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Cherry release page for the O-RAN Software community   

Welcome to the Bronze Cherry release page for the O-RAN Software community          

This page contains all the information specific to the Bronze Cherry release and frozen code (code freeze = Jun-14, 2020) and documentation. The main trunk will continue on to support future releases.

This is the second release and is in partnership with the O-RAN Alliance. The specification and software are being worked at the same time and the software is considered pre-specification software.

The projects have limited capabilities which will increase over future releases.

See Requirements and Software Architecture under Committees and Projects for more details on current activities.

Second release capabilities include contributions under the following projects:

Table of Contents

See Requirements and Software Architecture under Committees and Projects for more details on current activities.

Second release capabilities include contributions under the following projects:

Table of Contents

Get Cherry

  • Getting Started with Cherry to set up and run O-RAN 
  • Release Date:
    • Source Code:

Get Bronze

Near-Real-time RIC X-APPs (RICAPP)

Primary Goals: Expand the community working on open source xApps for O-RAN SC. Enhance the set of open source xApps in support of the R-SAC use cases (traffic steering, health check, life cycle management) as well new use cases. Update and enhance existing xApps to take advantage of the new features in xApp SDK (implemented by the xApp frameworks in C++, go, and python).

Cherry release highlights (12-08-20):

  • Expanded set of xApps from expanded community: Cherry release includes xApps from AT&T (TS, QP-D, QP, HW, MC), Samsung (KPIMON), and HCL (AD).
  • Traffic steering use case has been extended to include data collection via E2 (using pre-spec extensions to the E2 KPM SM) by the KPIMON xApp. The KPIs used by the traffic steering use case are generated by Viavi RAN simulator.
  • ML-based xApp: The AD (Anomaly Detection) xApp from HCL uses ML-based algorithm for anomaly detection.The AD xApp is losely integrated with the TS use case in Cherry b ut a tigher integration is planned for Dawn.
  • The demo HW (HelloWorld) xApp now has a full implementation of the HW E2 SM including subscription, indication and control as well as C++ class wrappers for all the E2 messages related to HW E2 SM.

Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: 

serverORAN Jira
jqlQueryproject = RICAPP ORDER BY priority DESC, updated DESC

Status (9-8-20): Integration of KPIMON in progress, new xApps under design, QP-Driver updated to use new SDK for alarms and metrics.

Status (9-30-20): Samsung taking over integration and testing of KPIMON; Viavi simulator producing data - an update in the data content expected this week (UE throughput, UE ID); ML-model building started based on Viavi and other simulated data (QP, AD); new xApp repos requested (Signal Storm Protection, Load Prediction); bug fixes to HelloWorld, E2 AP/SM abstraction layer underway for HelloWorld.

Status(11-17-20): ML-xApps (QP,AD) code committed - dealing with merge issues. End to end testing and bug fixes underway.  E2AP/SM abstraction work for HelloWorld (C++) xApp completed. New repos created for HelloWorld in go and python (for Dawn).

Near-Real-time RAN Intelligent Controller Platform (E2 Interface) (RICPLT)

Mission: Better manageability of, for example, E2 connections, the RIC platform as well as xApps via the xApp frameworks.

Primary Goals: Support operator-initiated health-check via E2 and be able to close all current or reject all future E2 connections. More manageability of the RIC platform and xApps, including, for example, platform statistics from E2 and A1 and more capabilities in the language-specific xApp frameworks and SDL (shared data layer).

Cherry release highlights (2020-12-01): We implemented the operator-initiated E2 connection health check. There is now more alignment in the level of support of various xapp framework and SDL features in python, c++ and go. For example: SDL (shared data layer) now also supports notifications in Python. The xApp framework for C++ now supports alarms, statistics and configuration management. xApps can now use SDL notifications for changes in connection states of E2 nodes. By confirming route updates before continuing we increased robustness in management of internal routes. We now also support using existing non-E2 protocols for communication with RAN. We also adapted the scaling implementation for E2 termination to the reversal of E2AP connection initiation introduced by E2AP 01.00. The E2 manager can now reject new E2 connections requests in addition to closing all E2 connections. E2 and A1 now provide platform statistics for their connections. 

Detailed list of JIRA items that we worked on in Cherry (requires LinuxFoundation login): Remaining open items: link  (1 items). Items that are marked as done: link (23 items). Moved out from Cherry: link (24 = 13 stretch goal items and 11 "normal items").

Status 2020-12-11:

HCL: RIC-360 done.

ATT: (e-mail sent): RIC-359 (likely postponed)

Status 2020-12-08:

HCL: DONE: RIC-149 (=RIC-362), RIC-509, RIC-109.  // delayed into Dawn: RIC-150 // RIC-360: Code submitted & Merged CLOSE once gerrit review in RIUC-678 is done (see open review

ATT: (e-mail sent): RIC-359 (likely postponed)

Status 2020-11-24:

HCL: RIC-149, RIC-150, RIC-360, RIC-509. Ask if RIC-362 (duplicate of RIC-149) is already implemented by HCL.

Nokia: (1) stats related: RIC-422 posytponed to early Dawn. Related stats-items (RIC-33, RIC-126) postponed to later (likelly ZZZ_future). (2) submgr related RIC-76 and RIC-71 were postponed.

ATT: (e-mail sent): RIC-359 (likely postponed)

Status 2020-11-05: Remaining open items

RIC-56: I now moved all sub user storied for actual alarms as separate independent Epics. Can be tested with artiifical alarm or QP driver xApp alarm. The framework is ready. Marking RIC-56 as Done.

RIC-57: two subitems open (for Nune 2020-11-12 reminder sent) and one for Timo (RIC-104). Two e-mails sent. Result: RIC-104 (not yet done, move out of Cherry) Done

RIC-76:  e-mail sent as item 6 in bulk mail.

RIC-95: Completed (2020-11-12)

RIC-359: Queried status. 2020-11-12: Reminder sent

RIC-360, RIC-150. RIC-362, RIC-509: Reminder to subteam h1 sent.

RIC-363: e-mail send to Matti. 2020-11-12: reminder sent and Matti will close it with some conclusions. DONE

RIC-365 DONE. and remaining subuser stories (like RIC.429) moved to future work epic (RIC-681)

RIC-367 DONE and two subitems moved to Dawn RIC-682. xapp-framework python. e-mail sent we need to get the E2AP work done, and then we could extract one subitem as own epic and clsoe teh oevrall item.

RIC-422: e-mail send to Nune (bulk mail)

Status 2020-09-30: (a) I (PTL) am happy to see HCL doing work on Sonarqube for repos. Much more work done by HCL in context of benchmarking (simulator work), new helm and k8s version, Redis cluster suppor and testing, JIRA link for team H1  (b)  Samsung also doing key work items, e.g. for RIC-95 health check (with side affect of support for E2 SERVICE QUERY and related) - suffering from simulator support (RIC-372 already mentioned below), work started on demo (aka more elboarte hello world) xApp in go/python. (c) four items moved out of Cherry as already visible that not enough time: link . (d) 28 Cherry items = 4 moved out of Cherry + 10 done + 14 in progress or still to be started (e) Matti and Thoralf gave a presentation on RIC status in the virtual ONeS 2020 (link). Waiting for copyright/licensing results between O-RAN and O-RAN SC.

Status 2020-09-02: (a) I (PTL) am happy to see teams from Samsung and HCL joining the project with them actively working on capabilities related to the E2 simulator (actually in Alex' simulator project), more test automation (using the robotframework), benchmarking, SDL (shared data layer). (b) RIC-372 was the first commit from these new participants (c) we might be aiming for self-certification under LF's CII badge level "basic", (d) work on O1-related functions, like E2 and A1 statistics, or some alarms already done. (e) Adaptation to E2APv1.1 (likely released in November) only happening post-Cherry.

Non-Real-time RIC (A1 Interface) (NONRTRIC)

Primary Goals:
  • The primary goal of Non-RT RIC is to support intelligent RAN optimization by providing policy-based guidance, ML model management and enrichment information to the near-RT RIC function so that the RAN can optimize, e.g., RRM under certain conditions.
  • It can also perform intelligent radio resource management function in non-real-time interval (i.e., greater than 1 second).
  • Non-RT RIC can use data analytics and AI/ML training/inference to determine the RAN optimization actions for which it can leverage SMO services such as data collection and provisioning services of the O-RAN nodes.
  • Non-RT-RIC will define and coordinate rApps (Non-RT-RIC / SMO appliciations) to perform Non-RT-RIC tasks.
  • Non-RT-RIC will also host the new R1 interface (between rApps and SMO services)

Cherry Feature Scope:

  • A1 Policies:
    • A1 Policy Management Service (hosted in ONAP CCSDK)
    • A1 Policy Controller Adapter (hosted in ONAP CCSDK)
    • A1 Simulator / test stub (SIM project)
    • A1 Policy Control-Panel (PORTAL project)
    • Support A1-AP v2.0.
  • A1 Enrichment Information
    • Initial version of A1 EI Job coordination function/service
  • Deployment/Integration
    • Docker-based & OSC Kubernetes deployment & ONAP OOM Kubernetes deployment (Overlaps with SMO project)
  • rApps
    • Very simple hello-world rApp
    • TrafficSteering usecase
    • Healthcheck usecase
  • rApp support
    • Initial rApp catalogue/inventory
    • Initial approach with rApp packaging (overlaps with "common App" usecase, & SMO project)
  • Requirement gathering & initial test/integration with ML supporting functions in NONRTRIC/SMO
  • Requirement gathering & initial test/integration with data collection & coordination functions in NONRTRIC/SMO
  • Requirement gathering & initial test/integration with CMDB (if progressed in ONAP), Topology & Inventory functions in SMO

Update - 06/October/2020

  • Prototyping of the A1 enrichment Information coordination service is in progress.
  • Initial prototype of rApp registration / catalogue function, Very simple hello-world rApp.
  • Ongoing work to support O-RAN WG2 A1-P spec.
  • A1 Policy Management Service and A1 Policy Controller Adapter hosted in ONAP CCSDK are getting ready for ONAP Guilin Milestone RC0.
  • Other ongoing tasks: documentation, automated integration testing, CSIT, Run benchmark test in a cloud instance, Function Test environment refactoring, etc.

Update - 04/November/2020

  • Initial rApp catalogue is mostly ready for first tests.
  • A1 Enrichment Information job coordination function ready.
  • Ongoing work on A1 EI job control in NONRTRIC Control Panel.
  • A1-AP v2.0 (A1 Policy) is ready for implementation (Internal implementation already completed, now ready for release to the community)
  • Integration of ONAP A1 Controller functions
  • Extensions & evolution for NONRTRIC Control Panel & A1 SIM (version update, & gneral improvements)
  • A1 Policy Management Bench-marking completed ... more info to follow
  • Other ongoing tasks: documentation, automated integration testing, CSIT, Function Test environment refactoring, etc.

Update - 08/December/2020

  • A1 Enrichment Information (EI) Coordination function ready for release
  • Updated A1 EI job control in NONRTRIC Control Panel ready for release
  • Updated A1 EI simulator integrated in A1 SIM
  • Initial rApp catalog ready for release
  • A1-AP v2.0 (A1 Policy) functionality in A1 Adapter, A1 Policy Management System, NONRTRIC Control Panel, and A1 SIM
  • ONAP A1 Controller functions integrated
  • General extensions & evolution for NONRTRIC functions (version update, & gneral improvements)
  • HTTP Proxy support added for A1 Interface (Policy)
  • Other ongoing project maintenance tasks: documentation, automated integration testing, Function Test environment refactoring, etc.
  • Demo available at: 2020-12-04 - OSC NONRTRIC Cherry Demo

Jira: Count of Epics (

serverORAN Jira
jqlQueryproject=NONRTRIC AND type=EPIC
), User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: 
serverORAN Jira

Jira Charts
serverORAN Jira

Near real-time RIC X-APPs (RICAPP)

Primary Goals: This includes open source sample xAPPs and platform applications that can we used for integration, testing, and demonstrations.

Bronze Release Highlights (6-3-2020):

  • An architecture of co-operating xApps that use data collection, analysis, machine learning, and E2 interface operations to implement a UE-level control loop for traffic steering, based on A1 Policy Intents. The Bronze release includes initial versions of 3 of the 4 xApps in the traffic steering use case.
  • A demo xApp (HelloWorld - HW) that demonstrates how to write xApps in C++ including messaging, shared data layer, and handling A1 (health check) and E2 messages, including an example E2SM.

Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: 

serverORAN Jira
jqlQueryproject = RICAPP ORDER BY priority DESC, updated DESC

Status 05-12-2020:

  • HW (HelloWorld) xApp is ready except for documentation
  • MC (Measurement Campaign) xApp is ready except for documentation
  • TS (Traffic Steering) xApp is ready for integration testing
  • QP-driver (QuE Prediction Driver) xApp is ready for integration testing
  • KPIMON is waiting for legal review at Samsung
  • QP (QoE Prediction) xApp status pending (5-12-2020)
  • Full integration of the traffic steering xApps (TS,QP,QP-driver, KPIMON) likely in Maintenance release.

Status 3-31-2020:

  • Repo issues for new xApps have been resolved
  • Detailed design of message schemas for traffic steering use case completed and code commits started for use case xApps
  • Health check use case features being implemented in xApps (inc. A1 health check)
  • Demo xApp (HelloWorld) making steady progress - xApp demonstrates how to implement typical xApp functionality using C++
  • Measurement Campaign (MC) xApp making steady progress
  • Blockers: CU/DU simulator/emulator uncertainty (affects KPIMON xApp)

Near Realtime RAN Intelligent Controller Platform (E2 Interface) (RIC-PLT)

Primary Goals: Develop platform for xApp hosting with stable APIs for xApps using RIC's E2 interface, xApp management interface and other auxiliary xApp interfaces, like a database storage interface.

Bronze release highlights (2020-06-03): The E2AP protocol implementation of the near-RT RIC platform has been adapted from one based on pre-specification assumptions to the E2AP protocol as defined by the O-RAN alliance. The new near-RT RIC O1 mediator implements the first O1 interfaces based on netconf and Yang models, e.g., to check the health status of xApps. The near-RT RIC internal messaging and message routing solution has been rewritten to significantly improve throughput, latency, and to behave more robustly in failure and high-load conditions. The Redis-based shared data layer now supports HA (high-available) deployments. Various Near-RT RIC platform components use it to store their state and recover that state in failure, restart and upgrade situations. xApps can use the same shared data HA later solution for their state. xApps that use E2AP subscriptions can now use the new E2AP subscription API instead of having to directly generate ASN.1 encoded E2AP subscription messages. In addition to a Go version, the Bronze release of the near-RT RIC platform now also provides a C++ and python framework to simplify the implementation of xApps.

Original Bronze Feature Scope at start of release: Adapting RIC from pre-spec to WG3's first formal E2 protocol specification (for communication with RAN nodes, like CU/DU). Implement netconf-based O1. Enhance RIC's messaging solution (RMR) to achieve higher throughput, various health check capabilities including a capability to ping E2 nodes via E2 and to do a health check of the A1 interface, better failure handling in various components, ...

Status 2020-04-29 and 2020-04-30 and 2020-05-06 and 2020-05-12

  • Cherry-R5 plans: link and epics only link
  • Epics that are done: link (36 as of 2020-05-12), spilling over into Cherry-R5: 13 items. Using filter "movedoutofbronzeR4" you can see items fully moved from Bronze to Cherry-R5: 9 items. Items moved from Bronze to more distant future: 8
  • Still open items:
    • RIC-56 (framework for handling alarms ready, but actual first alarms under this item  not ready (RIC-202, RIC-203, RIC-204) - specific alarm work continues in Cherry-R5
    • DB related work: RIC-246 (UE NIB reader API documentation will continue in Cherry. Additionally we have RIC-371 for R5 implementation and documentation work) // RIC-105, RIC-110 moved out bronze to R5 // RIC-101 moved out of bronze to remote future // RIC-106 (HA integration DBAAS = leftover from R3) is done
    • RIC-291 is done on E2T side. E2M does not use ASN.1 anymore. Subscription manager part of RIC-291 also done. RIC-60 almost complete. Some minor work in Cherry (RIC-306) and in Bronze maintenance (RIC-306), RIC-83 was started in Bronze, but plan is to continue in Cherry-R5 (with US RIC-208). For RIC-124 we had some O1 work, but the E2M side work for RIC-124 is not yet done (so we continue in Cherry)
    • RIC-95: A still working on this cannot be tested due to lack of simulator. Likely to be ready only in beginning of Cherry. I now mark this as spilling into Cherry-R5.
    • O1-related: RIC-59 moved to future (post Cherry-R5 as no netconf models yet,  work not started yet), RIC-139 (not yet implemented. Nune checked that E2T and E2M are only components that do not have health check yet. Added US for them under this item. Full item moved to Cherry)
    • RIC-173, RIC-174 (E2 specification preparation work for Future work): specifications still being worked on, but blocked by 3GPP license issues. We add these items back into actual planned work, once the 3GPP issues are resolved
    • RIC-136 (moved to Cherry-R5 as no permission from O-RAN yet)
    • RIC-internal E2E work : RIC-57 (documentation) will continue in Cherry-R5 and RIC-149 (test cases) we will mark as done at the end of Bronze.
    • RIC-217 only documentation left (target: late commit/work in Bronze-R4)
    • RIC-80 actually done, but commit problems. Plan is to merge this still into Bronze-R4, but for now I mark it to Cherry-R5 so we don't forget it. We mark RIC-80 as done once we can commit it. We have created RIC-375 that includes removal of the old ASN.1 based interface support and which might include minor cleanup work in this context.
    • RIC-84 implementation ready, but came to late for Bronze-R4. We merge in the beginning of Cherry-R5. Marked as to be completed in Cherry-R5.
    • Moved out from Bronze-R4: RIC-177, RIC-139, RIC-136, RIC-123, RIC-107, RIC-118 and RIC-119 as well as user story: RIC-104, RIC-203. Use this filter for label "movedoutofbronzeR4"
    • RIC-120 Antti working on this in his spare time. We continue the work in Cherry-R5
  • Healthcheck use case supporting items that are done: A1 healthcheck (RIC-46), xApp health state as O1 (RIC-14). Partially done, but not yet easy to show-case: RIC-124 (E2M not yet publishing SDL notifications), RIC-56 (alarm path available, but no actual alarms) Not done, but either coming late or in early Cherry-R5: RIC-95 (REST interface for checking the E2 connection states (lack of simulator)). RIC-139 (platform health via O1) 

Status 2020-03-31

    • Jira: 63 epics: link (requires free LinuxFoundation account). Items that we worked on already before the first formal development are marked as Bronze-R3 in JIRA "fix release" (11 = 2 (in progress) + 9 (done) // 2 moved to R4) and the ones to be worked on during the five three-week sprints in Bronze-R4 Feb-3 to May-17 (52 = 6 (in progress) + 8 (done or done, but pending review by PO) + 38 (not yet started)). For useful near-RT RIC JIRA links check §8 in Jira usage conventions.
    • 2 new epics:  one related RIC-291 to (replacing RIC-136 due to legal issue around copying ASN.1 also mentioned in last status update) and RIC-246
    • Question to TOC: progress on ASN.1 legal issues.
    • Demos of sprint D3 planned for Thursday, Apr-2, 9am ET (see calendar)
    • Deployment time decision between DBAAS SA (standalone) and DBAAS HA (high available) is transparent to RIC components as expectation is that DBAAS "client configmap" is included in RIC component help charts.
    • Switch to new E2AP still pending integration (estimate Apr-3). Multiple components are ready for it.

Status 2020-03-04

  • Jira: 61 epics: link (requires free LinuxFoundation account). Items that we worked on already before the first formal development are marked as Bronze-R3 in JIRA "fix release" (13 = 1 (in progress) + 8 (done)) and the ones to be worked on during the five three-week sprints in Bronze-R4 Feb-3 to May-17 (48 = 7 (in progress) + 1 (done) + 40 (not yet started)). For useful near-RT RIC JIRA links check §8 in Jira usage conventions.
  • Legal aspects related to automatically using WG3 ASN.1 of E2APv1.0 still open. Thoralf to send information to Jinri by Friday this week.
  • Samsung's Arun started working RIC-203 and RIC-95
  • Demos of sprint D2 (Feb-23 - Mar-12) planned for Thursday, Mar-12, 9am ET (note special summer time adjustments in this week in other locations). Thoralf will add event to calendar. After this demo every three weeks some date & time.

Non-Real-time RIC (A1 Interface) (NONRTRIC)

Primary Goals:

The primary goal of Non-RT RIC is to support intelligent RAN optimization by providing policy-based guidance, ML model management and enrichment information to the near-RT RIC function so that the RAN can optimize, e.g., RRM under certain conditions.
It can also perform intelligent radio resource management function in non-real-time interval (i.e., greater than 1 second).
Non-RT RIC can use data analytics and AI/ML training/inference to determine the RAN optimization actions for which it can leverage SMO services such as data collection and provisioning services of the O-RAN nodes.

Bronze Feature Scope:
Initial design and start implementation of NONRTRIC Platform.
Continue evolution of A1 interface.
Continue evolution of A1 Policy Management functions.
Modeling and implementation of the Non-RealTime RIC aspects of the "Health Check" and "Traffic Steering" use cases

Jira: Count of Epics (

serverORAN Jira
jqlQueryproject=NONRTRIC AND type=EPIC
), User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: 
serverORAN Jira

Jira Charts
serverORAN Jira

OAM (O1 Interface)

Primary Goals: Implementation of O-RAN Alliance OAM Architecture and Interface Specifications.Bronze Feature Scope: Modeling and implementation of the Health Check use case and Deployment of an SMO.


O-RAN Central Unit (OCU)

Primary Goals: 

The O-CU project provides 5G SA reference implementation according to the O-RAN WG8 documents. In addition we provide the implementation of RRC SDAP PDCP and F1AP module and API between them.

Basic CU functions defined in O-RAN WG8

Support E2E use case defined in O-RAN

Bronze Feature Scope: 


  • support Interface Management procedures
  • support UE Context Management procedures
  • support RRC Message Transfer procedures
  • support System Information Procedures


  • support transfer of user plane data;
  • support mapping between a QoS flow and a DRB for both DL and UL;
  • support marking QoS flow ID in both DL and UL packets;
  • support reflective QoS flow to DRB mapping for the UL SDAP data PDUs.


  • support transfer of data (user plane or control plane);
  • support maintenance of PDCP SNs;
  • support header compression and decompression using the ROHC protocol;
  • support ciphering and deciphering;
  • support integrity protection and integrity verification;
  • support timer based SDU discard;
  • support reordering and in-order delivery;
  • support out-of-order delivery;


  • support Broadcast of system information;
  • support RRC connection control;


  • support PDU Session Management Procedures
  • support UE Context Management Procedures
  • support Transport of NAS Messages Procedures
  • support Interface Management Procedures


  • support Interface Management procedures
  • support Bearer Context Management procedures
PTL: user-a934b

Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues:

JiraserverORAN Jira

OAM (O1 Interface)

Primary Goals:

  • update OAM projects for latest O-RAN Specifications
    • O-RAN Operations and Maintenance Architecture Version 3.0 - April 2020
    • O-RAN Operations and Maintenance Interface Version 3.0 - April 2020

    • O-RAN Use Cases Detailed Specification 2.0 - April 2020

    • O-RAN Management Plane Specification Version 3.0 and YANG Models Version 3.0 - April 2020

    • Draft O1 yang models implemented and tested against the SIM implementation - not published in LNF repos

  • support of the application LCM use case
    • Discussion about the details together with the SMO project
  • handover SMO artifacts to new SMO project

Cherry Feature Scope: 

  • Switch to Java11
  • Switch to OpenDaylight version Sodium (O1 termination NetConf)
  • https only support for  VES-Collector (O1 termination VES)
  • full IPv6 support

Please see OAM Cherry page for further details


Jira: Count of Epics (

serverORAN Jira
jqlQueryproject=OAM AND type=EPIC
), User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: 
serverORAN Jira



Jira Charts




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serverId5ec52304-b77c-3ce7-af6a-112cb13e6008keyOCU-2 SDAP


JiraserverORAN Jira


Demo of OAM use cases


O-RAN Central Unit (OCU)

Primary Goals: 
  • Source code includes RRC, Ng, E1, F1. Platform and OM are provided in  dependent libraries.
  • O-CU-CP is integrated with O-CU-UP, O-CU functions should be complete.

Cherry Feature Scope: 


  • support Broadcast of system information;
  • support RRC connection control;


  • support PDU Session Management Procedures
  • support UE Context Management Procedures
  • support Transport of NAS Messages Procedures
  • support Interface Management Procedures


  • support Interface Management procedures
  • support Bearer Context Management procedures


  • support Interface Management procedures
  • support UE Context Management procedures
  • support RRC Message Transfer procedures
  • support System Information Procedures

PTL: user-a934b

Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues:

serverORAN Jira

serverORAN Jira

serverORAN Jira
 E1  F1

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O-DU High

Primary Goals: 

  • Develop L2 layers to achieve UE attach with UL and DL data on FDD, mu=0, BW=20 MHz
  • Interface with O-CU on F1AP
  • Interface with near RT RIC on E2AP
  • Interface with O-DU Low using FAPI
  • Interface with OAM on O1

Cherry Feature Scope: 

  • Implement UE attach procedure with basic scheduling on FDD, mu=0, BW=20 MHz
  • Implement single UE DL and UL data path and bench-marking
  • Add support for 64QAM modulation scheme in DL and 16QAM in UL
  • Add support for all short PRACH formats
  • Integrate O-DU High with O-DU Low
  • Integrate with Viavi sim/O-CU
  • Explore O1 interface
  • Establish Netconf session for O1 interface for CM
  • Support Health Check use-case

O-DU High

Primary Goals:  Develop Amber release code to enhance O-DU layers source code

Bronze Feature Scope: 

  • O-DU High layers (MAC, RLC and app):
    • Re-align seed code to 3GPP Release 15.3.0
    • Align seed code to WG8 AAD specification and interfaces
    • Implementation of cell broadcast procedure and UE attach procedure (SA mode)
      for FDD mode and FR1 (Numerology = 0, Bandwidth = 20 MHz) and basic scheduler APIs for single UE and single HARQ transmission
  • F1-U interface development
  • F1-C interface enhancement: 
    • Support for following additional F1AP messages:
      • Initial UL RRC Message Transfer
      • UL/DL RRC Message Transfer
      • UE Context Setup Request/Response
    • Enhance F1AP messages:
      • F1AP Setup Request/Response
      • GNB DU Config Update
  • Basic FAPI messages Implementation

Out of Scope:

  • Use cases – Traffic Steering, Health Check related messages and call flows
  • TDD functionality, NSA
  • End to end testing


  • FAPI Implementation – Dependency on O-DU Low to open source WLS files, interface files
  • Testing: Currently only some unit testing can be done due to lack test infrastructure i.e UE or UE simulator, O-RU, O-CU and core components.

Jira: EPICS are mentioned below:

  • - Done
    • As an O-DU L2 developer, I want to create F1AP module based on F1 interface APIs and develop them as per the architecture defined
  • - Done
    • As an O-DU L2 developer, I want to implement FAPI interface towards O-DU low
  • - Done
    • As an O-DU L2 developer, I want to implement cell broadcast procedure at MAC Layer
  • - WIP
    • As an O-DU L2 developer, I want to implement UE attach procedure with basic scheduling
  • - Done
    • As an O-DU L2 developer, I want to implement E2 interface
  • Updated: 16 December 2020

    Documentation and release related activities for Cherry release have been completed.

    Jira: EPICS Status below:

    • 10 - Done
      • As an O-DU L2 developer, I want to
    develop RLC layer interfaces

    O-DU Low

    Bronze Release highlights(Jun.8):

    The Bronze Release includes:

    • ORAN WG8 Software Specification compliant DU Low implementation including O-RAN FrontHaul compliant Radio<-> L1 interface, FAPI compliant L1<->L2 interfaces, and a shared memory and buffer management library for efficient L1<->L2 communication
    • Ability to link in a high-performance L1 stack application with advanced 5GNR features including 3GPP TS 38.211, 212, 213, 214 and 215, running on Intel Xeon processor based O-DU hardware, and packaged with a comprehensive functional and performance evaluation framework.

    Primary Goals: The O-RAN-SC-ODU LOW project provides reference implementation of ODU-LOW according to the O-RAN AAD specification (WG8) documents. The reference design will follow the open interface toward ODU HIGH, RRU and Accelerator, provide physical layer signal processing functionality according to ORAN specification and 3GPP .

    Bronze Feature Scope: enhance O-RAN FH interface lib, develop FAPI API, deliver O-DU Low full functionality binary PTL: @Zhimin YuanJira: 3 Epics, 4 Stories, Tasks, and Issues:



    Jira Epic Linkstatus

    Develop L1/L2 FAPI Interface API

    1.Develop the L1/L2 FAPI API files

    2.Develop the interface parse software for O-DU low software

    serverORAN Jira


    Develop O-DU Low binary

    1.Upstream the O-DU low binary file with typical test cases

    2.Provide loader for OSC to download  and test

    serverORAN Jira


    Enhance O-RAN Front Haul Library

    1.Develop new features, include support category B, Support block floating point compression and decompression

    2.Develop the CI/CD infrastructure according to O-RAN requirement

    serverORAN Jira


    O-DU interface with accelerator

    Depend on the specification definition(TBD)

    track in DPDK


    • L1 binary license agreement – affact the L1 binary release
    • ICC usage agreement – it'll affact FAPI lib, O-RAN FH lib compilation and execution. it'll affact L1 binary execution

    Status update:


    • Custom Yang files will be used for Dev activity.
    • FAPI files being used provided by INTEL, which is not completely in-line with the latest released version from SCF.

    O-DU Low

    Primary Goals:  

    • Integrate with O-DU High with FAPI interface with cherry release aligned IOT profile
    • Integrate with O-DU emulator from Viavi with cherry release aligned IOT profile
    • Support E2E integration with O-CU, O-DU High, O-RU emulator and UE for UE attachment

    Cherry Release Feature Scope: 

    • O-DU Low and O-DU High integration according to RSAC and INT project alignment features and scope
    • O-DU Low and O-RU/RRU emulator integration  according to RSAC and INT project alignment features and scope
    • E2E integration  according to RSAC and INT project alignment features and scope
    • O-DU Low integrated with thirty party commercial SW to verify the UE attachment and traffic, update the O-DU Low version accordingly
    PTL: @Zhimin Yuan
    • Status

      • O-DU Low integrated with thirty party commercial SW to verify the UE attachment and traffic, update the O-DU Low version accordingly – Done

      serverORAN Jira

    • successfully do the UE attachment and traffic

      serverORAN Jira

    • O-DU Low and O-DU High integration – in progress

        • OSC Lab environment is installing OSC INF, O-DU Low can build/run in OSC INF
        • O-DU Low and O-DU High P5 massage integration using O-CU stub and O-DU low time mode – done
        • O-DU Low and O-DU High further P7 integration  - not start

      serverORAN Jira

    • O-DU Low and O-RU/RRU emulator integration - in progress

      • according to RSAC and INT project alignment features and scope  – Done
      • integration the S-plane, O-DU low and O-RU emulator get synchronized – in progress
      • C-plane test, O-RU emulator can parse the C-plane message correctly – not start
      • U-plane test, pass SSB, PDSCH, PUSCH, PRACH channel data exchange – not start

      serverORAN Jira

    • E2E integration  – not start

      • support E2E integration with O-DU High, O-CU, O-RU emulator and UE
      • align with RSAC and INT project alignment features and scope

    Simulators (SIM)

    Primary Goals:

    • Support rapid prototyping by providing simulated interfaces

    Cherry Feature Scope:

    • O1 Simulator enhancements
      • Upgrade NETCONF Server framework
    • E2 Simulator enhancements
      • Implement more message types
      • Assess if E2 Simulator can be used for benchmarking
    • Maintain alignment with latest YANG models

    Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: 

    serverORAN Jira
    jqlQueryproject = SIM AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY priority DESC, updated DESC

    Jira Charts
    serverORAN Jira

    Status (07 Oct. 2020): 

    • E2 Simulator - support for new E2 Messages - done
    • E2 Simulator - benchmarking of RIC - in progress
    • O1 Simulator - upgrade of NETCONF Server - in progress
    • OTF integration - TBD

    Infrastructure (INF)

    Primary Goals: 

    • 2 servers. 2 AIO servers with HA (high availability), the controller functionality and storage functionality will be deployed at the 2 servers with standby-active mode managed by "service management". If one server or one service in one server has error, it will be switched from active to standby one to maintain the service availability.
    • 2 AIO servers with additional worker node.

    Cherry Feature Scope:  TODO

    Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues:

    Jira Charts
    serverORAN Jira

    Jira Charts
    serverORAN Jira

    •  The INF project status update at INF project status in release Cherry for 26-Aug-2020.
    •  The INF project status update at 24-Sept-2020
      • The first major goal of "enable the duplex deployment with HA features" has been done. No block issue in JIRA although there are some issues left.
    • Status update 28-Oct-2020
      • The AIO deployment scenario has been supported. Althought there are some issues/bugs, but it won't affect the functionalities at all.
      • For the AIO with additional worker nodes, the codes had been checked into the repo, the verification and test is still ongoing. (it will be delayed to Dawn release).
      • Continue to support the integration test.
      • Continue to prepare the document of Cherry release.
    • Status update 11-Nov-2020
      • Already add the packages which were missing during the ODU-High/Low integration.
      • Some other issues will be addressed before 14-Nov-2020
      • In general, ready to cut-off by 14-Nov-2020
    • Status update 09-Dec-2020
      • Final image has been generated.
      • Finish the integrate test with O-DU Low/High
      • Document has been updated into repo for release note and others.

    Integration and Test (INT)

    Primary Goals: To support OSC project CI pipeline. To test and validate the components and use cases

    Cherry Feature Scope: 

    • Automated CLM and SonarQube Scanning CI Jobs
    • Improve CI for OSC projects
    • Validate and and Test platform and use cases 

    PTL:  Zhe Huang

    Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues:

    serverORAN Jira
    jqlQueryproject = "INT" AND resolution = Unresolved AND fixVersion in ("Bronze", "Bronze-R3", "Bronze-R4") ORDER BY priority DESC, updated DESC
    Jira Charts
    serverORAN Jira

    Status (28 Oct. 2020): 

    • CLM scanning jobs:
      • done: A1 and python xApp-framework
      • Pending: Rest of the projects
    • SonarQube scanning jobs:
      • 21 projects passed
      • 7 project failed
    • OSC Lab internal CI pipeline:
      • Initiate works with O-DU-low CI 
    • OSC Lab Testing and Validation
      • SMO Yang model tests completed.
      • VM created for TS use case validation.

    Documentation (DOC)

    Primary Goals: TODO
    Bronze Feature Scope: TODO

    Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues:

    Simulators (SIM)

    Primary Goals: Providing software simulators which are needed by the other projects.Bronze Feature Scope: Support both the Health Check and the Traffic Steering use cases.

    Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: 

    serverORAN Jira
    jqlQueryproject = SIM AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY priority DESC, updated DESC

    Jira Charts
    serverORAN Jira

    Blockers: need resources for E2 Simulator enhancements for supporting Traffic Steering use case

    Infrastructure (INF)

    Primary Goals: Provide an open source refence implementation of O-Cloud complying with WG6 specifications. Use it as the edge cloud to be able to run vO-DU and vO-CU services on it. 

    Bronze Feature Scope:  Based on release Amber, support the ARM based system. Align with requirement of the O-Cloud, add more services such as fault management , configuraiton management , software management , host management and service management. Improve the automation by adopting the ansible, and integrate with INT project.

    Bronze Releae Highlights:

    • Implement the container based O-Cloud reference design, and with real time features which is critical for the performance sensitive application such as DU.
    • Integrate the telco grade features include fault management, software management, service management, host management and configuration management which leverage from StarlingX.
    • Support the ARM based real time Kubernetes cluster.

    Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues:

    serverORAN Jira
    jqlQueryproject = "INF" AND resolution = Unresolved AND fixVersion in ("Bronze") ORDER BY priority DESC, updated DESC

    Integration and Test (INT)

    Primary Goals:  CICD, integration and deployment of O-RAN SC developed software, software testing.Bronze Feature Scope:  1. CICD to support software static analysis and quality reporting, and integrated testing for Near RT RIC; 2. "One-click" deployment of Non RT RIC, OAM, and Near RT RIC, and simulators for supporting the Bronze use cases; 3. Deployment and integration of other components; 4. Integrated testing and use case flow testing.

    PTL:  user-d3360

    Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues:

    Service Management and Orchestration  (SMO)

    Primary Goals: The primary goal of the SMO project is to integrate different software artifacts of existing open-source projects creating a fully functional open-source Service Management and Orchestration (SMO). 
    Cherry Feature Scope: SMO entered the Cherry release in the middle of third sprint of code development. As such its scope is fairly modest. They are validation of application packages, assuming that we can agree on the format of the package, on boarding of applications and storing them in a package catalog which also has to be agreed upon, and as a stretch goal, setting up an environment where YANG modules that will be used by O-RAN, whether they are from 3GPP, and O-RAN itself can be used by vendors developing RIC, CU, DU and the RU to test a MVP configuration.

    Status:  A proposal was made on application package format, and there was some agreement on it following the ETSI SOL 004 specification. The contributions into the SMO project currently validate that part of the agreement, and allow for Network Function, xApp and rApp vendors to validate their package using the tools developed in SMO.

    David Kinseyis driving package catalog requirements, which is LCM Step 3. But it was determined that package catalog can be implementation specific, and therefore SMO cannot validate any particular catalog. As such LCM Step 3 will be skipped.

    The second part of SMO was the setup of a framework for testing of YANG models that are going to be used by SMO and the Network Functions that constitute the O-RAN solution. Thanks Martin Skorupski, Zhe Huang , and Alex in setting up that framework in the OSC lab. 

    For a detailed workflow and end-to-end test manual of the two parts, refer to Cherry Release Test Plans for SMO.

    Jira: Count of Epics (

    serverORAN Jira
    jqlQueryproject=SMO AND type=EPIC
    ), User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: 

    serverORAN Jira

    "INT" AND resolution = Unresolved AND fixVersion in ("Bronze", "Bronze-R3", "Bronze-R4") ORDER BY priority DESC, updated DESC


    Jira Charts
    serverORAN Jira



    Documentation (DOC)

    Primary Goals: Bronze release documentation for OSC and developers
    Bronze Feature Scope: 

    Improve current documentation skeleton and content, make documentation more understandable for readers.

    Focusing on integration documentation, the new feature of Bronze release.

    Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: