15: SMO integration in Nephio: approved this week, there are already volunteers willing to working on that. It will be implemented in OSC and then ported to Nephio. J release a Nephio rel 3 are at the similar time, which is good.
          4. 02-15: xApp deployment through Nephio usecase presented by Neman Gupta from Samsung. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to upload the doc to the TOC documents. Messaging from WG6 should be considered.
        4. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        5. Upcoming F2F meeting
        6. Other
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab Update
      2. 01-11: Lab Tool Update
        1. Funding did not occur. It's risky and we may not get those tools.

      3. 01-25: OSC Taiwan Lab Update Ray-Guang Cheng Ankit Barve 
        1.  O DU High and O DU Low reworking together again and the next step is to connect O DU low back up to the TM500

        2.  Licensing issues (TM500) to be resolved by VIAVI 

      4. 01-25: Progress : to get a Sandbox in Windriver
        1. To move from Bedminster to there : our fronthaul gateway and our Grand Master Clock

      5. 02-01: East cost lab still down, Bedminster may stay down and we may move to Rutgers in New Jersey. David Kinsey working on that, alignment calls planned.
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 12-07: Sridhar Rao From the I release checklist page, only 5 projects NONRTRIC, RICPLT, ODUHIGH*, INF, AIMLFW completed the committed features. Need all PTLs to work and complete by next Thursday for release vote.For the "Release documentation for Blog/Article on Release" item will have a dedicated marketing person to update the wiki and generate a PR for I release. Ankit Barve how about "Features Implemented Mapping to O-RAN Spec by Project" table for I release? David Kinsey It might be kept at the project level for each PTL to fill in the details of the O-RAN specs impacting features. Ankit Barve Propose to add as a last section to the project. 
      2. 01-11: RSAC "J" Release Planning Status
      3. 01-18: features for J release
        1. Looking at how to connect the infrastructure that we have for the O Cloud to the Fronthall gateway. So, we could deploy O-DU into the cloud and have it able to connect to the TM500 through the Fronthall gateway.
        2. Looking at trying to get an O-DU high / O-DU low instance that is continuously up. Therefore, we would move to continuous integration and test model. So, that new releases of the software would be tested by updating the existing version.

      4. 01-25: RSAC issue with the web page
        1. Specify the proper procedure to safeguard the "Viavi" data set (possible solutions : Server in a lab or in a repository)!

        2. Action Item : Ultan Kelly to check with peers and come back with recommendations to the RSAC
      5. 02-01: PLTs to fill the project goals/features for J Release which could be presented during F2F.
      6. 02-08: Rittwik Jana highlights for J release (except O-DU low) are finalized
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

      • 01-25: the list of project reports needs to be updated (with the start of our sprint in February)
      • 02-01: Energy savings dataset from Viavi - it is acceptable to encrypt it and let Viavi control the password. Process to request the dataset/password to be sorted. Help from Alex Stancu needed.

              7. Any Other Business (AoB)

      • Balaji Varadaraju N.K. Shankaranarayanan Possible confusion with link used to join (Message: "Host has not started the meeting")
        • make sure to use the correect Zoom Link: 
        • (Old link is still shown Group Email Notification)
        • 01-11: Modify Calendar Permissions TOC/RSAC bridges; Hostcode distribution
      • 02-01: info.yaml updated with Near-RIC committer changes over last week. No action needed.
      • 02-15: Abdulwahid (Wahid) introduced himself as a candidate for new RT-RIC PTL role. David Kinsey  asked Wahid to stand in the role of PTL during the official process. Vote day will be 29.2.
      • 02-15: One Summit: Half-day workshop "OpenGovCon: 6G Innovation Day" focusing on future RAN planned on Apr 29, 30 and May 1st at San Jose, Sridhar Rao will share more info and promote O-RAN OSC at booth there. Support from other TOC members requested.
      • 02-15: Thank you, Thoralf Czichy , for all your contributions as PTL!
      • 02-15: Deutsche Telekom TOC alternate representative removed.

              8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status
    • 01-11: Candidates for ODULOW PTL
      • Nomination of Peng LU as a PTL (Motion proposed by David and seconded by Jinri. Motion was approved without objection)
    • 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab status (OSC O-DU Integration, CI/CD Testing and Integration, Energy Saving), 
    • 01-18: Athenes F2F meeting Agenda
    • 01-18: Features for release J
    • 01-25Topics for the F2F meeting (OSFG session)
    • 01-25: OSC Taiwan Lab update
    • Next Meeting 2024/02/22.

2024 02 08


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jakub Nový (DT) 
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový



John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang 
Jon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Meeting minutes approval postponed until next time
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Call shortened because the co-chairs were not present
    2. Thoralf Czichy will step down from OSC near-RT RIC position, call for new PTL open. Link
    3.  One summit planned, OSC speaker would be welcomed. Sridhar Rao will share info over the mail.
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 01-04: No New Items this week
    2. 01-11: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
    3. 01-11: Update on candidates for ODULOW PTL
    4. 02-01: info.yaml updated with Near-RIC committer changes over last week. No action needed.
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
      1. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1. Jinri Huang No update this week. Will continue
    2. 01-04: Sridhar Rao have updated the release checklist. The doc projects is now tagged. The websites are updated too, also the the O-RAN Wiki page, and the O-RAN org page.

    3. 02-01: Maintenance Release set for next week TOC  
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 11-02: Jakub: currently handled in WG10 tooling team; 2 main topics: SCCL itself, should be included in the code artifact, 2nd is the repository to make the file public; in progress, some braining storming, nothing for OSC to use directly; WG10 to generate the requirements; take to other WG, OFFICE, or OCOP, working on the design part of the thing; more difficult than expected; 
          2. 11-09: Jakub Novy mentioned that SCCL was discussed at this week's OSFG meeting, Suggest to follow up at next week TOC. More decisions needed at O-RAN level.
          3. 11-16: Jakub Novy There is a meeting with O-RAN legal next week to review any potential issues. 
          4. 11-30David Kinsey A meeting took place with tooling within WG10. ACOP also needs to be consulted over the process. Jakub Novy to provide update on meeting with O-RAN legal.
          5. 12-07: Jakub Novy Not much to report. Got some feedback from O-RAN legal on brainstorming phase of WG10; Also checking with ETSI, Doug is helping. David Kinsey currently  pushing SCCL with WG3, WG10 and WG4.John Keeney is of interest of publishing R1 related files with SCCL from WG2. David Kinsey R1 related file may end up be an Open API.
          6. 01-11: Status update: Jakub Novy /Jinri Huang
            1. A target of SCCL implementation may be possible by end of April
            2. A summary is suitable to be presented to the TOC 
          7. 02-01: WG10 working on process definition for ORAN. 3 activates planned for F2F - developing the process together with OSFG (outline, what are the steps, responsibilities; not necessarily the document itself), informing WGs about the changes, presenting to TSC. 
        2. OSFG contributor co-chair
          1. 01-25: Irfan Ghauri recently got elected
        3. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status: Sagar Arora (Presentation can be found here TOC Documents)
          2. 02-01: Sagar Arora: in the SMO call this week, presentation about NF orchestration using SMO shown. AP ppt link?
        4. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        5. Upcoming F2F meeting
        6. Other
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab Update
      2. 01-11: Lab Tool Update
        1. Funding did not occur. It's risky and we may not get those tools.

      3. 01-25: OSC Taiwan Lab Update Ray-Guang Cheng Ankit Barve 
        1.  O DU High and O DU Low reworking together again and the next step is to connect O DU low back up to the TM500

        2.  Licensing issues (TM500) to be resolved by VIAVI 

      4. 01-25: Progress : to get a Sandbox in Windriver
        1. To move from Bedminster to there : our fronthaul gateway and our Grand Master Clock

      5. 02-01: East cost lab still down, Bedminster may stay down and we may move to Rutgers in New Jersey. David Kinsey working on that, alignment calls planned.
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 12-07: Sridhar Rao From the I release checklist page, only 5 projects NONRTRIC, RICPLT, ODUHIGH*, INF, AIMLFW completed the committed features. Need all PTLs to work and complete by next Thursday for release vote.For the "Release documentation for Blog/Article on Release" item will have a dedicated marketing person to update the wiki and generate a PR for I release. Ankit Barve how about "Features Implemented Mapping to O-RAN Spec by Project" table for I release? David Kinsey It might be kept at the project level for each PTL to fill in the details of the O-RAN specs impacting features. Ankit Barve Propose to add as a last section to the project. 
      2. 01-11: RSAC "J" Release Planning Status
      3. 01-18: features for J release
        1. Looking at how to connect the infrastructure that we have for the O Cloud to the Fronthall gateway. So, we could deploy O-DU into the cloud and have it able to connect to the TM500 through the Fronthall gateway.
        2. Looking at trying to get an O-DU high / O-DU low instance that is continuously up. Therefore, we would move to continuous integration and test model. So, that new releases of the software would be tested by updating the existing version.

      4. 01-25: RSAC issue with the web page
        1. Specify the proper procedure to safeguard the "Viavi" data set (possible solutions : Server in a lab or in a repository)!

        2. Action Item : Ultan Kelly to check with peers and come back with recommendations to the RSAC
      5. 02-01: PLTs to fill the project goals/features for J Release which could be presented during F2F.
      6. 02-08: Rittwik Jana highlights for J release (except O-DU low) are finalized
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

      • 01-25: the list of project reports needs to be updated (with the start of our sprint in February)
      • 02-01: Energy savings dataset from Viavi - it is acceptable to encrypt it and let Viavi control the password. Process to request the dataset/password to be sorted. Help from Alex Stancu needed.

              7. Any Other Business (AoB)

              8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status
    • 01-11: Candidates for ODULOW PTL
      • Nomination of Peng LU as a PTL (Motion proposed by David and seconded by Jinri. Motion was approved without objection)
    • 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab status (OSC O-DU Integration, CI/CD Testing and Integration, Energy Saving), 
    • 01-18: Athenes F2F meeting Agenda
    • 01-18: Features for release J
    • 01-25Topics for the F2F meeting (OSFG session)
    • 01-25: OSC Taiwan Lab update
    • Next Meeting 15/02/15.

2024 02 01


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jakub Nový (DT) (01/02 from recording)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový

Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fujii


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-01-25 : Motion proposed Julien by and seconded Jinri by motion was approved without objection.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. No new items added
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 01-04: No New Items this week
    2. 01-11: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
    3. 01-11: Update on candidates for ODULOW PTL
    4. 02-01: info.yaml updated with Near-RIC committer changes over last week. No action needed.
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
      1. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1. Jinri Huang No update this week. Will continue
    2. 01-04: Sridhar Rao have updated the release checklist. The doc projects is now tagged. The websites are updated too, also the the O-RAN Wiki page, and the O-RAN org page.

    3. 02-01: Maintenance Release set for next week TOC  
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 11-02: Jakub: currently handled in WG10 tooling team; 2 main topics: SCCL itself, should be included in the code artifact, 2nd is the repository to make the file public; in progress, some braining storming, nothing for OSC to use directly; WG10 to generate the requirements; take to other WG, OFFICE, or OCOP, working on the design part of the thing; more difficult than expected; 
          2. 11-09: Jakub Novy mentioned that SCCL was discussed at this week's OSFG meeting, Suggest to follow up at next week TOC. More decisions needed at O-RAN level.
          3. 11-16: Jakub Novy There is a meeting with O-RAN legal next week to review any potential issues. 
          4. 11-30David Kinsey A meeting took place with tooling within WG10. ACOP also needs to be consulted over the process. Jakub Novy to provide update on meeting with O-RAN legal.
          5. 12-07: Jakub Novy Not much to report. Got some feedback from O-RAN legal on brainstorming phase of WG10; Also checking with ETSI, Doug is helping. David Kinsey currently  pushing SCCL with WG3, WG10 and WG4.John Keeney is of interest of publishing R1 related files with SCCL from WG2. David Kinsey R1 related file may end up be an Open API.
          6. 01-11: Status update: Jakub Novy /Jinri Huang
            1. A target of SCCL implementation may be possible by end of April
            2. A summary is suitable to be presented to the TOC 
          7. 02-01: WG10 working on process definition for ORAN. 3 activates planned for F2F - developing the process together with OSFG (outline, what are the steps, responsibilities; not necessarily the document itself), informing WGs about the changes, presenting to TSC. 
        2. OSFG contributor co-chair
          1. 01-25: Irfan Ghauri recently got elected
        3. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status: Sagar Arora (Presentation can be found here TOC Documents)
          2. 02-01: Sagar Arora: in the SMO call this week, presentation about NF orchestration using SMO shown. AP Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to upload the ppt to the TOC documents.
        4. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
        5. Upcoming F2F meeting
        6. Other
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab Update
      2. 01-11: Lab Tool Update
        1. Funding did not occur. It's risky and we may not get those tools.

      3. 01-25: OSC Taiwan Lab Update Ray-Guang Cheng Ankit Barve 
        1.  O DU High and O DU Low reworking together again and the next step is to connect O DU low back up to the TM500

        2.  Licensing issues (TM500) to be resolved by VIAVI 

      4. 01-25: Progress : to get a Sandbox in Windriver
        1. To move from Bedminster to there : our fronthaul gateway and our Grand Master Clock

      5. 02-01: East cost lab still down, Bedminster may stay down and we may move to Rutgers in New Jersey. David Kinsey working on that, alignment calls planned.
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 12-07: Sridhar Rao From the I release checklist page, only 5 projects NONRTRIC, RICPLT, ODUHIGH*, INF, AIMLFW completed the committed features. Need all PTLs to work and complete by next Thursday for release vote.For the "Release documentation for Blog/Article on Release" item will have a dedicated marketing person to update the wiki and generate a PR for I release. Ankit Barve how about "Features Implemented Mapping to O-RAN Spec by Project" table for I release? David Kinsey It might be kept at the project level for each PTL to fill in the details of the O-RAN specs impacting features. Ankit Barve Propose to add as a last section to the project. 
      2. 01-11: RSAC "J" Release Planning Status
      3. 01-18: features for J release
        1. Looking at how to connect the infrastructure that we have for the O Cloud to the Fronthall gateway. So, we could deploy O-DU into the cloud and have it able to connect to the TM500 through the Fronthall gateway.
        2. Looking at trying to get an O-DU high / O-DU low instance that is continuously up. Therefore, we would move to continuous integration and test model. So, that new releases of the software would be tested by updating the existing version.

      4. 01-25: RSAC issue with the web page
        1. Specify the proper procedure to safeguard the "Viavi" data set (possible solutions : Server in a lab or in a repository)!

        2. Action Item : Ultan Kelly to check with peers and come back with recommendations to the RSAC
      5. 02-01: PTLs to fill the project goals/features for J Release which could be presented during F2F.
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

      • 01-25: the list of project reports needs to be updated (with the start of our sprint in February)
      • 02-01: Energy savings dataset from Viavi - it is acceptable to encrypt it and let Viavi control the password. Process to request the dataset/password to be sorted. Help from Alex Stancu needed.

              7. Any Other Business (AoB)

              8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status
    • 01-11: Candidates for ODULOW PTL
      • Nomination of Peng LU as a PTL (Motion proposed by David and seconded by Jinri. Motion was approved without objection)
    • 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab status (OSC O-DU Integration, CI/CD Testing and Integration, Energy Saving), 
    • 01-18: Athenes F2F meeting Agenda
    • 01-18: Features for release J
    • 01-25Topics for the F2F meeting (OSFG session)
    • 01-25: OSC Taiwan Lab update
    • Next Meeting 2024/02/08.

2024 01 25


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Julien Boudani (Orange) (25/01 from recording)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fujii


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-01-11 : Motion proposed by Julien and seconded by Ankit motion was approved without objection.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Walk Ons? No new items added
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 12-07: No New Items this week
    2. 12-07: OAI Roadmap 12-14
    3. 12-14: OAI Vision presented by Irfan and Ganesh.
    4. 12-14: Luis nominates Peng Lu from Intel to take the O-DU Low Phy PTL role as he will be retiring from Intel effective January 5, 2024. link
    5. 01-04: No New Items this week
    6. 01-11: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
    7. 01-11: Update on candidates for ODULOW PTL
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
      1. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1. Jinri Huang No update this week. Will continue
    2. 01-04: Sridhar Rao have updated the release checklist. The doc projects is now tagged. The websites are updated too, also the the O-RAN Wiki page, and the O-RAN org page.

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 11-02: Jakub: currently handled in WG10 tooling team; 2 main topics: SCCL itself, should be included in the code artifact, 2nd is the repository to make the file public; in progress, some braining storming, nothing for OSC to use directly; WG10 to generate the requirements; take to other WG, OFFICE, or OCOP, working on the design part of the thing; more difficult than expected; 
          2. 11-09: Jakub Novy mentioned that SCCL was discussed at this week's OSFG meeting, Suggest to follow up at next week TOC. More decisions needed at O-RAN level.
          3. 11-16: Jakub Novy There is a meeting with O-RAN legal next week to review any potential issues. 
          4. 11-30: David Kinsey A meeting took place with tooling within WG10. ACOP also needs to be consulted over the process. Jakub Novy to provide update on meeting with O-RAN legal.
          5. 12-07: Jakub Novy Not much to report. Got some feedback from O-RAN legal on brainstorming phase of WG10; Also checking with ETSI, Doug is helping. David Kinsey currently  pushing SCCL with WG3, WG10 and WG4.John Keeney is of interest of publishing R1 related files with SCCL from WG2. David Kinsey R1 related file may end up be an Open API.
          6. 01-11: Status update: Jakub Novy /Jinri Huang
            1. A target of SCCL implementation may be possible by end of April
            2. A summary is suitable to be presented to the TOC 
        2. 01-25: OSFG contributor co-chair
          1. Irfan Ghauri recently got elected
        3. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 12-07: Irfan Ghauri  The document that I prepared basically was co-signed by Ganesh and I'd like permission from Ganesh to be able to present. David Kinsey we'll put it on for next week.
          2. 12-07: David Kinsey has a draft for the joint workshop PR but needs get approval from AT&T. Still a pending question about O-DU-low, needs a decision with the roadmap to whether to keep the O-DU-low project. Need to send those questions to Lewis from Intel.
          3. 12-14: We walked through the OAI O-CU + OSC O-DU-High + OAI O-DU-Low presentation by Ganesh Shenbagaraman and Irfan Ghauri to be found in the Toc Documents folder
          4. 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status: Sagar Arora (Presentation can be found here TOC Documents)
          5. 01-11: Next Steps
        4. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
          1. 12-07: Tracy Van Brakle The roadmap of the blueprint is in the form of a white paper and it's a drafty draft on OSFG contribution page. David Kinsey where's O-Cloud in this phase 1 (early iteration)? Nephio is just an enabler. We need O-Cloud to interconnect our labs. Tracy Van Brakle For the road map, introduce O-Cloud as a starting point, 4th quarter 2023; and then Cloudify O-Cloud, 2nd quarter 2024 (deployment by the SMO using O2 interface). David Kinsey when should we be targeting a demonstration with an OAI network function, using an OSC SMO to deploy it with Nephio enablers? 3 roadmaps (OSC, OAI, Nephio) have to be aligned. Saw demo at the workshop that use SMO + Near RT RIC + xApp on A1 to make policy change for DU bandwidth. So something is there but needs to be more generalized. Bala from Red Hat indicates that Nephio is creating their user stories and priorities for the R3 release (starting early 2024 towards the middle of 2024), and O2 IMS is one of them. Tracy Van Brakle Doug and I will see where srsRAN might fit in, and when if they do. srsRAN expressed their interest to participate.
        5. Upcoming F2F meeting
          • 01-18: Athenes from Feb 19 to 23
          • 01-25: The bridge for the F2F sessions is the same as the toc bridge
          • Few items to be discussed at the F2F (during OSFG Sessions)
            1. Blueprint wireless topic. White paper topic about open source reference design architecture.
            2. Topic from Qualcomm : OAI code Project Charter.
            3. Collaboration between CU DUs of OAI and OSC.
            4. Nephio Topic
          • 01-25: Irfan Ghauri Topics for the F2F meeting (OSFG session)
            • Blueprint wireless topic. White paper topic about open source reference design architecture.
            • Topic from Qualcomm : OAI code Project Charter.
            • Collaboration between CU DUs of OAI and OSC.
            • Nephio Topic : Started working on the xApps use case (not in the RIC use case) => to be shared next week Sagar Arora 
        6. Other
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab Update
      2. 01-11: Lab Tool Update
        1. Funding did not occur. It's risky and we may not get those tools.

      3. 01-25: OSC Taiwan Lab Update Ray-Guang Cheng Ankit Barve 
        1.  O DU High and O DU Low reworking together again and the next step is to connect O DU low back up to the TM500

        2.  Licensing issues (TM500) to be resolved by VIAVI 

      4. 01-25: Progress : to get a Sandbox in Windriver
        1. To move from Bedminster to there : our fronthall gateway and our Grand Master Clock

    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 12-07: Sridhar Rao From the I release checklist page, only 5 projects NONRTRIC, RICPLT, ODUHIGH*, INF, AIMLFW completed the committed features. Need all PTLs to work and complete by next Thursday for release vote.For the "Release documentation for Blog/Article on Release" item will have a dedicated marketing person to update the wiki and generate a PR for I release. Ankit Barve how about "Features Implemented Mapping to O-RAN Spec by Project" table for I release? David Kinsey It might be kept at the project level for each PTL to fill in the details of the O-RAN specs impacting features. Ankit Barve Propose to add as a last section to the project. 
      2. 01-11: RSAC "J" Release Planning Status
      3. 01-18: features for J release
        1. Looking at how to connect the infrastructure that we have for the O Cloud to the Fronthall gateway. So, we could deploy O-DU into the cloud and have it able to connect to the TM500 through the Fronthall gateway.
        2. Looking at trying to get an O-DU high / O-DU low instance that is continuously up. Therefore, we would move to continuous integration and test model. So, that new releases of the software would be tested by updating the existing version.

      4. 01-25: RSAC issue with the web page
        1. Specify the proper procedure to safeguard the "Viavi" data set (possible solutions : Server in a lab or in a repository)!

        2. Action Item : Ultan Kelly to check with peers and come back with recommendations to the RSAC
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

              7. Any Other Business (AoB)

              8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status
    • 01-11: Candidates for ODULOW PTL
      • Nomination of Peng LU as a PTL (Motion proposed by David and seconded by Jinri. Motion was approved without objection)
    • 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab status (OSC O-DU Integration, CI/CD Testing and Integration, Energy Saving), 
    • 01-18: Athenes F2F meeting Agenda
    • 01-18: Features for release J
    • 01-25: Topics for the F2F meeting (OSFG session)
    • 01-25: OSC Taiwan Lab update
    • Next Meeting 02/01/24.

2024 01 18


Meeting Recording: LINK


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Julien Boudani (Orange) (18/01 from recording)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový

Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fujii


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Baruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-01-11 : Motion proposed by Julien and seconded by Ganesh motion was approved without objection.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Walk Ons? No new items added
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 12-07: No New Items this week
    2. 12-07: OAI Roadmap 12-14
    3. 12-14: OAI Vision presented by Irfan and Ganesh.
    4. 12-14: Luis nominates Peng Lu from Intel to take the O-DU Low Phy PTL role as he will be retiring from Intel effective January 5, 2024. link
    5. 01-04: No New Items this week
    6. 01-11: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
    7. 01-11: Update on candidates for ODULOW PTL
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
      1. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1. Jinri Huang No update this week. Will continue
    2. 01-04: Sridhar Rao have updated the release checklist. The doc projects is now tagged. The websites are updated too, also the the O-RAN Wiki page, and the O-RAN org page.

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 11-02: Jakub: currently handled in WG10 tooling team; 2 main topics: SCCL itself, should be included in the code artifact, 2nd is the repository to make the file public; in progress, some braining storming, nothing for OSC to use directly; WG10 to generate the requirements; take to other WG, OFFICE, or OCOP, working on the design part of the thing; more difficult than expected; 
          2. 11-09: Jakub Novy mentioned that SCCL was discussed at this week's OSFG meeting, Suggest to follow up at next week TOC. More decisions needed at O-RAN level.
          3. 11-16: Jakub Novy There is a meeting with O-RAN legal next week to review any potential issues. 
          4. 11-30: David Kinsey A meeting took place with tooling within WG10. ACOP also needs to be consulted over the process. Jakub Novy to provide update on meeting with O-RAN legal.
          5. 12-07: Jakub Novy Not much to report. Got some feedback from O-RAN legal on brainstorming phase of WG10; Also checking with ETSI, Doug is helping. David Kinsey currently  pushing SCCL with WG3, WG10 and WG4.John Keeney is of interest of publishing R1 related files with SCCL from WG2. David Kinsey R1 related file may end up be an Open API.
          6. 01-11: Status update: Jakub Novy /Jinri Huang
            1. A target of SCCL implementation may be possible by end of April
            2. A summary is suitable to be presented to the TOC 
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 12-07: Irfan Ghauri  The document that I prepared basically was co-signed by Ganesh and I'd like permission from Ganesh to be able to present. David Kinsey we'll put it on for next week.
          2. 12-07: David Kinsey has a draft for the joint workshop PR but needs get approval from AT&T. Still a pending question about O-DU-low, needs a decision with the roadmap to whether to keep the O-DU-low project. Need to send those questions to Lewis from Intel.
          3. 12-14: We walked through the OAI O-CU + OSC O-DU-High + OAI O-DU-Low presentation by Ganesh Shenbagaraman and Irfan Ghauri to be found in the Toc Documents folder
          4. 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status: Sagar Arora (Presentation can be found here TOC Documents)
          5. 01-11: Next Steps
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
          1. 12-07: Tracy Van Brakle The roadmap of the blueprint is in the form of a white paper and it's a drafty draft on OSFG contribution page. David Kinsey where's O-Cloud in this phase 1 (early iteration)? Nephio is just an enabler. We need O-Cloud to interconnect our labs. Tracy Van Brakle For the road map, introduce O-Cloud as a starting point, 4th quarter 2023; and then Cloudify O-Cloud, 2nd quarter 2024 (deployment by the SMO using O2 interface). David Kinsey when should we be targeting a demonstration with an OAI network function, using an OSC SMO to deploy it with Nephio enablers? 3 roadmaps (OSC, OAI, Nephio) have to be aligned. Saw demo at the workshop that use SMO + Near RT RIC + xApp on A1 to make policy change for DU bandwidth. So something is there but needs to be more generalized. Bala from Red Hat indicates that Nephio is creating their user stories and priorities for the R3 release (starting early 2024 towards the middle of 2024), and O2 IMS is one of them. Tracy Van Brakle Doug and I will see where srsRAN might fit in, and when if they do. srsRAN expressed their interest to participate.
        4. Upcoming F2F meeting
        5. Other
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab Update
      2. 01-11: Lab Tool Update
        1. Funding did not occur. It's risky and we may not get those tools.

    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 12-07: Sridhar Rao From the I release checklist page, only 5 projects NONRTRIC, RICPLT, ODUHIGH*, INF, AIMLFW completed the committed features. Need all PTLs to work and complete by next Thursday for release vote.For the "Release documentation for Blog/Article on Release" item will have a dedicated marketing person to update the wiki and generate a PR for I release. Ankit Barve how about "Features Implemented Mapping to O-RAN Spec by Project" table for I release? David Kinsey It might be kept at the project level for each PTL to fill in the details of the O-RAN specs impacting features. Ankit Barve Propose to add as a last section to the project. 
      2. 01-11: RSAC "J" Release Planning Status
      3. 01-18: features for J release
        1. Looking at how to connect the infrastructure that we have for the O Cloud to the Fronthall gateway. So, we could deploy O-DU into the cloud and have it able to connect to the TM500 through the Fronthall gateway.
        2. Looking at trying to get an O-DU high / O-DU low instance that is continuously up. Therefore, we would move to continuous integration and test model. So, that new releases of the software would be tested by updating the existing version.

    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

              7. Any Other Business (AoB)

              8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status
    • 01-11: Candidates for ODULOW PTL
      • Nomination of Peng LU as a PTL (Motion proposed by David and seconded by Jinri. Motion was approved without objection)
    • 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab status (OSC O-DU Integration, CI/CD Testing and Integration, Energy Saving), 
    • 01-18: Athenes F2F meeting Agenda
    • 01-18: Features for release J 
    • Next Meeting 1/25/24.

2024 01 11


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Julien Boudani (Orange) (11/01 from recording)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový

Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fujii


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-01-04 : Motion proposed by Julien and seconded by Jinri motion was approved without objection.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Walk Ons? No new items added
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 12-07: No New Items this week
    2. 12-07: OAI Roadmap 12-14
    3. 12-14: OAI Vision presented by Irfan and Ganesh.
    4. 12-14: Luis nominates Peng Lu from Intel to take the O-DU Low Phy PTL role as he will be retiring from Intel effective January 5, 2024. link
    5. 01-04: No New Items this week
    6. 01-11: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora 
    7. 01-11: Update on candidates for ODULOW PTL
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
      1. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1. Jinri Huang No update this week. Will continue
    2. 01-04: Sridhar Rao have updated the release checklist. The doc projects is now tagged. The websites are updated too, also the the O-RAN Wiki page, and the O-RAN org page.

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 11-02: Jakub: currently handled in WG10 tooling team; 2 main topics: SCCL itself, should be included in the code artifact, 2nd is the repository to make the file public; in progress, some braining storming, nothing for OSC to use directly; WG10 to generate the requirements; take to other WG, OFFICE, or OCOP, working on the design part of the thing; more difficult than expected; 
          2. 11-09: Jakub Novy mentioned that SCCL was discussed at this week's OSFG meeting, Suggest to follow up at next week TOC. More decisions needed at O-RAN level.
          3. 11-16: Jakub Novy There is a meeting with O-RAN legal next week to review any potential issues. 
          4. 11-30: David Kinsey A meeting took place with tooling within WG10. ACOP also needs to be consulted over the process. Jakub Novy to provide update on meeting with O-RAN legal.
          5. 12-07: Jakub Novy Not much to report. Got some feedback from O-RAN legal on brainstorming phase of WG10; Also checking with ETSI, Doug is helping. David Kinsey currently  pushing SCCL with WG3, WG10 and WG4.John Keeney is of interest of publishing R1 related files with SCCL from WG2. David Kinsey R1 related file may end up be an Open API.
          6. 01-11: Status update: Jakub Novy /Jinri Huang
            1. A target of SCCL implementation may be possible by end of April
            2. A summary is suitable to be presented to the TOC 
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio
          1. 12-07: Irfan Ghauri  The document that I prepared basically was co-signed by Ganesh and I'd like permission from Ganesh to be able to present. David Kinsey we'll put it on for next week.
          2. 12-07: David Kinsey has a draft for the joint workshop PR but needs get approval from AT&T. Still a pending question about O-DU-low, needs a decision with the roadmap to whether to keep the O-DU-low project. Need to send those questions to Lewis from Intel.
          3. 12-14: We walked through the OAI O-CU + OSC O-DU-High + OAI O-DU-Low presentation by Ganesh Shenbagaraman and Irfan Ghauri to be found in the Toc Documents folder
          4. 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status: Sagar Arora (Presentation can be found here TOC Documents)
          5. 01-11: Next Steps
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
          1. 12-07: Tracy Van Brakle The roadmap of the blueprint is in the form of a white paper and it's a drafty draft on OSFG contribution page. David Kinsey where's O-Cloud in this phase 1 (early iteration)? Nephio is just an enabler. We need O-Cloud to interconnect our labs. Tracy Van Brakle For the road map, introduce O-Cloud as a starting point, 4th quarter 2023; and then Cloudify O-Cloud, 2nd quarter 2024 (deployment by the SMO using O2 interface). David Kinsey when should we be targeting a demonstration with an OAI network function, using an OSC SMO to deploy it with Nephio enablers? 3 roadmaps (OSC, OAI, Nephio) have to be aligned. Saw demo at the workshop that use SMO + Near RT RIC + xApp on A1 to make policy change for DU bandwidth. So something is there but needs to be more generalized. Bala from Red Hat indicates that Nephio is creating their user stories and priorities for the R3 release (starting early 2024 towards the middle of 2024), and O2 IMS is one of them. Tracy Van Brakle Doug and I will see where srsRAN might fit in, and when if they do. srsRAN expressed their interest to participate.
        4. Other
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab Update
      2. 01-11: Lab Tool Update
        1. Funding did not occur. It's risky and we may not get those tools.

    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 12-07: Sridhar Rao From the I release checklist page, only 5 projects NONRTRIC, RICPLT, ODUHIGH*, INF, AIMLFW completed the committed features. Need all PTLs to work and complete by next Thursday for release vote.For the "Release documentation for Blog/Article on Release" item will have a dedicated marketing person to update the wiki and generate a PR for I release. Ankit Barve how about "Features Implemented Mapping to O-RAN Spec by Project" table for I release? David Kinsey It might be kept at the project level for each PTL to fill in the details of the O-RAN specs impacting features. Ankit Barve Propose to add as a last section to the project. 
      2. 01-11: RSAC "J" Release Planning Status
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

              7. Any Other Business (AoB)

              8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 01-11: Nephio O-RAN Integration Status
    • 01-11: Candidates for ODULOW PTL
      • Nomination of Peng LU as a PTL (Motion proposed by David and seconded by Jinri. Motion was approved without objection)
    • 01-11: OSC Taiwan Lab status (OSC O-DU Integration, CI/CD Testing and Integration, Energy Saving), 
    • Next Meeting 1/18/24.

2024 01 04


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Julien Boudani (Orange) (04/01 from recording)
  • Previous scribe: 2024 => January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane

John Keeney


Masahiro Fujii

Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf Czichy


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang 
Jon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2023-12-21 : Motion proposed by Julien and seconded by Avinash, motion was approved without objection.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Walk Ons? No new items added
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 12-07: No New Items this week
    2. 12-07: OAI Roadmap 12-14
    3. 12-14: OAI Vision presented by Irfan and Ganesh.
    4. 12-14: Luis nominates Peng Lu from Intel to take the O-DU Low Phy PTL role as he will be retiring from Intel effective January 5, 2024. link
    5. 01-04: No New Items this week
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
      1. 11-02: The f2f meeting recording was put on the wiki. See here: 2023-10 O-RAN F2F Phoenix
      2. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: Jinri Huang  to reach O-RAN office to discuss the joint PR draft
        1. Jinri Huang From Zbynek & Jindrich: O-RAN changing PR process so no new PRs this year.
          1. Jinri Huang O-RAN can promote the PR if issued through OAI channel & Add links to it
        2. Irfan Ghauri OAI can help here. Draft proposed. Ongoing & will revert with an update.
          1. 11-09 AP Irfan Ghauri For OAI/OSC workshop: will revert with an update on PR content & channel
        3. 12-14 David Kinsey Irfan Ghauri Action Item is complete
      3. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1. Jinri Huang No update this week. Will continue
    2. 11-30: David Kinsey Nothing pending.
    3. 12-07: David Kinsey Nothing pending.
    4. 12-14: Motion from Thoralf to approve the release with the condition that the three outstanding projects, which the PTL were not represented (RICAPP, SMO, DOC) would close their project activities by 12/21. Seconded by John-Paul. Motion was Approved
    5. 12-21: Release Review, Conditions were met so 12-14 vote is confirmed.
    6. 01-04: Sridhar Rao have updated the release checklist. The doc projects is now tagged. The websites are updated too, also the the O-RAN Wiki page, and the O-RAN Org page.

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  Jinri Huang 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 11-02: Jakub: currently handled in WG10 tooling team; 2 main topics: SCCL itself, should be included in the code artifact, 2nd is the repository to make the file public; in progress, some braining storming, nothing for OSC to use directly; WG10 to generate the requirements; take to other WG, OFFICE, or OCOP, working on the design part of the thing; more difficult than expected; 
          2. 11-09: Jakub Novy mentioned that SCCL was discussed at this week's OSFG meeting, Suggest to follow up at next week TOC. More decisions needed at O-RAN level.
          3. 11-16: Jakub Novy There is a meeting with O-RAN legal next week to review any potential issues. 
          4. 11-30: David Kinsey A meeting took place with tooling within WG10. ACOP also needs to be consulted over the process. Jakub Novy to provide update on meeting with O-RAN legal.
          5. 12-07: Jakub Novy Not much to report. Got some feedback from O-RAN legal on brainstorming phase of WG10; Also checking with ETSI, Doug is helping. David Kinsey currently  pushing SCCL with WG3, WG10 and WG4.John Keeney is of interest of publishing R1 related files with SCCL from WG2. David Kinsey R1 related file may end up be an Open API.
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li user-59b16 
          1. Joint Workshop: 
            1. 11-02: the joint workshop, full and good agenda. Plus, OAI has good relationship with SRSRAN; 
            2. 11-09: Irfan Ghauri reminder that workshop happens at Innovation Campus in Burlington not Boston Downtown. Approx 150 registered participants. Full agenda.
              1. 11-09 AP Irfan Ghauri to resend agenda to mailing list.
            3. 11-02: AP: Jinri Huang to reach O-RAN office to discuss the joint PR draft -
              1. 11-02: O-RAN and OAI will consider and work on a joint PR. 
              2. 11-09: See AP review above.
                1. Jinri Huang From Zbynek & Jindrich: O-RAN changing PR process so no new PRs this year.
                  1. Jinri Huang O-RAN can promote the PR if issued through OAI channel & Add links to it
                2. Irfan Ghauri OAI can help here. Draft proposed. Ongoing & will revert with an update.
                  1. 11-09 AP Irfan Ghauri For OAI/OSC workshop: will revert with an update on PR content & channel
            4. 11-16: Irfan Ghauri The workshop was generally very well attended. NTIA and NSF attended to give government perspective on O-RAN. Good to get the opportunity to address government agencies directly. Demos were very well received. Presented the next phases of collaboration between OSC and OAI e.g. Nephio and OSC collaboration for SMO and relationship to OAI. Meeting next week with Radisys to discuss potential integration of OAI CU with OSC. Next steps are to try to operationalise the OSC collaboration roadmap with, for example, Nephio. Recordings of workshop, poster sessions and demo sessions to be made available online shortly. Need to have a plan / roadmap for OSC features through 2024 similar to the OAI roadmap.
            5. 11-16: Tracy Van Brakle There is an opportunity for teams to present demo proposals at the upcoming North America O-RAN plugfest readout on Nov 29th. Tracy will post further information to the public mailing list. 
            6. 11-30: Tracy Van Brakle Readout meeting took place for North American O-RAN plugfest. Some outstanding demonstrations were presented. Demonstrators and participants from industry an university faculty students. Mini-PR to be discussed to mark this event. Funding is starting to come from O-RAN Alliance and government agencies (in US and beyond). Martin Skorupski it was good to see things moving in alignment between the O-RAN Alliance and open source.
            7. 11-30: David Kinsey will prepare PR regarding the Boston meeting of OSC and OAI. Irfan Ghauri has shared the summary of meeting with OAI steering meeting. Interesting to learn that Nephio has input into the SMO (FOCOM). 
            8. 11-30: Irfan Ghauri Next steps are to present a joint roadmap. Should be presented to and reviewed by the OSC TOC. David Kinsey there is a challenge for OSC to do better with creating a multi-release feature roadmap.
            9. 11-30: Irfan Ghauri follow-up discussions are already taking place for the traffic network functions. For example, Radisys are working on the O-DU integration with OAI. The workshop really helped to kickstart this collaboration between OSC and OAI. David Kinsey Do we continue to use the OSC O-DU (Low) or do we start to look towards OAI for this function? Ankit Barve has taken an action point at RSAC to investigate a mix n match approach with OSC and OAI for O-DU. Should have a clearer picture on this over the coming weeks.
            10. 12-07: Irfan Ghauri  The document that I prepared basically was co-signed by Ganesh and I'd like permission from Ganesh to be able to present. David Kinsey we'll put it on for next week.
            11. 12-07: David Kinsey has a draft for the joint workshop PR but needs get approval from AT&T. Still a pending question about O-DU-low, needs a decision with the roadmap to whether to keep the O-DU-low project. Need to send those questions to Lewis from Intel.
            12. 12-14: We walked through the OAI O-CU + OSC O-DU-High + OAI O-DU-Low presentation by Ganesh Shenbagaraman and Irfan Ghauri to be found in the Toc Documents folder
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
          1. 11-09: Tracy Van Brakle: Draft of First version - aiming for Release 0 at end of year.
            1. Link for those who can access O-RAN Wiki: 
          2. 11-30: Tracy Van Brakle Meeting planned for December 14th to review the roadmap with O-RAN Alliance TSC co-chairs. OSFG meeting Monday 4th will review (5am PT). 
          3. 11-30: Tracy Van Brakle Need blueprint status, technical issues and roadmap as input to the TSC co-chair meeting.
          4. 11-30: Jinri Huang Plans to approach Jindrich Brett in O-RAN Alliance to confirm process for voting on a vendor co-chair for OSFG
          5. 12-07: Tracy Van Brakle The roadmap of the blueprint is in the form of a white paper and it's a drafty draft on OSFG contribution page. David Kinsey where's O-Cloud in this phase 1 (early iteration)? Nephio is just an enabler. We need O-Cloud to interconnect our labs. Tracy Van Brakle For the road map, introduce O-Cloud as a starting point, 4th quarter 2023; and then Cloudify O-Cloud, 2nd quarter 2024 (deployment by the SMO using O2 interface). David Kinsey when should we be targeting a demonstration with an OAI network function, using an OSC SMO to deploy it with Nephio enablers? 3 roadmaps (OSC, OAI, Nephio) have to be aligned. Saw demo at the workshop that use SMO + Near RT RIC + xApp on A1 to make policy change for DU bandwidth. So something is there but needs to be more generalized. Bala from Red Hat indicates that Nephio is creating their user stories and priorities for the R3 release (starting early 2024 towards the middle of 2024), and O2 IMS is one of them. Tracy Van Brakle Doug and I will see where srsRAN might fit in, and when if they do. srsRAN expressed their interest to participate.
        4. Other
          1. 11-09: Mix up with times for this week's OSFG meeting. Calendar has now been updated to 7AM EST (Jinri Huang).
          2. 12-07: David Kinsey need to work out the scribe. Jinri Huang will do 12/7, and David Kinsey can do 12/14. May need one for 12/21. Julien Boudani can do January 2024, starting from 1/4.
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 11-09: Tracy Van Brakle Looking forward to discussions in Boston of having OSC labs working for upcoming plugfest, but also for experimentation & demos
        1. See also links from OSFG last week. For those who can access O-RAN Wiki:
      2. 11-30: David Kinsey Bedminster lab remains down. Considering consolidation into a different AT&T lab, in a different location (still NJ), which is more aligned with OSC work. Access processes should be similar to current access process. AP on David Kinsey and Tracy Van Brakle to review and revert.
      3. 11-30: David Kinsey proposals for lab contract to be reviewed within AT&T. Work is ongoing and progress is being made. Next two weeks are critical in order to get funding from O-RAN Alliance and finalise lab plans. 
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 11-02: Mapping b/w OSC project work and WG spec. work discussed. There is a table for this mapping for H release. See here: H Release (The table at the end of the page). Good example from INF project with a detailed excel file to record the detailed mapping. Jinri encourage the PTL to make such efforts, or at least fill in the table. Some echos on this suggestion. Some comments are that the work is beyond trial and time-consuming. sometime difficult since some spec. may not have stage-3 defined. Another suggestion is to use the conformance spec. Jinri responded that the value of the work is significant. Yet admitted community is contribution-driven. Yet still strongly encourage the team to do this.
      2. 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1.  11-09: See AP review above.
          1.  Jinri Huang: This table is for mapping template between project & specs. No update this week. Will continue
      3. 11-09: Sridhar Rao License Scanning will be complete with report by 10 Dec. See checklist on wikipage: Release Checklist#I-Release
      4. 11-09: AP: Sridhar Rao will report back next week on progress/status of release process & checklist
      5. 11-16: Sridhar has reviewed the status of release I documentation. Many documents still outstanding. AP: All PTLs to update release I checklist and ensure a plan to finalise release docs. 
      6. 11-30: Sridhar Rao is not seeing updates on wiki release pages. Based on current lack of progress, it may be difficult to meet release deadlines for December. PTLs and teams need more urgency in updating release I pages / wiki, highlights, release checklist and other release-relevant documentation. Once all documentation is ready, the only thing required is a TOC release vote. 
      7. 11-30: David Kinsey Release I date is provisionally targeting 25th - 29th December. This may be challenging for some. Need to agree a date for the release vote to take place. Thoralf Czichy suggests the 14th December (keeping 21st December as a backup) for the Release I vote. David Kinsey made motion to release on 14th December, Thoralf Czichy seconded. Motion approved.
      8. 12-07: Sridhar Rao From the I release checklist page, only 5 projects NONRTRIC, RICPLT, ODUHIGH*, INF, AIMLFW completed the committed features. Need all PTLs to work and complete by next Thursday for release vote.For the "Release documentation for Blog/Article on Release" item will have a dedicated marketing person to update the wiki and generate a PR for I release. Ankit Barve how about "Features Implemented Mapping to O-RAN Spec by Project" table for I release? David Kinsey It might be kept at the project level for each PTL to fill in the details of the O-RAN specs impacting features. Ankit Barve Propose to add as a last section to the project. 
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

        • E2E call - pairwise testing, Jian Li , Nov. 2
        • Lab updates, Jian Li , Nov. 2 
        • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan , Nov. 9
        • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti , Nov. 9
          • 11-09: No update this week.
        • RIC Platform Enhancements - Thoralf Czichy , Nov. 16
          • AP: Project/Feature Update from Thoralf Czichy  on Nov 16 (report not ready) → Nov 23: link
          • 11-30Thoralf Czichy significant number of items which were planned for Release I will be delayed to Release J. However, they are being worked on so confidence is high that they will be delivered in Release J timeframe. Some bug fixes in Release I, others moved to Release J. Work continues to enable Release I. Detailed RIC Platform project report is available here
        • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu, Nov. 16
          • AP: Project/Feature Update from Alex Stancu on Nov 16
          • 11-16: Team data set in Nexus - publicly available to read. AI/ML team looking into model training. Energy savings data set being reviewed by NTUST. Release I will deliver the enablers and E2E demo will be available in release J.

              7. Any Other Business (AoB)

              8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template. 11-16: Ongoing
    • 12-14: 12-7 Minutes Approved
    • 12:14: AP for Joint Workshop PR Closed
    • 12-14: Release Conditionally Approved
    • 12-21: 12-14 Minutes Approved
    • 12-21: Release Conditions are satisfied within the time bound so the release is approved.
    • 01-04: 12-21 Minutes Approved 
    • Next Meeting 1/11/24.

  • No labels


  1. The "Zoom Meeting Recording" link under the "2019 05 01" Meeting minutes points to an O-RAN-SC charter PDF instead of the expected .MP4 file

    1. Ranny Haiby  I have updated the link to the correct link.  Thanks for catching!

  2. The "Zoom Meeting Recording" link under the "2019 0515" Meeting minutes points to 2019 0508 meeting recording.MP4 file.

  3. Jun Hyuk Song , I was unable to upload the May 15 recorded zoom meeting.  I opened a trouble ticket.  I'll keep you posted.

  4. user-bc668

    I suggest creating one sub page per week to record meeting minutes to prevent scroll overflow of this page.

    1. user-bc668 Yes, All archived minutes are on the side navigation.  This page is reserved for future meetings.

  5. July 3rd 7.2 recording is the same as June 26th.  Actually, Jinri explained meeting results with David & Inspur, and Xiaohua Zhang from Wind River confirmed the cooperation with Inspur on StarlingX. Jack concerned about the relationship between upstream and OSC, suggested Inspur to do work different from upstream in OSC. So it is better to revise it.

  6. gao xian , thank you for bringing the issue to my attention.  I have updated the video file.  The meeting has been archived.  2019 07 03.  Good luck!

  7. Farheen Cefalu

    A few comments on Aug. 7 meeting minute.

    1, throughout the whole minute, it should be "O-RAN" instead of "ORAN";

    2, In New business → POC and Spec investigation from EC discussion: it should be "MWC" instead of "NWC". There are 3 such occurrence. 

    3, In 5.d.3 regarding Ganesh and Alex's AP: it should be ODU instead of ODL;

  8. Farheen Cefalu

    One more comment regarding the Aug. 7 minute.

    On the last AP, the POC could be video, ppt, or live/static demo

  9. Farheen Cefalu

    The numbering of 0828's agenda looks not correct...

  10. the links of recording after the meeting 2020 08 05 are all point to a wrong file.