

See also:

2019-08-12 Operations and Maintenance (OAM) Meeting notes


  • Brief roundtable intro from participants who had not joined previous calls.
  • John: Update from NONRTRIC:
  • Martin: Update from OAM
    • Facilities set up in OSC continuing ...
    • Jump straight into discussion on slides ... see next ...
  • Martin, All: Target/Reference architecture - Integration with ONAP  - based on diagrams used in WG documents etc
    • Draft Slides
    • Focus on Slide 5 - clearest picture
    • Are we only using REST for A1? - Yes ... except maybe for A1-EI part - may use a streaming interface - no decision made yet.
      • Action: John Keeney Need a couple of sentences about why A1 uses REST on wiki
    • Should we split out constituent parts of A1? - Not yet ... perhaps wait until A1-EI is a bit clearer.
    • What is O1* interface .... ? Action Martin Skorupski - David Kinsey is the best guy to ask.
    • May need to consider non-event-bus NBIs between components in the OAM space - In practice these non-event (e.g. REST, streaming etc) interfaces will be needed, but would just overly-complicate the diagram.
    • Does CDS etc need to be included. Or APPC etc? ... Probably. Will become clearer, esp when O1* interface is a bit clearer.
  • Tracy: Reminder about call for demos for ONS and MWC  (others?).
  • Dongho: Have we plans/procedures in place for upstreaming changes back to ONAP? - Not yet. Discussion/Planning ongoing.
    • Good potential to engage with ONAP 5G usecases for ONAP Frankfurt - still time to engage with Frankfurt planning.
  • Action: Could Tommy Carpenter Chris Lott please present a short update on the A1 parts of the NearRTRIC dashboard etc next week? - Yes.

  • Call cut short at T+58mniutes due to bridge reuse.

Action items

1 Comment

  1. From Martin Skorupski: Re action item ... What is O1* interface on Slide 5 ? ....

    From WG1 OAM Architecture (draft):

    O1*: Interface between Service Management and Orchestration Framework and Infrastructure Management Framework supporting O-RAN virtual network functions.


    For virtualized network elements, the Service Management and Orchestration Framework has the capability to interact with the Infrastructure Management Framework to perform network element life cycle management, e.g. instantiate the virtualized network element on the target infrastructure through the O1* interface (e.g., indicate the selected geo-location for each VNF to be instantiated, where close to the PNFs).


    *Note: The O1* interface will be defined in more detail in future O-RAN Orchestration specifications.



    O-RAN OAM Architecture must support the interaction between the Service Management and Orchestration Framework and the Infrastructure Management Framework through O1* interface to perform virtualized resource orchestration.

    Use Case


    Also, the O1* interface for management of the Infrastructure Management Framework may have requirements that differ from the other O1 interfaces and requires further study.

    Martin's Comment:

    My current take away, is that the O1* interface will have the capability to instantiate VMs, dockers for virtualized network function (e.g. near-real-time-RIC) – and will move running VMs between data centers – for now I will interpreted is as OpenStack and Kubernetes APIs. A potential use case is visulaized in attached slide set.

    For now, I suggest to wait until the „O-RAN Orchestration specifications“ is defined.

    Follow up question::

    [MS] Is there a draft version avaialble for the definition of the „O1*“ interface. [DFK] Not yet, as soon as some people on PTO return I will be asking for who will be authoring and the timeline.